Would you kill someone to defend your property?

would you defend your property with deadly force?

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Having way too much fun
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I'd throw darts at him. I'm pretty good at hitting the bullseye ;)

But seriously, The first thing I'd do if I didn't have a gun would be to go to my kids. If need be, I'd defend them by all means necessary. However, if the dood didn't come near me or them, then he gets away, simple as that. I don't keep guns in the house so he gets my TV or whatever. But he's not getting to the rest of my family without at fight.

:homo: 100%

My point above was just this... I don't have a gun in my house, so I would protect my family first. Besides, 99.9% of the time, intruders don't want you to be home and once they are confronted, they will high tail it out of there. All you need to do is give them an exit. But I'm not about to escalate the confrontation and risk getting myself or my family killed over some of my belongings. I would rather use my home owners insurance than my life insurance.
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:homo: 100%

My point above was just this... I don't have a gun in my house, so I would protect my family first. Besides, 99.9% of the time, intruders don't want you to be home and once they are confronted, they will high tail it out of there. All you need to do is give them an exit. But I'm not about to escalate the confrontation and risk getting myself or my family killed over some of my belongings. I would rather use my home owners insurance than my life insurance.

Exactly. Even if I did have a gun, I was always taught you never aim a gun at someone unless you are prepared to fire it. Its not a toy. I don't know if I'm ready to take someone's life.

Then you have to get new carpet, repair bullet holes (because I'm sure the one I'd fire at his head would miss), and fill out paperwork and crap. I hate paperwork. :)


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I'm asking for a very specific reason... do you have a loaded gun in the house? If not, what are you going to go after him with? A bat? A knife? Would you go after him with something else and not know if you will be facing down a man with a gun?

That's why I asked if you have a loaded gun near by. Because if you don't, which I am assuming you don't, then your argument doesn't hold water. If someone broke into your house tonight, you wouldn't be in a very good position to threaten anyones life. All you would be doing is putting your life in greater risk by facing him and hoping he doesn't have a gun.

So with that, what would you do?

No I don't have a gun, but I have a 38 and a lifetime permit in mind. Truth is, I don't really have to worry about it. I live in a small town that is relatively safe. My parents never locked their doors and they've never been broken into, but on the flip side my friends house was ransacked while they were at work once, and almost twice until they caught the guys.

I don't care about "what ifs", if I'm home, the guy better learn how to run because my life is more important to me than his is.

The question of the thread is would you kill to defend your property... the answer I'm giving is YES I would. So don't tell me that his life is important. He's a criminal. He's coming into my space, he'll get whats coming to him either way.


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If I hear a noise in my house and go to investigate, a loaded gun is going with me. I have no desire to take anyone's life, but at the same time I'm not going to show up to a gun fight with a knife.

The intruder will be instructed to get out or I'll shoot. If they don't and advance towards me, I'd shoot them. I of course can't predict the future, but that is how I envision it going down.

I don't think this question really has anything to do with property at all. I mean if someone is in your house they've already broken in and they are already perceived as a threat. So it isn't really about protecting your property in my opinion.


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If I hear a noise in my house and go to investigate, a loaded gun is going with me. I have no desire to take anyone's life, but at the same time I'm not going to show up to a gun fight with a knife.

The intruder will be instructed to get out or I'll shoot. If they don't and advance towards me, I'd shoot them. I of course can't predict the future, but that is how I envision it going down.

I don't think this question really has anything to do with property at all. I mean if someone is in your house they've already broken in and they are already perceived as a threat. So it isn't really about protecting your property in my opinion.

I'm with you on this. If I had a gun that's how it would pan out.


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Wow, this thread has many heated and passionate responses. I might as well throw my nickel's worth of opinion in here too.
If it appears that someone is stealing property only, then no, I wouldn't have the slightest inkling to confront him and threaten him with death or to shoot to kill. (For the record, I do not own a gun, nor have I ever fired one.) I am thinking of the example of my car is parked outside in the street, and someone is breaking into it.
Now if the person has broken into my house, that gets a little trickier. I would be inclined to get the hell out of there, and call 911 from a neighbor's house. If I am able to flee, then that would be my first choice, because I don't want anything to do with him. He can take whatever the hell he wants. I own nothing that is so important to me that I would kill to keep it.
The 3rd scene is if someone breaks in, and I am living with a SO (or children). In that case, the property is inconsequential and preservation of life becomes primary, since his intentions are unknown. Under those circumstances, I'll break a beer bottle, if I have to, and slit his throat, if I have established that there is potential danger to someone I love.

All Else Failed

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I'd throw darts at him. I'm pretty good at hitting the bullseye ;)

But seriously, The first thing I'd do if I didn't have a gun would be to go to my kids. If need be, I'd defend them by all means necessary. However, if the dood didn't come near me or them, then he gets away, simple as that. I don't keep guns in the house so he gets my TV or whatever. But he's not getting to the rest of my family without at fight.

Mrs Behavin

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If I hear a noise in my house and go to investigate, a loaded gun is going with me. I have no desire to take anyone's life, but at the same time I'm not going to show up to a gun fight with a knife.

The intruder will be instructed to get out or I'll shoot. If they don't and advance towards me, I'd shoot them. I of course can't predict the future, but that is how I envision it going down.

I don't think this question really has anything to do with property at all. I mean if someone is in your house they've already broken in and they are already perceived as a threat. So it isn't really about protecting your property in my opinion.



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Over All, I think it depends on what. For me at least, A TV or something like that, probably not. A car, maybe. My family, without blinking. I don't think that the matter is as black and white as yes or no.


Toes in the water...
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I voted yes. I was going to say only if I caught them (saw them trying to get into my car or in my house), but I guess if I didn't see them I wouldn't have that oppurtunity. Unless there was no way in hell I'd come out on top, then yes, especially if someone had the nerve to come into my home.