I'm not out to disrespect the dead with this thread, but i got the idea from another forum. I never knew who the fuck DJ AM was before this dude passed away. I know MTV has been shit for a decade but they're making this dude out to be some type of hero/savior for drug addicts. I don't think this is right! Who gives a fuck if you kicked your addiction, who made you an addict in the first place? Unless you were forcibly held down and drugged up the only one that gets themselves on drugs is themselves. If you hadn't fucked with drugs in the first place you wouldn't have to kick them would you?
We as a state here (those who actually pay taxes). Have to pay for these fucking addicts to go to methadone clinics to get drugs to get off of drugs... does that make sense? it doesn't to me.
We as a state here (those who actually pay taxes). Have to pay for these fucking addicts to go to methadone clinics to get drugs to get off of drugs... does that make sense? it doesn't to me.
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