Zimmerman Verdict

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The Man

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Whats taking so long?
There is zero evidence of a murder ...the jury needn't really deliberate anything.
I suppose we have some idiots in the jury who are who are trying to weigh a vacuum of evidence.

Lets use an analogy shall we.
Lets say I am in an apt...I see a guy wandering in front eying the units and I think he is suspicious...I call 911.
They are asking for descriptions and locations etc.....the guy runs.
I go to see where he went.....dispatch says we dont need you to do that...so while walking back to my house,,,the guy comes up and starts slamming my head into the sidewalk....The assailant gets shot during the attack while the one getting pounded is screaming for his life
Pretty clear case of self defense....whats to deliberate?

The state would have to show that the citizen that reported the suspicious person was trying to kill the suspicious person: in order for the suspicious person to rightfully start slamming the others head into the sidewalk.
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The Man

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The jury asked for a list of all evidence after deliberating for about two hours.
This will essentially be a list of clothes,etc.
Incredible...as there is no evidence of a murder...nothing but smoke from the prosecution during openings and closings...but zero evidence of a murder.
The state had no evidence nor a witness showing that Zimmerman murdered Martin.
What is there to deliberate when there is zero evidence of a murder?....The evidence recovered has nothing to do whether it is a murder or not.
Its the testimony from witnesses that matter in this case....none of which provided any evidence of a murder.
Unless you want to consider the jacket of martin...who had a state witness who said it was self defense as martin was leaning over Zimmerman when the shot took place.
Or you want to consider the pictures of the head gashes and the testimony that {from the state that said it was consistent with head smashes against the sidewalk..
Or if you want to consider the picture of where the fight took place{by the state} which shows Zimmerman was heading back to his SUV when the incident took place.
Or you want to consider the transcripts {by the state} showing martin stated he was right by the house at one moment {according to the gf} but ended back up at the T by Zimmermans SUV.
Or a list of evidence showing strikes upon martins body{The state showed there were zero}
Or a list of evidence showing where Zimmerman attacked Martin ...again Zero.
What evidence is there to go over by the jury?....what evidence of murder?

griz bear

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perhaps the Jury wants to give the impression they reviewed all the evidence before rendering a decision. They don't want to go too fast !

The Man

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perhaps the Jury wants to give the impression they reviewed all the evidence before rendering a decision. They don't want to go too fast !
After careful deliberation and going through all the evidence ...."We the jury found no evidence of murder...we looked at least a dozen times...is that all the evidence your honor...are you sure?" ;)
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The jury asked for a list of all evidence after deliberating for about two hours.

After careful deliberation and going through all the evidence ...."We the jury found no evidence of murder...we looked at least a dozen times...is that all the evidence your honor...are you sure?" ;)
I think you answered your own question. :thumbup ;)

Joe the meek

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The judge at the last minute decided to throw in a manslaughter charge. Could be argued that the state knew murder wasnt going to stick so they gave the jury something else to think about.

The Man

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The judge at the last minute decided to throw in a manslaughter charge. Could be argued that the state knew murder wasnt going to stick so they gave the jury something else to think about.

Yes I am afraid they may come back with the compromise conviction....When the focus should stay fully on self defense.
Perhaps Zimmerman should have resided in Kentucky where the court system doesn't succumb to liberal politico pressures.{The old man shooting one of the three guys when they kicked the door open to the upstairs.}

Joe the meek

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Perhaps Zimmerman should have resided in Kentucky where the court system doesn't succumb to liberal politico pressures.{The old man shooting one of the three guys when they kicked the door open to the upstairs.}

That's comparing apples to oranges.


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Zimmerman should of followed orders and leave the kid be instead of complaining about "Those people always getting away with it" and followed him with the intention of using his gun knowing the Stand By law.
So he saw a young black teen with a hoodie and start categorizing,the usual American way(I'm from the U.S).
The decision could go either way however the Jury has to consider on why Zimmerman followed Trayvon.
How many young Whites such as myself would end up the same as Trayvon ?


One of the originals
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Either way this goes. Brace yourselves for race riots. Especially if you are in Florida. Sad thing really that people do this shit over something that does not affect them personally in any way.

Alien Allen

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it won't be the whites rioting

I had to laugh at the uproar over the police warning all to be calm. They got ripped for doing that by the usual suspects. Yet they found nothing wrong with snake oil salesman Jessie doing the same.

It will be manslaughter. The jury will take the easy way out thinking it would carry a much lesser charge when it does not. Either way Zimmermans life is ruined unless he moves to Wyoming or someplace iscolated

The Man

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Zimmerman should of followed orders and leave the kid be instead of complaining about "Those people always getting away with it" and followed him with the intention of using his gun knowing the Stand By law.
So he saw a young black teen with a hoodie and start categorizing,the usual American way(I'm from the U.S).
The decision could go either way however the Jury has to consider on why Zimmerman followed Trayvon.
How many young Whites such as myself would end up the same as Trayvon ?
and followed him with the intention of using his gun knowing the Stand By law.

It sounds like you are saying he intentionally let him smash his head so he could shoot him...is this accurate?

Those people always getting away with it

So?...the place had recently run been over with burglary with ..he is merely begging them to please hurry....even the 911 dispatcher said it is very common for people to say that on the phone {Among other things}

So he saw a young black teen with a hoodie and start categorizing,the usual American way
He appeared to be scoping the buildings...and more than likely was up to no good as he ran when he saw Zimmerman on the phone.
The decision could go either way however the Jury has to consider on why Zimmerman followed Trayvon.
He followed him to keep current info for the police...not that it really matters as he done nothing to warrant getting his head smashed.

Lets use an analogy shall we.
Lets say you live in a nice apt complex it recently has been run over with burglary.

Your husband sees a person who appears to be scoping buildings in the rain...he calls the law..they are asking questions...description location etc.
This person sees your husband seeing them and on the phone...he takes off running.
Your husband goes out the front door to see where he went...taking the same path for about 40 to 50 yards...tells the law "I dont know where he is now"...they ask are you following him he says yes...they say we dont need you to do that..he says ok.
While walking back to the house..the guy that ran comes back and starts smashing his head into the sidewalk...your husband shoots him.\
The only thing that has changed is Zimmerman was in his SUV and your Husband was on the couch...when the person was spotted.
Should your husband be charged with murder.
It doesnt matter that he went to see where the guy ran to from a legal standpoint.
Your husband was not committing a crime against this person so has every right to defend himself from getting his head bashed in.
Would you agree?

How many young Whites such as myself would end up the same as Trayvon ?

Color has nothing to do with it...martin came back after he ran to open some whip ass on Zimmerman...simple as that.
Also martin took the big button off his coat before he come back to Zimmerman.
Why?...didnt want it getting tore up?
He also had been talking to the GF with the headset on the phone ..but also removed the headset and use the phone normal just before approaching Zimmerman...Call it a wild guess but martin taking off that button and putting the head set in his pocket was preparation for battle.

Additionally Martin had no way of knowing that they told Zimmerman to stop looking for him...Sowhat differance does it make in regard for martin having the right to smash his head?...None

Edit...after making my post I realized you are a man instead of a woman...so in above scenario change everything to wife instead of husband.
Would you want your wife to be charged with murder?
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The Man

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it won't be the whites rioting

I had to laugh at the uproar over the police warning all to be calm. They got ripped for doing that by the usual suspects. Yet they found nothing wrong with snake oil salesman Jessie doing the same.

It will be manslaughter. The jury will take the easy way out thinking it would carry a much lesser charge when it does not. Either way Zimmermans life is ruined unless he moves to Wyoming or someplace iscolated

How very true...he will be going away for a long time if he gets manslaughter as fla is fucked up on manslaughter.
Ditto on it being hard for him to stay safe if he is found innocent....its rather sad...you defend yourself to stay alive..then that becomes a full time job.

Joe the meek

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The jury will take the easy way out thinking it would carry a much lesser charge when it does not. Either way Zimmermans life is ruined unless he moves to Wyoming or someplace iscolated

And ultimately, all along I wasn't sure what REALLY happened, but since the judge put this into the mix late into the game, I can't help but wonder that the state KNEW that they couldn't get a murder conviction. At this point, due to the states actions, I can't help but think the guy is innocent. Fact is, a manslaughter conviction will give Zimmerman as much time as a murder conviction which I have no doubt the jury doesn't realize.

IF Zimmerman is found guilty, I believe he may have a very good shot at getting a retrial, hopefully without a judge that seems prejudiced.

The Man

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That's comparing apples to oranges.

Not really....We had the same public outcry as in this case...KY said fuck you guys and patted the old man on the back figuratively speaking.
This case here is nothing but a public pressure case...FLA disappointing me on this one as they are willing to wrongfully prosecute a person to hush the public.
I may bash the state I live in from time to time..and yes you can get fucked by our judicial system...but racial pressures go no where here..we will meet issues like this with public announcements early on.
We have no problem getting a crowd under control as well as it is dealt with immediately...warnings are given one time..if you dont walk when told you just made a bad decision.
And no... no one is immune from prosecution here..we prosecute govt officials, cops, all the way down the line.
Any yes we do prosecute innocent people...but not from political pressure{Racial etc}..just due to the state having the upper hand in any case.
In other words no riots or threats of riots will have any influence ....you can assemble peacefully all you want..we will provide the place the power and traffic control as a show of courtesy as well..First thing that gets tore up or threat: its game on..The LEO has a lot of lead way in kicking your ass here any verbal command is to be taken seriously immediately...movements toward the officer will get you a clip in the chest.

And on that other side of the coin...they will put their ass on the line when you just broke down in the middle lane of the highway...They will hunt down a killer or escapee leaving no stone unturned.
Fuck with a child you will be found.
They are not bad people...if you are fucking up in traffic and get pulled over just be yourself admit you fucked up and chances are you will be on your way without a ticket.
There are exceptions of course there are some cities that are ticket happy...but get spanked for it...and a halt is put to it.
Here you are only allowed to make so much revenues from tickets.....So who is gonna get the ticket...the ass hole of the guy that was polite;)
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The Man

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Another deliberation day gone...it appears as if there are some stubborn ones sticking to guilty rather than going by jury instructions{which makes him clearly innocent}
There were a two jurrors that lied{saying they hadnt formed an opinion } to make the pool while their facebook activity had them active in the martin petition....so there may be more than the two with predisposed guilt of Zimmerman.
Hopefully the ones that want to apply the law proper rather than "white guy shoots black guy" will be strong enough to not give in.
How are they going to convince the Pro Martins that its not ok to smash someones head into the sidewalk because he merely wanted to see where he ran.
Oh wait he profiled him he is guilty of murder :(
Will they ever understand that it doesnt matter?
Profiling is very common anyway as I have stated before.
Candy store burglary...kids
Bank robbery...middle aged white man.
Serial killer....white male middle age or less.
Drive by shooting...black male{s}
Illegal Mexicans....Mexicans.
While not 100 percent accurate its a damn good start.
Recent burglaries ..guy with hoody looking at units walking in the rain, then running when they see you on the phone ....I can very well see how that would be more suspicious that someone just walking through normally and not running when they see you on the phone.