Well-Known Member
I have another word for this - it's called religion (to be really cheeky & infuriating to some people).
Sorry for the double post - sometimes I can't stop myself.
Religion has nothing to do with it. It's a question of right and wrong. As humans we are born with the capacity of conscience and ------->choice. Quite different from animals without the capacity as we do. What we ----->choose<------ to do that directly affect us is all well and good...BUT when that choice impacts upon another human being's life so as to have a permanent consequence on the life of especially an impressionable young child it's just wrong. As adults we ought to know better or face the consequences.
Pedophilia is just wrong no matter how you look at it for the above reasons and more. The perpetrator (or "sick" person if you prefer) is already an adult and has already had the benefit of life's experiences. The child on the other hand is still impressionable and forming ideas and concepts of life, much of which has not yet been fully shapen. The point I am making is that the actions of the sick person moves from affecting his life to that of another being....a young child. And therein lies the difference.
If it is that the perp is sick, then the thing to do is to get the medical and psychological treatment he needs that he becomes responsible for his life and his sickness does not transcend itself to affect the life of another in a negative that has long term effects.