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dude, when i said it was people i know who sell the shit i meant it. i don't. occasionally i smoke a little weed but hey, thats where i draw the line, never actually sold anything. no bull
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No offence Pete, but if you need to ask us then you already know it's not cool. Say you do get away with it? What will you have accomplished? Gotten away with something that's illegal is all..Nothing to really be proud of or to aspire to..Leave that seediness to lesser people mate..


Well-Known Member
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dude, do u have any idea how much illegal deals go on undisturbed by cops? most. i have ...aquaintances that do this shit for a living, one of them has been selling crap for 6 years, and hes never been caught or nothing. it all depends on how you sell it, and where

Perhaps .. but the day will come when he does get caught .. and when he does .. the stuff the cops have probably been looking at for years and years .. they'll end up pinning on him.

Just because they haven't found and arrested someone .. doesn't mean they haven't been looking and gathering evidence.

Stealing is wrong, selling stolen things is wrong .. ethically, morally, and lawfully.

You're a complete moron for even attempting it imo.


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I've been working since I was 13....how about just getting a job....just a thought

PeterParka (my hubby) often reads posts out or keeps me "up to date" on different threads, and this comment made above, made me so flipping mad, I had to come on here to defend him and the situation we are both in due to no fault of our own.

The first issue I just want to briefly highlight is Pete's Asperger's which often prompts him to have completely innapropriate impulsive thoughts which no amount of reasoning (especially when inebriated) will make him change. He has learnt to deal with this much better and as you can see from his follow on posts will eventually think things through in the end.

The second issue is the post from Uncle Bacon, which just highlights the ignorance and prejudice surrounding genuine hardworking people who have no choice but to accept state benefits. It makes me literally shake with anger. What Pete does for me day in day out 24 hours a day is hard and demanding , he "works" longer hours than in a typical full time job. I don't like to go on about my illness and how badly I am affected, because I am a proud person, and before I got ill, very active, so I find my current situation very frustrating. However I feel I have no choice in this instance as I want to let you know just how hard Pete does "work". Pete has to do all the house work, cook most of the meals, shop for us. Last night I managed to have a bath, with Pete's help for the first time in 5 days, Pete had to wash my hair, shave my legs and help me dress afterward as I was too weak to do this myself. How much would you expect to be paid to do this kind of work??? I can assure you, it would be double, if not a lot more than what Pete is currently paid from the government at the moment.

Which brings me to my third point, the whole crux of the issue, Pete desperately (as would I) love to work and provide us with a much better income than we have at the moment. We have been down £500 a month, for the past 7months since one of my benefits has been under review. This weighed so heavily on my husbands mind that he was willing to consider, even for just a day or two, the idea of doing something illegal. Surely all that highlights is how difficult living on benefits actually is and not as your post suggested simply an "easy option" or even a lifestyle choice.

debbie t

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get a job comment a really bellow the belt i thought.

i would like all the americans here to try living in this shitty country.if you can get a job its paid at 3rd world wage rates.
if youre self emloyed the tax system stuffs you unless you can afford a great accountant.
many people exist thanks to the tax credit system..i know i do.
and those on incapacity benefits etc have to go through degrading medicals and accusations from ignorant people.

however we do make the best beer and music in the world


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How about understanding I can't work as I have a full time job looking after my sick wife before posting stupid comments like that?

To Pete: Bless you man. May the force be with you. Nuff respek.

PeterParka (my hubby) often reads posts out or keeps me "up to date" on different threads, and this comment made above, made me so flipping mad, I had to come on here to defend him and the situation we are both in due to no fault of our own.....

Ekidna, pleasure to "see" you. Pete's often mentioned you and I've seen one of your posts from early on when you were thinking of posting. Thanks for sharing. Pete is a fine guy and speaking for myself and I'm sure many others he's one of our favorite peeps here. Big heart.

I am so moved to hear your story I'm not sure I can find the right words to aptly describe the immense emotions. I recall him saying he was helping out with you but I don't think I quite grasped it was a full time job. Perhaps others didn't quite know either hence the misunderstanding....all I'm saying.

Kudos to you both. It is indeed apparent that you both love one another so much to give of yourselves with such devotion, it's truly a beautiful thing. If only more people could have half of what you have for one another instead of giving up as is convenient.

From what you described there Pete does indeed have a full time job perhaps even more demanding than others but although may not be as financially lucrative as would have preferred, perhaps is even more significant than most and more emotionally fulfilling in the love that you share and the sacrifices you are making. What greater way to show your love and caring for another than to be so selfless in the giving? All the money in the world can't buy that.

Anyways, I just wanted to put down some thoughts as I happened upon this and wish you both the best for the coming year. May God (or whomever) Bless you both and keep you strong.



Well-Known Member
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Aww, Peter and sarah.

I understood that this was a 'maybe situation' and that it didn't actually happen...

I think it's enlightening to learn more about people dealing with the effects on their lives through illnesses etc.

It's very difficult to see, unless in the situation, exactly how much of a 24/7 job, being a carer actually is.

I have friends wondering how I get everything done that I do too, so I understand where you are both coming from.

I respect you both, cos most partners walk away from their loved ones, in times like these, caring for their husband/wife - you two have worked through thick and thin and remain very much together. :)

I admire your strengths and determination not to let it beat you both down, I know how hard it is to face the challenges day after day.

Keep very happy always and carry on with what you do.

Peter, you do far more than my son's father would ever think about doing for him, let alone doing it - good luck to you hun. ;)

Peter Parka

Well-Known Member
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Haha! Cheers dude, we're got sorted financially now, don't think I'll ever be rich but we're getting by fairly comfortably and modestly again now though.:)


Heart & Soul
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I just want to chime in here and say. That it is completely understandable the split second thought of Doing something illegal to make money when you are in such a situation. When you have no money and are unable to work a paying job...You sometimes panic...or wonder if you should do something if the opportunity arises.

And also peter...kudos to you once again hun. I know you have the hardest job of all...And from what Ive seen/heard you do a damn good job at it too. You and sarah are lucky to have each other. Not many husbands I've known would hold up as well as you do in this situation.


OTz original V.I.P
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and here's my argument for him getting a job...he comes here and talks about how he goes out to the pub to watch football and drink beer till he's wasted all the time...but according to you he has no time to do this because he's in constant care of you which is admirable and I'm sure very hard...
I can't help but to think though that this was all written out to make him look like a good guy after completely bashing on a 14 year old girl...it seems anytime that he says something messed up here he does something like this to take the heat off of him and to make people feel sorry for him...and this has happened several times...I do a lot of Reading here and I observe just about everything that goes on at this site...there isn't much that gets by me here...you can say what you want on how amazing of a person he is but his actions here on several not just one occasion has proved to me other wise and if people took the time to go back and read they would know exactly what I'm talking about
in end I do hope you recover and become well once again and I'm sorry you are sick...good luck


Naughty Boy
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if this is your first time doing something like this then youre going to get fucked. i promise. gotta know the game before you can play.