That's because you buy into the liberal media crap about evil America like most of the other drones with no brains. You need to actually look at real history (not an OP ED) and understand both international law and the foundation of the Constitution to understand and grasp my point about soveriegnty.
this just sounds like you can't explain it to me
You're niave if you believe in this notion that the whole world will get along fine with no conflicts if the free nations with economic and military power simply subjugate themselves to the will of the collective world--what a crock of shit. If we did that, half our politicians would be executed or in jail.
i never made this're naivete is in thinking i did....there must, as you say, be a leader, if the world is actually gonna work towards being a place of freedom and equality.....for the simple reason that it is the nature of those sociopaths (
what went wrong is that we forgot to trust the soverignty of people, and subjugated them to an ideal.
that line is defined in all its glory and fuzziness by the constitution....but has come to be defined primarily as a function of economic opprotunity...the two are not mutually exclusive, but there's plenty of evidence around that supports the arguement that they're not always on the same page, either.....
so a world leader, in my view, must strike a balance....teddy roosevelt said it best "walk softly and carry a big stick".....
but it runs deeper than that captialism is finally entering into its full blown, global maturity, the idea of a superpower that leads through a combination of economic and military superiority must either be disgarded, imo, or redefined.....or we, like the soviet union before us, will find ourselves in a war we can't win. (you'll note politics iin russia, for as much as "freedom" has transformed its society, is having a hard time letting go of that superpower paradigm)
old habits -like our reliance on foreign oil- die hard.....and i don't have yet have a direction true american leadership should take in this century.....but i'm certain -because of our constitution, and our unique brand of individualism- that its potential exists.
And yes--of course the most powerful nations are guaranteed soveriegnty because the only way you get it like any freedom is you need to fight for it lest someone else takes it away. But that doesn't mean there are not hundreds of nations out there that enjoy soveriegnty many of them because of US and/or UN military power (the two are actually synonymous for the most part).
indeed they are...for 60 years, there's been potential in there....might be a place to start developing it.