Zimmerman Verdict

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The Man

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Not guilty. The media is waiting to see what happens next. Lots of conjecture.

As usual I am a little behind lol...I couldnt get anything from a major news site on the net so flipped on the TV and there it was.
20 20 is baiting for protests rather than tell what actually happened...and why the verdict.

The Man

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It is a shame that the same cant be said for Mr Zimmerman. :(

He is not safe anywhere.......................................unless the media tells the truth.
While it may be disrespectful to the dead as they claim...is it really?
IMO its not...the truth can be told without name calling or attack of character of the deceased.
In a nutshell.
Martin looked suspicious looking at apts in the rain.
Martin saw Zimmerman using the phone and ran....{which made him definitely look suspicious now.}
Which is very understandable...if you are a watchman and see a guy take off running when he sees you on the phone...it is pretty odd.
Zimmerman went to see where he ran to...and lost site of him.
Martin came back while zimmerman was walking back to his SUV.
The GF of martin said Zimmerman asked "what are you doing here?"{which is non threatening}
Martin attacked the "creepy ass cracker" and began smashing his head into the sidewalk.
Zimmerman shot him.
Passed two lie detector tests....and went through several hours of questioning.
The next day went with police to show what happened and went through more questioning.
Witnesses were questioned by the police confirmed his account.
911 tapes were edited to make zimmerman look like a racist {by a major news outlet}
Media was edited and released to hide the injuries to Zimmerman.
The state protected and hid a minor witness who turned out to be an adult later.
Crump instructed the minor what to write and had her change her testimony later.{Crump was the family attorney for Martins and not affiliated with the state}
This "minor" didnt have parents present during depositions...but if they believed she was a minor they should have been...both by crump and the state.
The state hid records showing martin should have been arrested twice in recent months...but was intentionally keeping down the stats for black males being arrested...the jewelery was never returned to its owners as well.

Zimmerman was arrested to avoid public riot.
The complaint did not list the elements of a crime nor probable cause of a crime.

The states own witnesses during trial confirmed Zimmermans account during trial.

The state violated discovery rule repeatably by not releasing it to the defense.
Martins phone was "authenticated" so the state could use what they wanted for evidence.
The state held from the defense contents of the phone from the defense.
The defense could not use contents from the phone as it had no been authenticated...when the state had already authenticated it !
The defense did not have time to fight this as proceedings were already under way.
The defense was still in the process of depositions during the trial rather than have several weeks BEFORE trial !
The defendant was forced to state whether he was going to testify BEFORE all witnesses had taken the stand.

Some prison cells need to be filled yes...but not by Zimmerman.
In lieu of all this the RR job did not work.

All to avoid riots...well they already had some minor riots in calif already.

Wouldnt it be much easier to tell the truth.....I understand the concept of respecting the dead...but this should not be at the suffrage of others.
Ok he is dead......Fact is he enjoyed to fight...even planning whose ass he was going to whip next.
Fact is after he ran he came back to where Zimmerman was.
Fact is Zimmerman asking him "what are you doing here?" is not confrontational.
Smashing someones head into the cement is hardly a proper response to such a question.
Martin had absolutely no right to start smashing his head{especially since he came back to Zimmerman after he had run}.

Hadnt Zimmerman not been armed...the news would have been much different.
Watchman dies at the hand of a violent young man with a known history of attacking people..The watchman had seen him scoping units just prior to the attack.
The violent young man had recently been caught with stolen jewels prior to this incident....The violent young man had been living with his mother but was kicked out as she couldn't control his behavior...he was staying at his fathers as a result.

When arrested the violent young man was found with with the ingredients of preparation of the drug called "lean"
People take Az tea skittles and drink it with select cough syrup...."Lean" is what Killed the famed Pimp C.

Services for the Watchman will be held at 2 pm Tuesday.
Zimmerman who identified himself as Hispanic was an active right activist ..Who was mentoring two black children.
Also pressed on in a case of a minority getting wrongly beaten until action was taken.
He was loved at his community by all and his efforts aided police in making arrests.
Zimmerman has offered his own home for refuge of those in fear of home invasion.
Zimmerman had a license to carry a firearm..but for unknown reason was not on him that night the violent young man attacked him and violently smashed his head upon the sidewalk where he was loved by the community.
Mrs Zimmerman is under severe emotional distress upon hearing her late husband crying for help on the 911 tape.

Riots are not expected ...tune in tomorrow for further updates


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The Man

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I guess Zimmerman will later on plan (after gloating) a law suit against the family for slander along with NBC.

Sadly that will not keep him safe ...he will never be able to go anywhere without fear of execution.

Alien Allen

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I guess Zimmerman will later on plan (after gloating) a law suit against the family for slander along with NBC.

In the meantime he better stall for a long time going to a civil trial which is a certainty as Martins lawyers have as much as admitted is in the works.

Obamas DOJ is licking its chops to go after a civil rights violation. But is going to wait until after the civil trial so they can dig up more dirt. Pretty sickening. If they have grounds then they should not be allowed to wait but have to go to a civil rights trial before the civil suit by the Martin family.

At the next trial though the phone records will come into evidence. This was a despicable ploy by the prosecution to deny they had been collecting that data so that the defense would not get it in enough time. There is more than enough innuendo in those and Martins social media posts to paint a poor picture of Martin.

This never should have gone to trial and only is being perpetuated by the race baiters. The same who claimed race had nothing to do with this but that now it is profiling. Sadly the usual race baiters don't use their mouths to get as much attention to the problems in Detroit and Chicago murders. Why they get the attention they do after all these years is beyond me. Maybe in 30 years this country will be in better shape once Sharpton and Jackson are dead. They sure have not done anything good that I can recall other than to shit stir.

Joe the meek

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Obamas DOJ is licking its chops to go after a civil rights violation. But is going to wait until after the civil trial so they can dig up more dirt. Pretty sickening. If they have grounds then they should not be allowed to wait but have to go to a civil rights trial before the civil suit by the Martin family.

I think this case was enough of a "hot potato" that the feds will leave it go because whoever the president is commanding the DOJ will get crucified if they go after it.

Added the fact that 6 middle aged women, who by all accounts was the perfect jury for the prosecution, after sitting through ALL the testimony found the guy innocent. Added on top of that yet the fact that no way in hell this was a hate crime.

The Man

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I'm glad it's over.

Phase one is over...He will get dragged through civil court next/ wrongful death.
IMO he should have the parents served first with "wrongful birth".
I never did believe in that suing crap....so a third party can sue and make money from a death...but that same third party cant be sued for say injuries sustained or emotional trauma resulting from that same person.

The Man

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I think this case was enough of a "hot potato" that the feds will leave it go because whoever the president is commanding the DOJ will get crucified if they go after it.

Added the fact that 6 middle aged women, who by all accounts was the perfect jury for the prosecution, after sitting through ALL the testimony found the guy innocent. Added on top of that yet the fact that no way in hell this was a hate crime.

"If I had a boy he would look like Trayvon".....words from Obama.

The Man

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Now that the case is over and everyone has settled down.
I want to toss around the idea of what else could have happened when they met...am not interested in he got out of his SUV...we know this to be a fact
All the evidence showed George was telling the truth....but what happened at that T to cause Trayvon to start smashing his head.
We know he was a fighter...but his past doesnt show assaults of this degree...as far as we know this was trayvons first "major assault" I WOULD BE INTERESTED IN KNOWING HIS FULL PAST.
Was he that scared of something?....The running always bugged me.
As well as George being so eager to see where he went....I wonder if the two didnt have some prior history.
But it seems he would have told his GF and she would have testified as such.
So what was it?
I am sure that trayvon knew he couldnt simply whip someones ass at the same apt he is staying at?
Not suggesting that Zimmerman is guilty,,,but something still seems a little odd to me...Georges voice seemed a little odd when he was talking to dispatch...but not knowing George I could be wrong.
I had tossed around the idea that George pulled his gun...but it seems like to me he wouldnt have been smashing his head and been trying to take it from him after the first punch

Joe the meek

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Now that the case is over and everyone has settled down.
I want to toss around the idea of what else could have happened when they met...am not interested in he got out of his SUV...we know this to be a fact
All the evidence showed George was telling the truth....but what happened at that T to cause Trayvon to start smashing his head.
We know he was a fighter...but his past doesnt show assaults of this degree...as far as we know this was trayvons first "major assault" I WOULD BE INTERESTED IN KNOWING HIS FULL PAST.
Was he that scared of something?....The running always bugged me.
As well as George being so eager to see where he went....I wonder if the two didnt have some prior history.
But it seems he would have told his GF and she would have testified as such.
So what was it?
I am sure that trayvon knew he couldnt simply whip someones ass at the same apt he is staying at?
Not suggesting that Zimmerman is guilty,,,but something still seems a little odd to me...Georges voice seemed a little odd when he was talking to dispatch...but not knowing George I could be wrong.
I had tossed around the idea that George pulled his gun...but it seems like to me he wouldnt have been smashing his head and been trying to take it from him after the first punch

Get a life.

You sound like you attend Sci Fi conventions playing "what if's" in a fantasy world.