What are you trying to assert?? Does a rhyming word means the same to you? You are a fool and you haven't even stated the nabbed guys names properly which are as quoted in the clipping you posted here as ''Azharul Hasan Butt and Mansoorul Haq Butt were arrested''.................Are you blind? Can't you see the huge difference between those names and mine, mazHur??
There can be many people named mazHur or even Mazhur or mazhar or mazher butt ..that doesn't necessarily mean it's me/ \
and even if it's me what are you trying to assert despite my telling you again and again that I have NO involvement with the company Mekran or the people nabbed for bank default.
certainly you are a wicked and confused man with malafide intentions and ulterior motives against me...at one point you call me a poet at other a criminal!! Wow! Without even knowing me you are trying to involve me in a criminal case which never had any concern with me...
Google and you will find several jack stones there....living in Ohio.
that doesn't mean it's YOU....and if i specifically state that you are Al Capone that would amount to defamation and you are exactly doing that...
Be prepared for the trial.....law will not let you off so easily nor your associate....it's the mens rea which matters...you have tried to disrepute me by dint of bogus info picked from internet and attributed to me...you are on notice!
What are you trying to assert?? Does a rhyming word means the same to you? You are a fool and you haven't even stated the nabbed guys names properly which are as quoted in the clipping you posted here as ''Azharul Hasan Butt and Mansoorul Haq Butt were arrested''.................Are you blind? Can't you see the huge difference between those names and mine, mazHur??
Irrelevant statement.
Your family name 'Butt' is the same as theirs. Whether you are related is something I could not and did not prove or claim.
There can be many people named mazHur or even Mazhur or mazhar or mazher butt ..that doesn't necessarily mean it's me
Also an irrelevant comment.
I made the association from posts you made at various web sites.
and even if it's me what are you trying to assert despite my telling you again and again that I have NO involvement with the company Mekran or the people nabbed for bank default.
Even if?
Sir, I made the connection and in your bio, presented your relationship to building up your father's failing business, the company called Mekran Fisheries Ltd.
mazHur.....I keep catching you in what appear to be false denials.
And there is the issue of your brother's name showing up in association to both Mekran and Makran with both sharring the same address, a phone number and a fax.
Again, I catch you in what appears to be a false denial.
certainly you are a wicked and confused man with malafide intentions and ulterior motives against me...at one point you call me a poet at other a criminal!!
You are a poet......but I asked why you weren't arrested, not why you shouldn't have been arrested.
Sincerely.....I think you are merely full of yourself and easy pickings in a debate forum.
But your denials and aggressive behavior do make me wonder what it is you are trying to hide.
Google and you will find several jack stones there....living in Ohio.
that doesn't mean it's YOU.
There's more than 'several'.
And you are correct.
But if I posted contact information all over the Internet like you do/did....I'd be a lot easier to find.
Finding info on you has been not just easy, not time consuming because of obvious search terms.
I would never post my address or phone number on the Internet.......thank you
and if i specifically state that you are Al Capone that would amount to defamation and you are exactly doing that
Interesting.....I can call you a terrorist loving, racist pervert......and it doesn't upset you.
Probably because I proved the point many times.
But you get very excited when I make the connection between mazHur of OTZ, mazHur/Mazhar the poet and Mazhar Butt the businessman

BTW.....the amount of name calling you've done in this debate forum, with out proof, with out credible logic or even speculation, puts you, mazHur, far ahead in defaming both myself, my family and Man and his family.
Like I posted, you are the ultimate hypocrite of OTZ.
Be prepared for the trial.....law will not let you off so easily nor your associate....it's the mens rea which matters...you have tried to disrepute me by dint of bogus info picked from internet and attributed to me...you are on notice
The threat only works the first time if it's going to work at all, mazHur.
You started with similar threats weeks ago.
law will not let you off so easily nor your associate.
Threatening Man, now, are you?
Read my review.....I presented the case for your actions to be considered frivolous and have no doubt a lawyer would recommend suing you over it.
The court may even sanction your lawyer over it.
you have tried to disrepute me by dint of bogus info picked from internet and attributed to me
So, really, what are you trying to hide?
What haven't I found?