Why does Palin get under ya'll's skin so?

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Minor Axis

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Same here

Look at who ended up as the Speaker of the House :eek

Did you choke on the hypocrisy when you typed that. Are you seriously going to say that only the republicans memorize talking points. Give me a break. I don't give a damn which party it is they use talking points.

The Republican Party standardized the practice. You know this when an event occurs and every Republican politician interviewed says the exact same thing.
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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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The Republican Party standardized the practice. You know this when an event occurs and every Republican politician interviewed says the exact same thing.
You never disappoint. :24:

I keep forgetting

Democrat = Perfect Angels

Republican = Evil slime

You liberals are a hoot :24::24::24:


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First, I don't believe McCain chose her, the party did to breathe some life into it. Second, I think you need to stop with the Dems are this and Reps are this. There is an inherent flaw in the party system because ultimately it is not US that chooses the candidates who represent us, it's who the parties push down our throats.

I often chuckle to myselves how often those of us that sit on opposite sides of the aisle agree on issues, but as soon as we find out what parties we're affiliated with, we divide. Sorry Froggy, you're all hoots when it comes down to it...you both fling the same mud.

I think if people got their heads out of their parties asses and actually listened for a change, that would make all the difference.

As for Sarah Palin, she doesn't scare me because I'm a liberal, she scares me because she is part of the fear-mongering machine that sways the masses. She may have a lot of ideas and thigns to say, but it's a lot of drivel and crap...are there Dems that do that too? Yes absolutely and as a Dem I'm appalled by them. But don't insult me with a broadstroke generalization that ALL Dems or ALL Reps are this or that simply because they have an opinion about one particularly uneducated, drivel spewing politician.

Oh and just for fun to further prove my point especially at 3:38 on...watch the point counter point:

Hulu - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart: Healther Skelter

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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At least you admit it... but actually I never said or implied that. I just said they are the ones who to their detriment, perfected the concept "of talking points".
You are a pip :D

Geeze they both have it perfected. Watch the news with the blinders off for once. You can go from pundit to pundit and they say virtually the same thing and it does not matter which party. People parrot what they believe in. There is no such thing as one or the other having perfected better than the other.


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She's an idiot. For many conservatives however, she is the second coming of Jesus. She sounds like a total hick when speaking, I feel like an idiot just listening to her.

Sounds like the way conservatives and libertarians feel about Nancy Pelosi

Saying that she is an idiot and completely unfit for public office is not at all sexist. Which is kind of ironic, because Palin embodies just about every political position that women are against.

Don't generalize... there are plenty of women who liked Palin as well, but I guess they don't count because they're conservative?

She's a pro-life, anti gun-control, social conservative hillbilly. When she was mayor of Wasilla she made rape victims pay for their own rape-kits.

So people aren't allowed to have their own views on social issues? Oh wait, just women who are politicians? I love how conservatives are blasted for being pro-life like it's this evil thing. They happen to have strong opinion about something, just as those who are pro-choice have strong opinions about their viewpoint. If anything, the fact that she's a woman that is pro-life should mean a lot... since the argument against males that are pro-life is that they can't understand.

I don't think she's as much anti gun-control as she is a believer of the 2nd Amendment.... personally, I don't think there should be as many gun-control laws as we have currently... criminals will get guns regardless of restrictions, but that's a debate for another thread.

You also might want to check your facts before you go off spewing nonsense. Yes, a policy existed in Wasilla that required victims of rape to pay for their own rape kit. However, you really need to get your facts straight... the policy existed, as it existed in many rural areas in Alaska... but she neither supported nor opposed the practice. Truth be told, she probably wasn't even aware of it until the legislation came into the Alaska legislation to make the practice illegal. The person in charge of such things for the town of Wasilla was the police chief, not the mayor. It's easy to look at it and start making fanciful claims that she made rape victims pay for their own rape kits and whatever else... but I prefer facts to fancy anyday.

Oh yeah. She's also got an extremely good foreign policy portfolio, because she can see Russia from her backyard.

And by that, I mean Russia can only been seen from this one island in Alaska that's she never visited before.

and what exactly was Obama's foreign policy portfolio before he became president? Oh wait, he didn't have one either.

Look, I don't particularly like Palin... but I don't understand why the dems and liberals have a field day attacking her and making her out to be public enemy number one. While all the while supporting a man for the presidency that had less executive level experience than she did, and was every bit as inexperienced or moreso than they tried to claim she was.

Minor Axis

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Sounds like the way conservatives and libertarians feel about Nancy Pelosi.

If we had two choices for leadership- Palin or Pelosi, Pelosi would win hands down. You guys don't like Pelosi because she is liberal. Most don't like Palin because she is not qualified. Most who like her, it's because she says she is conservative and appears to be another bubba you could go have a drink with. See where that got the country the last time?

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Pelosi is an idiot. Not just that she is a liberal. She acts like a deer in headlights. Lets face it we both have biases. You will never find much of anything worthwhile in Palin and I won't in Pelosi. But to call Palin a complete idiot as the left is doing is just silly. She is no dummy. You may not like her politics or style but she aint stupid.

Minor Axis

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Pelosi is an idiot. Not just that she is a liberal. She acts like a deer in headlights. Lets face it we both have biases. You will never find much of anything worthwhile in Palin and I won't in Pelosi. But to call Palin a complete idiot as the left is doing is just silly. She is no dummy. You may not like her politics or style but she aint stupid.

Please put her up for Republican nominee for President in 2012. You'll be doing the country a favor. :)

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Please put her up for Republican nominee for President in 2012. You'll be doing the country a favor. :)
I seriously doubt that but lord knows the republicans aint been very smart for quite a while. I still think she will get a tv show. And depending upon how that goes make a career out of that or maybe runs in 2016. By then you will not have the babe factor to whine about. :p

Whoever it is your guy is gonna have a battle. Those poll numbers are not dropping like flies by accident. Unless you think it is part of a vast right wing conspiracy. :D


Having way too much fun
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nuf said...

After Sarah Palin told Katie Couric in a September 2008 interview that she opposes Roe v. Wade but supports the idea of the right to privacy in the constitution (which is the basis for the Roe v. Wade decision), Couric asked Palin a simple question:
Katie Couric: What other Supreme Court decisions do you disagree with?

Sarah Palin
: Mmmmm…


Well, let’s see. There’s…

[Pause, sigh]

Of course in the great history of America there have been rulings, that, um, there’s never going to be absolute consensus by every American, and there are those issues, again, like Roe v. Wade, where I believe are best held on a state level and addressed there. So, you know, going through the history of America, there would be others but …


: Can you think of any?

: Well, I could think of, of, any again, that could be best dealt with on a more local level, maybe I would take issue with? But, you know, um, as, as a mayor, and then as a governor and even as a vice president, if I’m so privileged to serve, wouldn’t be in a position of changing those things but in supporting the law of the land as, as it reads today.​

There are entire websites devoted to Palinisms. She was in the media spotlight for a few months and provided enough material for entire websites to be built around. :D


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If we had two choices for leadership- Palin or Pelosi, Pelosi would win hands down. You guys don't like Pelosi because she is liberal. Most don't like Palin because she is not qualified. Most who like her, it's because she says she is conservative and appears to be another bubba you could go have a drink with. See where that got the country the last time?

Pelosi is a militant left wing nutjob that many in her own party wish would just go away at this point in time... she has a 60% disapproval rating the last I saw. If it was Palin vs. Pelosi; either Palin or a 3rd party candidate would likely win the election. Palin is polling just about 8% behind Obama at this point in time as a potential 2012 Presidential candidate, so there are many in the country who actually do agree with her.

What I don't get is why the liberals harp and harp on Palin's supposed lack of experience, while Obama had even less and he was elected President.


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nuf said...

There are entire websites devoted to Palinisms. She was in the media spotlight for a few months and provided enough material for entire websites to be built around. :D

So you mean she responded like Obama does when he doesn't have a teleprompter to tell him what to say?



Having way too much fun
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Pelosi is a militant left wing nutjob that many in her own party wish would just go away at this point in time... she has a 60% disapproval rating the last I saw. If it was Palin vs. Pelosi; either Palin or a 3rd party candidate would likely win the election. Palin is polling just about 8% behind Obama at this point in time as a potential 2012 Presidential candidate, so there are many in the country who actually do agree with her.

What I don't get is why the liberals harp and harp on Palin's supposed lack of experience, while Obama had even less and he was elected President.

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin may still be making news headlines, but the U.S. electorate has news for her. If the 2012 presidential election were held today and she were the Republican candidate, Palin would not defeat President Barack Obama. In fact, the president would win the election by a considerable margin.

56% of U.S. registered voters report they would cast their ballot for the president while 33% would vote for Palin. It’s probably not a shock that public opinion divides along party lines. 92% of Democrats would support Obama in this hypothetical contest while 73% of Republicans would back Palin. Although President Obama does not receive a majority of Independents in this matchup, Obama does win nearly half — 49% — of this key voting group. Palin receives 34% of their support.

This was from an article yesterday...

So you mean she responded like Obama does when he doesn't have a teleprompter to tell him what to say?


WTF are you talking about?

*shakes head*

You're right, he's a complete idiot without his teleprompter... I guess I should pay closer attention.


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gotcha, so her support has dropped... I was basing that from a poll I saw a little while after she announced her resignation as governor.

WTF are you talking about?

*shakes head*

You're right, he's a complete idiot without his teleprompter... I guess I should pay closer attention.

I don't know if you're serious or sarcastic :p But regardless, the man says ummmm and stammers a whole helluva lot if he doesn't have his teleprompter. He's not an orator, he's a reader ;)