Would You Die for Your Country?

Would you die for your country?

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Re: RE: Would You Die for Your Country?

UncleBacon said:
well you know what freedom of speech or not when you say something like that your not only slapping the country in the face your slapping each and every service man or woman in the face too that give you that right to say the things you want to....its a great insult actualy to me knowing that I defend the rights and freeedoms of people that don't even care about this country...I've put my life on the line for the last going on 7 years now and will continue to do so until I get out of the military...so you can have your freedoms...to call the place that I'm defending shitty well that really pisses me off...I was trying to stay quet in this thread but it actually started to bug me to do so...WAKE THE FUCK UP and start appreciating what you got not what everyone else has because trust me you have a lot more...I've seen it first hand

:rock :rock :rock :rock

i was thinking the same thing!!!
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Re: RE: Would You Die for Your Country?

Mrs Behavin said:
UncleBacon said:
well you know what freedom of speech or not when you say something like that your not only slapping the country in the face your slapping each and every service man or woman in the face too that give you that right to say the things you want to....its a great insult actualy to me knowing that I defend the rights and freeedoms of people that don't even care about this country...I've put my life on the line for the last going on 7 years now and will continue to do so until I get out of the military...so you can have your freedoms...to call the place that I'm defending shitty well that really pisses me off...I was trying to stay quet in this thread but it actually started to bug me to do so...WAKE THE FUCK UP and start appreciating what you got not what everyone else has because trust me you have a lot more...I've seen it first hand

Thats the whole reason redsMULLT1 was pissed!

No... that is the reason I am still pissed. I run into people that talk like that all the time. Sometimes it makes me feel my service to my country was done in vain... Then I wake the fuck up and realize... I did it for ME and every other FREEDOM LOVING red blooded AMERICAN

So :fu


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Re: RE: Would You Die for Your Country?

Bossman351 said:
RecklessTim said:
Bossman351 said:
slo6banger said:
I don't think I would die for my country, no. After seeing what the military has done to a lot of my high school friends, and my boyfriend, I wouldn't ever join anyways. :dunno

If our country wasn't so shitty and full of idiots, I'd consider it.

You know, everyone is entitled to thier opinion. That is one of the many freedoms you have in this country. Other countries would have you killed for making a statement like that. There is another freedom that youre entitled to also and its one of the greatest of all, its the freedom to leave.

Thou I may not agree with what she said, I won't berate her for saying it. Freedom of speach in this country mean not only can you say it, but you should be able to say it without getting bitch slapped for voicing it in the first place.

I understand that you guys are only voicing your opinions, that's good, but it's also good for the country when people bitch about things that suck with this country. It gives us a chance to discuss the problems and correct them.

What I said wasnt intended as a "bitch slap" or to be belittleing. I simply said it to prove a point. Point being that we all have the freedom to leave at any time but we chose not to so it must not be as shitty and dumpy as she makes it out to be. I dont agree with everything that our politicians do either but I wouldnt go as far as to say that our country is shitty b/c of those politicians. We have people risking thier lives by the thousands every day to come here and live a better life. All I meant to point out was that when you think its so bad, its time to step back and take a look at how bad it could be.

Even thou I originally quoted you on this, I really wasn't directing it at you. My statement was just a broad view of my opinion. I apologize if you took it to heart.

And for the military personel here, this is a quote I saw once that I like.
"Good people sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." Unknown


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i hate to be an asshole, but are you really putting your life on the line because you want to protect your people?

because i think its best to protect people, when your at HOME... not some other country...


sorry... its just that military people say they are "protecting" us civilians when they are off-shores... granted, yes, i can understand n. korea and such like them... but iraq? afghanistan (sp?)? we went in there to take certain people out... not THE WHOLE FUCKING COUNTRY... im sorry... but i dont think you are really "protecting" us... i think your protecting politicians...

well, for the offensive parts of the armed serivices... now, defesive armed services, i can definitely appreciate, because they are actually HERE...

so... i really dont know how to say it... some parts of armed services i appreciate, but others... it depends on the mission i guess..


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Wether our troops are here or abroad, you can't blame them. The mission is not decided by the troops, but by our choosen leaders. I will always support our troops wether I agree with the campain or not. But like you Lemon, I disagree with being in Iraq. It was our leaders that decided that we needed to go over there and disarm them of the WMD's that they were making and stock piling. Then once they were not found, the message turned to liberating an oppressed people from a ruthless dictatorship. None of wich is the fault of our troops, but our agenda driven leadership.

"Great leaders are born from great wisdom and knowledge, and some are given it for graduation"


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I agree. We should pull out of Iraq. I spent 11 months off shore there on the USS Abe Lincoln. Also I am not pro-Bush. I didn't vote for him, and didn't want him in office. I didn't want Kerry either because he was a wus. Better than Bush IMO... IMO


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WOW,what big decision to make,but definely ,i will try my best to save my country in case it happens,country safe ,individual safer,am i right ?


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Re: RE: Would You Die for Your Country?

lemon said:
i hate to be an asshole, but are you really putting your life on the line because you want to protect your people?

because i think its best to protect people, when your at HOME... not some other country...


sorry... its just that military people say they are "protecting" us civilians when they are off-shores... granted, yes, i can understand n. korea and such like them... but iraq? afghanistan (sp?)? we went in there to take certain people out... not THE WHOLE FUCKING COUNTRY... im sorry... but i dont think you are really "protecting" us... i think your protecting politicians...

well, for the offensive parts of the armed serivices... now, defesive armed services, i can definitely appreciate, because they are actually HERE...

so... i really dont know how to say it... some parts of armed services i appreciate, but others... it depends on the mission i guess..

It's the way we look at the world that makes us different. It's healthy to disagree, or we wouldn't be the kick ass nation we are today.

The military is used to protect Americans, even when deployed overseas. When we went into Iraq, it was because we thought they had WMD. Clinton sent cruise missiles in for the same reason back in '98. The rest of the world, and the United Nations all felt there were WMD in Iraq. The President got his info from our intelligence services, and Congress received the same information. Everybody agreed, that it was in the vital and immediate best interests of the United States to make sure Iraq was disarmed.

When we didn't find the WMD, it was a surprise for everybody. But the political opposition to the President decided to make a huge issue out of it, even though they made the same decision he did. They just get to pretend like they were duped. ... I'm sorry, but that doesn't hold water with me. The President can't simply go to Congress and say give me troops, and you'll just have to trust me as to why. Congress investigated it, and the CIA gave classified briefings to every congressperson. Then Colin Powel took that intel to the U.N. for world observation. Does anybody remember the video of the Mig-29 doing it's 'crop dusting' mission? Does anybody really believe that any government would use a Mig-29 to do crop dusting?? :tard

We fought WWII in Europe and the Pacific, because if we didn't, we would be speaking German, or Japanese today. We proved in the lead up to WWI that you cannot protect yourself by acting the turtle and hoping the bad man will leave you alone. Then we had to learn again in WWII @ Pearl.

If the President didn't act on the intel he had available, it would have been irresponsible and stupid. He would have put to risk 10's of thousands of American lives. That is not an option available to an American President. He HAS to error on the side of protecting his people.

Now that we're in Iraq, we have to stay till she's on her own two feet. We're committed, and if we left now, how would history remember the United States? You can't go turn millions of people lives upside down, and then leave them to fall into tyranny again. We have a responsibility to stay until things are right in Iraq.

If you look at a timeline, you'll see that things in Iraq are going VERY well by any historical standard. 15 out of 18 provinces are peaceful places where people get along famously. They have elected officials. They have a constitution that has been ratified by the population. They are about to have new elections under the Iraqi constitution that will bring them into the 21'st century. Minorities and women are recognized under the new constitution, as well as religious freedoms granted.

When you hear the 'rhetoric' of leaving only let's the terrorists win. It's true. Why would the strongest, fairest, greatest nation the world has ever seen allow itself to be beaten by a rag tag gang of extremists who don't even have the support of their own people or governments? The only support they have is the support of anti-bush liberals, and the media who presents their position as a legitimate one.


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Very VERY well said Intruder. I would also like to point out your comparison to WWI and WWII. Just imagine what could happen to us, with the techology available today, if we had just blown it off and stayed out of Iraq. The saying is that history will repeat itself.


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I would say that if asked to defend my Country from attack or an invasion Then I would. If asked to go back to Afghanistan I maybe would go. If asked to go to some other Forign Soil and "eliminate the evildoers" I would not. That's one of the reasons I left. I wont fight in a war that WE started.


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IF dying for this country would immediately save this country, then yes I would die for it. But to serve in the military to help defend or attack then no.


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i dont have that much to add here since most of its already been said, but my $.02:

btw let me preface this by saying, im not a crazy right or left wing or anything. and if i offend anyone, i apologize in advance.

to everyone who says they enjoy the "freedom" of speech, and thats the only reason you like america, wake up. there is no such thing as 'freedom' in this world, that is unless you live on your own island with a farm and everything you need to keep yourself alive. the fact is, there will ALWAYS be someone more powerful than you, who can shut you up in a second. so your "freedom" is a privelege, not a right. that privelege is granted to you by the same people who fight and defend you every second you are awake or asleep. you ask why the military has to go to other country and do all this dirty work? guess what, if they dont, NOONE else will. you ask why the USA has to police the world? NOONE ELSE WILL. and YES the world needs a babysitter because without one it goes to shit in a flaming handbasket. man i could go on but I dont think theres anything new to add here....

you ask why we need to do our business in iraq and so on? theres a few reasons that all the naive peace advocates (and let me add i am not saying peace is bad, i am using that term to refer to people who are completely against war since thats completely naive)...

if you know anything about fundamentalist mideast education, (and dont reply to what im about to say by saying 'thats silly, or it cant be that way, its too crazy to be true', because it IS true)
you cannot deal with it in the same way you can deal with many other rational thinkers. now i am not saying they are crazy, or stupid. far from it - BUT at the same time, when you deal with people who are driven by religious fundamentalism, you cannot use logic or reason to negotiate. and it is a fact that from young ages (you can look at the textbooks used in that part of the world if you dont believe me) there is hate put into the blood of so many people that by the time they are grown, as smart as they may be, you cant reason with them. you cant have a truce, or a ceasefire, or an anything. it wont happen. and if it does happen, it wont be permanent.

at this point whoever understands what im saying understands. if you dont, then im sorry.
anyway, the point is, that without force, it all comes back to what i was saying before. you will be attacked if you dont attack first. it is not a matter of 'if we leave people alone they will leave us alone'. it doesnt work that way. like bacon (i think it was him) said, if you but your guns down, someone else is gonna pick em right up and then youre screwed.

again, not trying to offend, but thats my opinion...


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well it's quite different for me

i was adopted from a poor country and brought to US, this country gave me everything, so i would definitely die for it any minute if needed


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Would I die for this country?

In half a heartbeat. If my death would protect this country, and would keep some idiot terrorist or other garden variety idiot from doing something stupid to America, then I would gladly lay down my life for my country.



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Indeed I would. I might not agree with our government much, but if we were under attack. I would stand guard for our country.

But if it was to over seas for something that we have no business to be messing with...then no, I don't think so.