no, he sent himself down to earth for us to kill him, I can't see how that was him cleaning the slate for us
Have you seen the movie or read the book by C.S. Lewis "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe"? Lucy, Susan and Peter willingly search for and assist Aslan (The Lion). However, their brother Edmund has a different experience. Edmund meets the Queen of Narnia (The White Witch). She pampers him and treats him as a prince. She makes promises of grandeur to him in hopes that he will betray his family and deliver them to her.
Edmund agrees to do the Witch’s bidding and betrays Aslan and his family. But the Queen doesn’t live up to her promises and Edmund finally saw her for who she really was. To her, though, it was too late, he had pledged his allegiance to her. However, Aslan’s army rescues Edmund from the Witch and in a moving scene, forgives him in front of his brothers and sisters, saying, “Here is your brother, and there is no need to talk to him about what is past.” Even further than this, Aslan offers his life in place of Edmunds to the White Witch.
Edmund received the amazing gift of a fresh start by no accord of his own. Aslan offered him this gift free of charge. Aslan had given Edmund a clean slate.
That's what Jesus did for us. He paid our debt, which allows us the opportunity to come to God and have our slates wiped clean through our reconciliation with Jesus. His death bridged the gap between sinners and God.
Everyone at some point in their lives has done something they regretted. They've done something they feel guilty for. Everyone has a past and for many people, their past haunts them. Their are people who can't move forward for fear of the past. We have a longing to be free of our past, to find redemption, and to have a clean slate.
We hear the phrase, "Forgive & Forget". Ha!Ha!...easier said then done. Who can do that?...God. In God’s eyes, when we come to him, truly repentant and seek to be reconciled with Him, he forgives us, and like the Psalmist said, he removes our sins as far as the East is from the West.
I could continue to ramble, but in the is what it is and that is a gift - take it or leave it.