Again...there's no evidence to confirm Zimmerman's claim. He shot the only witness. If Zimmerman truly feared for his life after starting a fight where he had advantage in weight, reach and weaponry, he's a sissy. I suspect that he simply claimed it in court because it's a 'golden ticket' defence that almost guarantees that any murderer can walk through the loopholes in a badly drafted piece of legislation.
As to the other claim in your post.... this country jails idiots like Zimmerman.....but not for long enough.
I didnt read your link prior..just now took the time,and as suspected it is no comparison to the case...But
It does have you inadvertently supporting the US criminal system without even knowing.
You complain that the man that killed the tagger did not receive enough prison time in NZ.{expected to serve about 2 years on that 4 year sentence}
Tagging private property...a vandalism or the sort by painting etc does not place ones life in danger.
Thus finding and stabbing the guy to death is murder in the united states..depending on locale , prior record etc..A man will get about 20 years here {or more} for such a crime of chasing down and murdering someone who turned over the flower pots or what have you.
I think part of the reason the courts went easy on him as he had been getting "tagged" repeatably{according to your link} and finally tired of it.
While not able to speak for the man sentenced....if my house had been constantly getting spray painted and the sort....I would get pretty pissed myself.
Would I murder? No.
One thing for sure all this could have been avoided had they simply left the old man alone...or the police do their job.
Sad someone got killed...but you can be assured that New Zealand's attitude towards crime itself{of we just dont care} is the root cause.
Entire towns defaced while the police do nothing about the problem.The solution present legislation that you must be 18 to buy a can of paint :clap...if that isnt bad enough you can murder a guy 300 metes from your house that "tagged" it and serve about 2 years....Incredible.
Lets face it 300 meters is a long ways....He got tagged and went looking for taggers..he may have not even stabbed the right one