Why do the Abraham religions not use God’s true name?

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Also, slavery is immoral, women have rights, we don't stone children for disobedience or burn witches and heretics. Population control is necessary now, arranged marriages are out and premarital sex is in. We live in a different world than the writers of ancient scripture.

There is NO slavery in Islam but slavery is condemned, not expressly forbidden.
. NO Muslim can take another Muslim man or woman as a slave! THAT is the Law!!

No Muslim ever stoned children for disobedience....they also don't burn witches but of course, apostasy is punishable by imprisonment or death. This is because once a person allegiance to Islam he is duty bound NOT to ridicule his own religion or prophet or the tenets to which he has already vowed. Wouldn't a soldier be suspended or expelled from his unit if he mocks at or ridicules his institution or superiors or the discipline code????

Arranged marriages are cultural requirement. Islam allows women to choose their own matches..
If you were in this culture---the culture of any Muslim or non-Muslim developing country--you will then surely realize the significance of arranged marriages in that it is the ONLY way parents and family can ensure utmost security--social and otherwise- and safety to the bride!! Where governments are weak (or extra strong) and where rule of law is scant it is the custom and culture which prevail....over religion!!
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Anti-Muslim crusaders make millions spreading fear

First of Two Parts

Steven Emerson has 3,390,000 reasons to fear Muslims.

That's how many dollars Emerson's for-profit company — Washington-based SAE Productions — collected in 2008 for researching alleged ties between American Muslims and overseas terrorism. The payment came from the Investigative Project on Terrorism Foundation, a nonprofit charity Emerson also founded, which solicits money by telling donors they're in imminent danger from Muslims.
Emerson is a leading member of a multimillion-dollar industry of self-proclaimed experts who spread hate toward Muslims in books and movies, on websites and through speaking appearances.
Leaders of the so-called "anti-jihad" movement portray themselves as patriots, defending America against radical Islam. And they've found an eager audience in ultra-conservative Christians and mosque opponents in Middle Tennessee. One national consultant testified in an ongoing lawsuit aimed at stopping a new Murfreesboro mosque.


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There is NO slavery in Islam but slavery is condemned, not expressly forbidden.
. NO Muslim can take another Muslim man or woman as a slave! THAT is the Law!!
I wish you could have said person instead of "Muslim man or woman." Anyway slavery is considered immoral today. Religion needs to keep up.

No Muslim ever stoned children for disobedience
Actually I was thinking of Judaism in that example. I kind of doubt that Jews actually obeyed that law. At least I hope not. But if someone were writing the Torah today, he wouldn't even consider including that law.

Arranged marriages are cultural requirement.
Yeah, I should have clarified that arranged marriages are out in US culture.
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I wish you could have said person instead of "Muslim man or woman." Anyway slavery is considered immoral today. Religion needs to keep up.

Actually I was thinking of Judaism in that example. I kind of doubt that Jews actually obeyed that law. At least I hope not. But if someone were writing the Torah today, they wouldn't even consider including that law.

Yeah, I should have clarified that arranged marriages are out in US culture.

Why should I say what you want to listen?? The Quran does not abolish slavery but discourages it...it only says that a Muslim cannot hold another Muslim as Slave!! That is the Truth and I said what the Truth is.

Islam, Christianity and Torah are all flowers of the same bouquet!!:)


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Why should I say what you want to listen??

I understand you told me the truth. It was just wishful thinking on my part. I, like you, am against all forms of slavery whether the slave be Muslim or not. :)
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I understand you told me the truth. It was just wishful thinking on my part. I, like you, am against all forms of slavery whether the slave be Muslim or not. :)

hehehe!! sorry I was a bit curt...:)

I respect your wishful thinking but the Quran must be having its reasons for not abolishing slavery?? I will check out and revert.

I am not sure but taking prisoners in times of war is not preferred by Muslims...the prisoners are either bartered for Muslim prisoners, asked to convert to Islam or free themselves by paying ransom?? Am not sure but if the non-Muslim prisoner continues to be adamant and inimical he's gone!!:) anyway will look it up..for authentic reason.

Greatest I am

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Also, slavery is immoral, women have rights, we don't stone children for disobedience or burn witches and heretics. Population control is necessary now, arranged marriages are out and premarital sex is in. We live in a different world than the writers of ancient scripture.


We live in a different time with modern conditions,, yes, but man is the same basic mentality today as he was back then. We just can't quite get away with some of his antics. We likely would try if we could.



Greatest I am

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Quran is not a book of Science. I haven't checked the Quran for the things you mention but I will try to get information about that and revert, anyhow.

As regards abortion, since premarital sex is forbidden by Islam the question of abortion does not arise in unmaried women.

Sounds like you think that just because it is forbidden, it never happens.
Good luck with that.
I admit that Islam has a better record for unwanted pregnancies but to say they never happen is like Iran with it's claim that there are no Gays in that country.

If inappropriate sex did not happen in Islam then why would they kill those who prove there is?



Greatest I am

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There is NO slavery in Islam but slavery is condemned, not expressly forbidden.
. NO Muslim can take another Muslim man or woman as a slave! THAT is the Law!!

No Muslim ever stoned children for disobedience....they also don't burn witches but of course, apostasy is punishable by imprisonment or death. This is because once a person allegiance to Islam he is duty bound NOT to ridicule his own religion or prophet or the tenets to which he has already vowed. Wouldn't a soldier be suspended or expelled from his unit if he mocks at or ridicules his institution or superiors or the discipline code????

Arranged marriages are cultural requirement. Islam allows women to choose their own matches..
If you were in this culture---the culture of any Muslim or non-Muslim developing country--you will then surely realize the significance of arranged marriages in that it is the ONLY way parents and family can ensure utmost security--social and otherwise- and safety to the bride!! Where governments are weak (or extra strong) and where rule of law is scant it is the custom and culture which prevail....over religion!!

"Wouldn't a soldier be suspended"

Suspension is not killing.

You speak for the majority of Islam. Not the minority.

They still kill Gays and women that will not wear the appropriate garb.
Again, this is the minority and more fundamental part of Islam.
They are still supported by the Quoran.


Minor Axis

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Could it be that the Church or Mosque fathers do not want people to recognize the Gnostic implications of the God within being recognized by the rank and file?

To be human is to deceive when the opportunity presents itself. Lol.

As regards abortion, since premarital sex is forbidden by Islam the question of abortion does not arise in unmaried women.

Your naivete is showing... unless Muslims are better at following the rules than everyone else. ;)
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Greatest I am

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Your naivete is showing... unless Muslims are better at following the rules than everyone else. ;)

In a way they are when it comes to sex but they pay a price elsewhere. Look at the Afghan rape law as an example where the women are forced to pay while the men enjoy their dancing boys.



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If expulsion of a fetus is murder, then God preventing access to the tree of life for A & E and us is also murder.



Not even close to the same thing, but thanks for playing anyway. Adam and Eve knew what the consequences of their actions would be prior to eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Greatest I am

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Not even close to the same thing, but thanks for playing anyway. Adam and Eve knew what the consequences of their actions would be prior to eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Show where God warned them.
He did tell them something about dying, which they did not do till He denied them access to what He had previously said they could eat. That is breaking his covenant. A sin in and of itself.
To deny life by prevention of life saving measures is murder.

Further, where do you see him warning them of the other consequences that he imposed after the fact?



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We've been over this before, but let's try it again... maybe you'll understand this time around. Though I'm highly doubting that you'd be willing actually admit that you were incorrect or misinformed about something since you act as though your opinions are infallible.

Genesis 2:15-17

15 The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. 16 And the LORD God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”

Greatest I am

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We've been over this before, but let's try it again... maybe you'll understand this time around. Though I'm highly doubting that you'd be willing actually admit that you were incorrect or misinformed about something since you act as though your opinions are infallible.

Genesis 2:15-17

15 The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. 16 And the LORD God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”

I see you ignored this.
"Further, where do you see him warning them of the other consequences that he imposed after the fact?"

As to your comment. They did not just die 940 years late, they died as a direct cause of God denying them what he had told them they could do. eat of the tree of life.

"Whoever imagines himself a favorite with God,
holds other people in contempt.
Whenever a man believes that he has the exact truth from God,
there is in that man no spirit of compromise.
He has not the modesty born of the imperfections of human nature;
he has the arrogance of theological certainty and the tyranny born of ignorant assurance.
Believing himself to be the slave of God,
he imitates his master,
and of all tyrants,
the worst is a slave in power."
--Robert Ingersoll

Your contempt is showing. Either debate honestly or go away.



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I see you ignored this.
"Further, where do you see him warning them of the other consequences that he imposed after the fact?"

As to your comment. They did not just die 940 years late, they died as a direct cause of God denying them what he had told them they could do. eat of the tree of life.

"Whoever imagines himself a favorite with God,
holds other people in contempt.
Whenever a man believes that he has the exact truth from God,
there is in that man no spirit of compromise.
He has not the modesty born of the imperfections of human nature;
he has the arrogance of theological certainty and the tyranny born of ignorant assurance.
Believing himself to be the slave of God,
he imitates his master,
and of all tyrants,
the worst is a slave in power."
--Robert Ingersoll

Your contempt is showing. Either debate honestly or go away.


My contempt is for your inability to admit that you might possibly be wrong.

If Adam and Eve had not eaten from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they would not have died. Why did God need to warn them after the fact? Eve still knew that God had said that before she ate from it.

Genesis 3:2-3
The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, 3 but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’”

She knew that eating from that tree was wrong and that God had said not to eat from it, yet she did it anyway. She knew the consequences of her actions, and yet she ate from the fruit of that tree despite that fact.

The tree of life is what would have Kept Adam and Eve from dying, so God took that away from them because they violated what he commanded of them. God said that they would die if they ate from that tree, they ate from it anyway, so God removed them from the tree of life so they would not be able to continue eating from it, thus preventing them from dying.

It's a very simple concept, but one which you refuse to grasp because you can't possibly admit that you might be wrong about something. It's quite pathetic to be honest.