Why do the Abraham religions not use God’s true name?

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"Wouldn't a soldier be suspended"

Suspension is not killing.

You speak for the majority of Islam. Not the minority.

They still kill Gays and women that will not wear the appropriate garb.
Again, this is the minority and more fundamental part of Islam.
They are still supported by the Quoran.


that was just an allegory...
Okay, let a coward soldier back out from the battle field and see why his buddy doesn't shoot him dead!
Killing as punishment depends on the severity of the crime...for more heinous crimes the army discipline opts for court martial general!!

Nobody kills born gays...but sodomy is punishable in Islam!! You carry on if you like it, whom am I to object ?
And stop objecting to others who are not for it.

Garb is a cultural issue.....even then nobody kills for not wearing the proper garb..but mostly in some areas proper garb is a societal imperative...and if it is imposed by law women have to obey it! Local costume was banned in Afghanistan during Shah Zahir Shah's regime and all women were ordered to wear skirts.....they wily nilly did because they were bound to follow King's edict!!

Licentiousness and free sex is forbidden by the Quran....what's wrong with that???
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Sounds like you think that just because it is forbidden, it never happens.
Good luck with that.
I admit that Islam has a better record for unwanted pregnancies but to say they never happen is like Iran with it's claim that there are no Gays in that country.

If inappropriate sex did not happen in Islam then why would they kill those who prove there is?



Violations of Law are everywhere...you are only too naive to comprehend.

Gays are everywhere but once caught and proved they will face the music!!
What the hell are women created for??? If man wants to fuck a man shame on them!

Greatest I am

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My contempt is for your inability to admit that you might possibly be wrong.

If Adam and Eve had not eaten from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they would not have died. Why did God need to warn them after the fact? Eve still knew that God had said that before she ate from it.

Genesis 3:2-3
The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, 3 but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’”

She knew that eating from that tree was wrong and that God had said not to eat from it, yet she did it anyway. She knew the consequences of her actions, and yet she ate from the fruit of that tree despite that fact.

The tree of life is what would have Kept Adam and Eve from dying, so God took that away from them because they violated what he commanded of them. God said that they would die if they ate from that tree, they ate from it anyway, so God removed them from the tree of life so they would not be able to continue eating from it, thus preventing them from dying.

It's a very simple concept, but one which you refuse to grasp because you can't possibly admit that you might be wrong about something. It's quite pathetic to be honest.

I always admit that I could be wrong in anything I say but without some persuasive logic refuting my positions on whatever issue, I have no reason to change it.
Actually, learning is one of the great joys of life and I like to be found wrong on issues and thus I learn as I change my stance.

Again you ignore this.
""Further, where do you see him warning them of the other consequences that he imposed after the fact?""

I will give my argument to the immoral actions of your God but not till you speak to the idea of it being ok for God to arbitrarily add on a bunch of unknown consequences to eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.



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I always admit that I could be wrong in anything I say but without some persuasive logic refuting my positions on whatever issue, I have no reason to change it.
Actually, learning is one of the great joys of life and I like to be found wrong on issues and thus I learn as I change my stance.

Again you ignore this.
""Further, where do you see him warning them of the other consequences that he imposed after the fact?""

I will give my argument to the immoral actions of your God but not till you speak to the idea of it being ok for God to arbitrarily add on a bunch of unknown consequences to eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.


You're really being obtuse now... what unknown consequences? YOU WILL DIE. That seems pretty cut and dry to me, but apparently not to you.

Greatest I am

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that was just an allegory...
Okay, let a coward soldier back out from the battle field and see why his buddy doesn't shoot him dead!
Killing as punishment depends on the severity of the crime...for more heinous crimes the army discipline opts for court martial general!!

Nobody kills born gays...but sodomy is punishable in Islam!! You carry on if you like it, whom am I to object ?
And stop objecting to others who are not for it.

Garb is a cultural issue.....even then nobody kills for not wearing the proper garb..but mostly in some areas proper garb is a societal imperative...and if it is imposed by law women have to obey it! Local costume was banned in Afghanistan during Shah Zahir Shah's regime and all women were ordered to wear skirts.....they wily nilly did because they were bound to follow King's edict!!

Licentiousness and free sex is forbidden by the Quran....what's wrong with that???

Hit a nerve did I.

First, one does not have to like to be bum fucked to want Gays to enjoy the same rights and freedoms that heterosexuals do.
You automatically assumed that I liked what I have never had.
Thanks for trying to pigeon hole me with what you likely see as a grave insult.
How Christian for a Muslim. LOL.
You are in the sane narrow box Christian literalists and fundamentals live in.

"sodomy is punishable in Islam!!"

Except if it is with a dancing boy so let's stop being hypocrites shall we.

With consenting adults and sex, one must wonder what business it is to you who does what to whom.
Jealous are we?

Do you fear or crave that big hunk of hanging meat?

"then nobody kills for not wearing the proper garb"

This is an outright lie. Shall I Google spme news items for you along with the ones that speak of Gay killing by Muslims?


Greatest I am

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You're really being obtuse now... what unknown consequences? YOU WILL DIE. That seems pretty cut and dry to me, but apparently not to you.

Too silly or lazy to check the story are we?

Cursing the earth.
Pain in child birth.
The sin being passed on to all offspring.

Shall I continue?

How would that work in a secular court for a judge to arbitrarily tack on various consequences to a perpetrator?

Let's see. The law says that your penalty is 10 years inn jail. I will give you that but before you go, here is 40 lashes of the whip, the extraction of all your teeth and the cutting off of a limb of your choice.
Now that is the way justice should be done if your idiot God had his way.


Greatest I am

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Violations of Law are everywhere...you are only too naive to comprehend.

Gays are everywhere but once caught and proved they will face the music!!
What the hell are women created for??? If man wants to fuck a man shame on them!


Now you are out to catch Gays so that you can dance with them to music.
Shake you bum a bit harder, I see a few Gays interested.

"What the hell are women created for???"

Any ladies here or will you be such good fucking machines that you will let this idiot off with hinting that you were just created to be fuck by so called men?



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Too silly or lazy to check the story are we?

Cursing the earth.
Pain in child birth.
The sin being passed on to all offspring.

Shall I continue?

How would that work in a secular court for a judge to arbitrarily tack on various consequences to a perpetrator?

Let's see. The law says that your penalty is 10 years inn jail. I will give you that but before you go, here is 40 lashes of the whip, the extraction of all your teeth and the cutting off of a limb of your choice.
Now that is the way justice should be done if your idiot God had his way.


There are consequences for everything... God never said that death would be the only punishment. When someone commits a crime, they know the basics of what could happen... but not all of the specifics. They don't know what prison they're going to go to, they don't know the living conditions that they'll have, they don't know any of that. Are those arbitrary punishments? Nope. Then consider that eating of the tree wasn't their only sin... they lied about it to God as well, not to mention that Eve tried to blame the serpent, and Adam tried to blame Eve. There was more at play than simply eating from the tree.

But I notice that you've moved on from claiming that it was murder now... guess you came to the conclusion that you were actually wrong. Too bad you couldn't admit it.
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You believe that, r-e-a-l-l-y?

If we're considering the Bible as the truth here, which is the premise of GIA's threads bashing Christianity and/or Judaism; God stated that if they ate from the tree, they would die. Seems pretty cut and dry to me. You could even argue that God was lenient with them even, since they didn't die immediately. They lived long lives, and died nearly a millenia later.

Greatest I am

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There are consequences for everything... God never said that death would be the only punishment. When someone commits a crime, they know the basics of what could happen... but not all of the specifics. They don't know what prison they're going to go to, they don't know the living conditions that they'll have, they don't know any of that. Are those arbitrary punishments? Nope. Then consider that eating of the tree wasn't their only sin... they lied about it to God as well, not to mention that Eve tried to blame the serpent, and Adam tried to blame Eve. There was more at play than simply eating from the tree.

But I notice that you've moved on from claiming that it was murder now... guess you came to the conclusion that you were actually wrong. Too bad you couldn't admit it.

I have not moved on from my position and your position that tacking on whatever other punishments God wants to add on just out of the blue is an immoral one.
Stick to you immoral stance. Can't question God now can you slave?


Greatest I am

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God shouldn't be judged by the story of Adam and Eve. It's a myth for God's sake.

Yes. A myth that has been used to oppress woman for 3,000 years. Let's not discredit it now.
Man cannot scrap ideas that have been so useful as a tool of oppression now can we?
let's not forget the Gays that have been killed and denigrated because the same myth says that only a man and a woman can have sex legally or morally.

Let us let this myth stand un-opposed. It is a good one to believe. Not.


Minor Axis

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If we're considering the Bible as the truth here, which is the premise of GIA's threads bashing Christianity and/or Judaism; God stated that if they ate from the tree, they would die. Seems pretty cut and dry to me. You could even argue that God was lenient with them even, since they didn't die immediately. They lived long lives, and died nearly a millenia later.

I believe most of GIA's post are for the purpose of debunking the Bible as a made up document so he pick, pick, picks. ;)

God shouldn't be judged by the story of Adam and Eve. It's a myth for God's sake.

You do realize how humorous your statement is? Where does the myth stop? :D
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