Zimmerman Verdict

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The Man

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Every state has laws that would have allowed for an innocent verdict based on the available evidence. The defense never used Stand Your Ground as a defense.

I expect the laws in NZ are similar as well....if not that may explain the reason for low population...who would want to live in a country that you are not allowed to defend yourself while getting your head smashed into the sidewalk?
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The Man

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zimmermans lawyer O'mara said if zimmerman were black he probably would not have been charged

i dont understand that

Its true... he wasnt originally charged as the evidence showed self defense.
He was only charged later from pressure from the black community.....then found innocent.

The Man

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If indeed it was George. Both sides testified that they could identify the voice, but neither could prove it. Zimmerman got into a scuffle, received superficial injuries, and shot an unarmed kid dead. He's either a murderer, or a cowardly bully who can start a fight but not finish it like a man.
If indeed it was George. Both sides testified that they could identify the voice, but neither could prove it.
Sate witnesses who were witnesses to the fight testified.
Besides logic will tell you the guy on bottom getting his head smashed is the one screaming for help.
Zimmerman got into a scuffle, received superficial injuries,
Translated...attacked,broken nose and head slams upon the sidewalk.
and shot an unarmed kid dead.
Incorrect as the sidewalk become a weapon.
He's either a murderer, or a cowardly bully who can start a fight but not finish it like a man
Been shown to not be a murderer.
Nor was there any hits made to martin....nor anything to show he started it.
According to martins GF Zimmerman asked "what are you doing here" which is not confrontational or threatening.
But Zimmerman did finish it....you did get that part right.
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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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zimmermans lawyer O'mara said if zimmerman were black he probably would not have been charged

i dont understand that

The ONLY reason this went to trial was due to the usual suspects doing their race baiting. The police and prosecutor determined there was not enough evidence to go to trial. Only after the race baiters got involved did this get stirred up and the State and Feds go involved.

The case was so weak they did not even want to risk going to a grand jury.

For those in denial show me one case where Sharton, Jackson etc. had demonstrations over black on black crimes. I can't think of one.

The Man

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The ONLY reason this went to trial was due to the usual suspects doing their race baiting. The police and prosecutor determined there was not enough evidence to go to trial. Only after the race baiters got involved did this get stirred up and the State and Feds go involved.

The case was so weak they did not even want to risk going to a grand jury.

For those in denial show me one case where Sharton, Jackson etc. had demonstrations over black on black crimes. I can't think of one.
Trial made them look like fools as the state witnesses supported everything zimmerman said...from what was said to forensics on the gunshot itself

Kakapo Dundee

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I expect the laws in NZ are similar as well....if not that may explain the reason for low population...who would want to live in a country that you are not allowed to defend yourself while getting your head smashed into the sidewalk?

Again...there's no evidence to confirm Zimmerman's claim. He shot the only witness. If Zimmerman truly feared for his life after starting a fight where he had advantage in weight, reach and weaponry, he's a sissy. I suspect that he simply claimed it in court because it's a 'golden ticket' defence that almost guarantees that any murderer can walk through the loopholes in a badly drafted piece of legislation.

As to the other claim in your post.... this country jails idiots like Zimmerman.....but not for long enough.


The Man

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Again...there's no evidence to confirm Zimmerman's claim. He shot the only witness. If Zimmerman truly feared for his life after starting a fight where he had advantage in weight, reach and weaponry, he's a sissy. I suspect that he simply claimed it in court because it's a 'golden ticket' defence that almost guarantees that any murderer can walk through the loopholes in a badly drafted piece of legislation.

As to the other claim in your post.... this country jails idiots like Zimmerman.....but not for long enough.


Lets toss out Zimmermans testimony then for appeasement.
The evidence supported his story...from witnesses to forensics.
And if martin had lived it would only be fair to disregard his testimony with your logic as he would be a biased witness as well.
Just accept the facts......It was self defense.
And again its not loopholes.
If you get attacked you have the right to defend yourself...You claim its not this way in NZ.
No wonder crime is off the hook there....and people moan like liberal pussies.
"Well he came up to rob me....I had to let him because of the law here in NZ"...kind of sad as he weighed 60 pounds"
"Here in NZ we arent allowed to defend ouselves...like they can in the great country of the United States."
"Then what happened?"...."well I had to let him violate my backside...you know..as we are not allowed to defend ourselves...we are required to act like pussies when a crime is committed against us here in NZ"
"How does that make you feel?"
"Like moving to America..I mean why should I have to say let someone bash my head into the sidewalk and not be able to do anything about it?"

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Dundee did you watch any of the trial? I am guessing not because there is nothing indicating Zimmerman started the fight. In fact the opposite is true as everything points to Martin starting the fight. All clues lead to Martin sucker punching Zimmerman in the nose. Anybody who has had a broken nose how painful that can be.

What did Martin do for 4 minutes while he should have been going home? Why was he acting suspicious and dawdling when walking home in the rain? I would love to know if any of the jewelry in the pictures were items stolen recently in the neighborhood. I doubt the prosecutor had the desire to find out when they showed up in the prosecutions delving thru Martins phone.

Lots more to this story than an innocent boy gets killed by a gunman. Which I suspect will come out during the civil trial.

The Man

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Dundee did you watch any of the trial? I am guessing not because there is nothing indicating Zimmerman started the fight. In fact the opposite is true as everything points to Martin starting the fight. All clues lead to Martin sucker punching Zimmerman in the nose. Anybody who has had a broken nose how painful that can be.

What did Martin do for 4 minutes while he should have been going home? Why was he acting suspicious and dawdling when walking home in the rain? I would love to know if any of the jewelry in the pictures were items stolen recently in the neighborhood. I doubt the prosecutor had the desire to find out when they showed up in the prosecutions delving thru Martins phone.

Lots more to this story than an innocent boy gets killed by a gunman. Which I suspect will come out during the civil trial.
I think his news is worse there than here..He recently posted it as an execution...thus is still going from the "first news" release to the public.

The Man

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IMO he should file first...based upon the martins/ who hired crump ..crump then made a makeshift deposition and hid a witness by claiming she was a juvenile...crump later then instructed her to change her testimony.
Any pushing that the martins did to prosecute when it was already determined that there was no case.
The mayor needs to get dragged into this as well as he wrongly released police evidence to the public...which was then edited to make george look like a racist.
I think he already sued a news agency for the edited tapes....he should IMO also go after the martins, mayor and crump.
Perhaps even be a "co" plaintiff with "Dee Dee" who was pressured into false testimony for the martins.

So yes..he should file...perhaps at least get the money that the martins made from the Home association.
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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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George is going to be walking really funny by the time the civil trial is over. He got out of jail, I doubt he'll save his bank account.

maybe not

perhaps it was Zimmerman who was profiled as a gay creepy ass cracker rapist who will prevail. I am not so sure that the truth is only known by Zimmerman. The so called girl friend has been exposed as a liar and I think she knows more about what happened.

The Man

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maybe not

perhaps it was Zimmerman who was profiled as a gay creepy ass cracker rapist who will prevail. I am not so sure that the truth is only known by Zimmerman. The so called girl friend has been exposed as a liar and I think she knows more about what happened.

Indeed...enough that she was hid from the state in the beginning ...who{state} then didnt want the defense to be able to talk to her.
Claiming she was a juvenile to keep her location private..

Who then claimed she didnt want any part of it...what kind of gf wouldnt want to aid in the prosecution of a murdered boyfriend?
Nor attend his funeral?...Hide from the parents of the boyfriend in the beginning?

Kind of odd that two people {Martin and the GF} who spent hours upon hours talking to each other regularly...only immediately tried to call back after the fight...then she went off the radar.
She wouldn't answer her phone for the martins while they were still trying to locate him.

The Man

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Again...there's no evidence to confirm Zimmerman's claim. He shot the only witness. If Zimmerman truly feared for his life after starting a fight where he had advantage in weight, reach and weaponry, he's a sissy. I suspect that he simply claimed it in court because it's a 'golden ticket' defence that almost guarantees that any murderer can walk through the loopholes in a badly drafted piece of legislation.

As to the other claim in your post.... this country jails idiots like Zimmerman.....but not for long enough.


I didnt read your link prior..just now took the time,and as suspected it is no comparison to the case...But
It does have you inadvertently supporting the US criminal system without even knowing.
You complain that the man that killed the tagger did not receive enough prison time in NZ.{expected to serve about 2 years on that 4 year sentence}
Tagging private property...a vandalism or the sort by painting etc does not place ones life in danger.
Thus finding and stabbing the guy to death is murder in the united states..depending on locale , prior record etc..A man will get about 20 years here {or more} for such a crime of chasing down and murdering someone who turned over the flower pots or what have you.

I think part of the reason the courts went easy on him as he had been getting "tagged" repeatably{according to your link} and finally tired of it.
While not able to speak for the man sentenced....if my house had been constantly getting spray painted and the sort....I would get pretty pissed myself.
Would I murder? No.
One thing for sure all this could have been avoided had they simply left the old man alone...or the police do their job.
Sad someone got killed...but you can be assured that New Zealand's attitude towards crime itself{of we just dont care} is the root cause.
Entire towns defaced while the police do nothing about the problem.The solution present legislation that you must be 18 to buy a can of paint :clap...if that isnt bad enough you can murder a guy 300 metes from your house that "tagged" it and serve about 2 years....Incredible.
Lets face it 300 meters is a long ways....He got tagged and went looking for taggers..he may have not even stabbed the right one:(
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The Man

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When did the law in Florida change? Did I miss something? Do blacks have a curfew? Treyvon Martin committed no crime. For an alleged libertarian, you're pretty determined to trample his rights.

He did not state he had to be home by law..nor did he say blacks had a curfew.

His point is rather simple..If Martin was scared as the state said..then why didnt he go home...remember he took off running upon seeing the watchman...Martin then attacked Zimmerman not to far from his Suv while he was heading back to his vehicle.

Additionally if you followed the trial at all/ Martin{according to the gf} was just outside the door at one point of where he was staying after he ran.
The attack took place well over 100 yards away at the end of the T which means Martin traveled back over 100 yards from his residence to where Zimmerman was a short distance from his suv.
The T is a viewpoint to watch traffic come in and the best place for Zimmerman to wait to catch the police....Perhaps he should have got in the SUV and locked the doors...it could have prevented the attack.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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When did the law in Florida change? Did I miss something? Do blacks have a curfew? Treyvon Martin committed no crime. For an alleged libertarian, you're pretty determined to trample his rights.

took you all this time to come back and troll eh?

you don't even have a clue what I was referring to with regard to the 4 minutes do you?

oh wait i forgot this was a lynching by Zimmerman. He must have also broke his own nose to make it look good.

Like I said you never even followed the trial. You did not need to. You already were jury, judge and executioner long before a trial.

For you and your ilk it was first we need an arrest. Then you need a trial. You got both. But it never was going to be enough. It only was enough if there was a conviction.

Kakapo Dundee

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Got anything to add to the discussion?

If you'd rather fling shit at me than answer the points raised, it's clear that they've hit home.


There was never any evidence that he ever had intent to commit a crime.

Zimmerman ignored police instructions, provoked a fight, and shot an unarmed man.

What part of how wrong that is do you not understand?

The Man

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Where the fuck were we?
Yes Tim was claiming Zimmerman wife was telling the truth when saying George pulled a gun on her and broke her fathers nose.
However George didnt have a gun and the father didnt have a mark on him...both recanted their story when faced with that fact by the police.
Explain Tim...why you like to persecute innocent people.

The Man

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Kinda convenient for you the site went down after you made some of the most idiotic posts in forum history.