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im answering OP's OP.
if he had done anything illegal to make money before then he wouldnt be posting this question on a damn interwebz forum.

Would suggest you read though more of the following posts if you haven't already.

Some of the things from Page 1 have long been dealt with.


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so i cant state a fact or my opinion because the issues have already been addressed? disagree.

Not saying so. Was just suggesting you catch up on the other posts as it was seeming as tho you had not, especially when significant areas had already been addressed, so you would have been better informed. And since the thread was just around 2-3 pages would not have been difficult to accomplish.


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If you'd posted with a quote they'd have known where you were coming from. Doesn't negate your opinion though.

PP & E. CFS doesn't sound at all fun. Good luck and get well soon.


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and here's my argument for him getting a job...he comes here and talks about how he goes out to the pub to watch football and drink beer till he's wasted all the time...but according to you he has no time to do this because he's in constant care of you which is admirable and I'm sure very hard...
I can't help but to think though that this was all written out to make him look like a good guy after completely bashing on a 14 year old girl...it seems anytime that he says something messed up here he does something like this to take the heat off of him and to make people feel sorry for him...and this has happened several times...I do a lot of Reading here and I observe just about everything that goes on at this site...there isn't much that gets by me here...you can say what you want on how amazing of a person he is but his actions here on several not just one occasion has proved to me other wise and if people took the time to go back and read they would know exactly what I'm talking about
in end I do hope you recover and become well once again and I'm sorry you are sick...good luck

Ok, I'm not going to keep harping on about this, you did bring up a few points that you may genuinely want answered, (everyone is entitled to their opinion, no matter how cynical or biased, after all) I suspect that the main reason however, is that you just don't like Pete and used the opportunity to have a dig. That wouldn't bother me that he is not liked, not everyone does see eye to eye, what bothers me is the suggestion that he is being devious or calculating in some way, or worse lazy, and I can't help but feel indignant enough to respond to you, Bacon.

The first thing you said was about Pete going to the pub to watch the football and get slaughtered, and I honestly can't remember the last time that was. Certainly the last time he even went to the pub was to meet Ron in London, and he was only gone for about about 4 - 5 hours then. My CFS varies in severity so if I am not too bad then he can go out, but if I'm not well enough, then he can't, it's that simple. He is on this forum usually at night, when I am asleep, but is on call if I need him. He does drink at home when we can afford it, but is never so pissed that he is not conscious, as I'm sure many of you have seen when he's posting on here. Even if he has been up all night, he is awake for me in the morning, and sleeps for a few hours when I do. Pete would never dream of coming on here and justifying himself in this much detail, because he isn't a martyr and would not want to embarrass me in any way, we are both private people usually when it comes to this kind of thing. Which is why some of the members were surprised at the level of care he does actually provide.

The second point you raised was about him weaseling (my words) out of some scrape he had got himself in but bigging himself up. I'm not sure exactly what you are referring to, but as you mentioned the Libby thing, I'm assuming you mean that, although I certainly did not have this in mind when I originally posted in this thread. The truth is, I personally felt he had overeacted to the whole thing after he read out the thread to me, to gauge my thoughts on what had happened, but I also understand WHY he reacted so badly. He will not thank me for this, as he doesn't like to go on about his Asperger's, and also did not want to embarrass Libby by digging the whole thing up again. It is something that I felt he should've explained at the time, and I am happy to clear this all up once and for all. I did actually try to PM this information to Libby herself, but didn't realise it wasn't possible.

When it became clear that Libby had made a mistake or whatever had happened about the lamb picture, it completely threw him. Up until then, he had taken Libby at face value, and had even felt protective of her when she was being bullied by two other now banned members. Part of Pete's Asperger's is that he does not see black AND white, but rather, black OR white, there is no grey areas with him. Once he has an idea in his head (whether that be about a thought, a person, a belief or a plan) that's it, there's no room for compromise, if that idea is thwarted, it completely unsettles him, to the point of distress. He cannot readily "rewire" his brain to accommodate the new information. It can take several hours.... at least, for him to come to terms with it.

So, in Libby's case, he felt if she had lied to him about something so trivial she could've lied to him about EVERYTHING she had said, he could not filter through what was real and what was not. It was because he thought so highly of Libby in the first place, that he reacted so strongly. Pete does know that his Asperger's is not an excuse for his behavior, and that there are consequences for all his actions, as there is for everybody, so please don't think I'm playing the disability card to curry favour on his behalf. The majority of members on this forum can see that although straight talking and not the most tactful of people, he is a caring, genuine and honest person. What you see is what you get with him.

I do however, want to thank you, and everyone else's wish's for my health to improve, it really is appreciated. I'm sorry to waffle on so, I didn't mean to type an essay, but as Cool Breeze, Boomer and Kat said I do love him dearly and I am so lucky to have him as my hubby, I can't help but be on the defensive when accusations directed at him are so far from reality.


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if this is your first time doing something like this then youre going to get fucked. i promise. gotta know the game before you can play.

so i cant state a fact or my opinion because the issues have already been addressed? disagree.

As this was a hyperthetical scenario, (as it didn't happen), maybe if you had worded it as in past tense, as opposed to saying your bit as if he was going to be doing it - i.e. "If you had done this and it was your first time doing it........."

It may have been more appropriate is all I am thinking. :)

Not saying so. Was just suggesting you catch up on the other posts as it was seeming as tho you had not, especially when significant areas had already been addressed, so you would have been better informed. And since the thread was just around 2-3 pages would not have been difficult to accomplish.

I agree with CB here.

Part of Pete's Asperger's is that he does not see black AND white, but rather, black OR white, there is no grey areas with him. Once he has an idea in his head (whether that be about a thought, a person, a belief or a plan) that's it, there's no room for compromise, if that idea is thwarted, it completely unsettles him, to the point of distress. He cannot readily "rewire" his brain to accommodate the new information. It can take several hours.... at least, for him to come to terms with it.

I can confirm this, as it is a battle for my son every single day too, that is exactly how it is.

Every single day is a huge challenge for people with this and other degrees of autism - Aspergers is if you like, the 'full-blown' autism.

It is extremely hard work - for those who have it and for those living with someone with it - it takes a very long time of knowing someone to be able to cope with it effectively.

Once they do manage, after hours and often with my son, a few days, see the consequences of things gone on, they are mortified and the apologies are offered very genuinely. :)


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Mrs Parka aka Ekidna. Thanks for clearing that up. Notwithstanding a bit lengthy, perfectly understandable, I read though it all and you made your points very clear. My, you are VERY well written Mrs Parka and I am thoroughly impressed and hope you would grace us with your presence a bit more often.

All the best to you and Pete.