That's your view anyway. You're basically saying that you and this video are telling the truth, and everybody else is wrong. Honestly, your attitude in this thread has put me off to even wanting to bother watching the preview video, let alone the whole thing.
edit: from what I read on the website, it seemed like the basic gist was that monetary systems are bad and we should all be utopian communists
The point is that all the film is really doing is showing things as they are, explaining the nature of the societies and world we live in. I've been looking for holes, and so far only really have one niggling point which I'm going to look into today.
If you understand how the fractional reserve banking system works then I'm sure you'd be in favour of moving away from our current monetary system too. And that's one of the strongest points of the video.
Also, it's pointed out that Communism, and Socialism suffer exactly the same, as they too are societies based on a fictional money system. This is about moving beyond the petty politics that have held us back in the past.
It should be closed because people don't want to waste their time watching what looks to be a fringe video about what looks to be a fringe viewpoint? Are you advocating one single solitary viewpoint on the world Ed? Because people don't agree with you, they shouldn't be allowed to discuss things?
The thing about the debate thread is that arguing the whole lib vs conservative thing is redundant. Both perpetuate all of the problems we face, neither acknowledge the problems nor offer any solutions to them.
That doesn't mean things shouldn't be discussed, far from it. But without understanding a couple of things, the debates are pointless.
The video points out 2 truths about the universe in which we live. The first one, is the emergent nature of the universe. Our understanding of the universe, if uninhibited, will grow and change over time. So with that in mind, as our knowledge grows, so should we. All previous notions of truths should be cast aside as new information and understanding present themselves. The second truth, is the symbiotic nature of the universe and our planet. We are not separate from nature, what we do effects it and without it we're history.
With both of those in mind, we need to let go of our notions of who we think we are and what we've been told is best, and actually start to think about things rather than just maintaining the status quo and our archaic institutions. And whatever we decide, it should directly be tied to the intelligent management of the Earth's resources and the Earth's carrying capacity. Without those two considerations, war, poverty, crime, suffering, scarcity, social stratification and environmental destruction are guaranteed.
The viewpoint that I have is that the way we currently organise ourselves is pretty dumb. We have small concentrations of power, political and corporate, that are inherently corrupt, that has lead to countries being enslaved by debts. Poverty is increasing due to this, and the rich are getting richer whilst the majority of people on this planet struggle as wage-slaves to make ends meet.
I'd really like everyone to watch the video because
I'd like to be able to discuss it, analyse it with others to fully understand the implications of what it says, pick holes where they can be found and contribute if possible. I've a few friends over here that have watched it, and talking it over with them has been interesting. We've got a couple of liberals and a couple of conservatives who have watched it and agree with the majority of points on there, and it really makes for some interesting ideas with regards to our organisation.