Who'd you vote for???

Who did you vote for???

  • McCain

    Votes: 13 37.1%
  • Obama

    Votes: 17 48.6%
  • The other guy

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Write-in candidate

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I didn't vote

    Votes: 4 11.4%

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Mrs. Dontchaknow
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I remember when I was in grade school we used to get a blank map of the USA and had to color in each state either red or blue depending on who won the state. I kinda wanna do that tonight since its such a close call!
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La entrepierna de fuego
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I remember when I was in grade school we used to get a blank map of the USA and had to color in each state either red or blue depending on who won the state. I kinda wanna do that tonight since its such a close call!
Wow...you REALLY need us to come visit you, don't you??? :p Just kidding, just kidding!!!


Mrs. Dontchaknow
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LOL... but coloring is fun, no???

To be honest, living in the South during the election is much different in the North.. specifically Florida. In Jersey we usually got one visit from each candidate really early on and that was it. In Florida, they have been roaming around here for WEEKS campaigning. Every time I turn on the TV, they are in some other part of the state. I'm really interested to see who wins Florida... even though I voted as a Georgia resident :D

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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I voted cuz of your guilt trip Allen.
I hope your happy.
good for you :thumbup

they had hour long waits early this morning.

a person i know has a brother who set up one of the polling booths at a precinct and they were lined up in advance.

i voted at 9:30 and there was only a couple minute wait..:thumbup


Back By Unpopular Demand
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I got to vote early (last thursday), mostly because my state tends to have trouble counting :D


OTz's Typo Scouser
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...you guys see the news last night saying the only part of the world that would vote for mc'old are china and Iraq...doesn't that just say it all eh... those are the only two countries to benefit from a republican win. ....I'm so glad Obama is winning! I really do hope he gets in. Would be a lovely change for the US I think.

Fox Mulder

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...you guys see the news last night saying the only part of the world that would vote for mc'old are china and Iraq...doesn't that just say it all eh... those are the only two countries to benefit from a republican win. ....I'm so glad Obama is winning! I really do hope he gets in. Would be a lovely change for the US I think.

That depends on your perspective. If you are from a socialist based country like Canada or many European countries, then of course you want Obama to win because he'll weaken the US economy and subvert US soveriegnty. That's good for you as a Canadian and bad if you are an American.

The problem is that many people from outside the US don't understand the importance of US soveriegnty or the reason we sought independence in the first place. People were tired of a strong central government (i.e., King Geroge) dictacting their lives and freedoms--that's why their was a revolution. The idea was to create a country with a de-centralized federal government that put a lot more control in the state and local government. Over the years, that concept has been slowly eviscerated to the point now where we have a federal government that's no different than it was when we left England 200 plus years ago.

Point is if you are truly American and appreciate the spirit that gave birth to the country, you don't want any fucking federal government taking care of everyone like it was our mommy. People from Canada and Europe have a hard time understanding that, but my view is if you want an America that's like Canada and Europe, then move to Canada or Europe. The US Constitution was designed to prevent a centralized socialist government like Canada or most of Europe have precisely because they don't work well.


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People who vote for McCain tend to be individualist who believe they should control their own destiny whereas people who vote for Obama tend to be conformist who believe the government can take care of them better than they can take care of themselves (not true for everyone, but in general). The former of course is how America came to be in the first place--people tired of the European model of government where people are totally dependent on their government for everything set out for a new way of life where they could be free and independent.

this should be in that thread that's talking about the mentally ill :ninja

there, fox......that's the short version :D


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That depends on your perspective. If you are from a socialist based country like Canada or many European countries, then of course you want Obama to win because he'll weaken the US economy and subvert US soveriegnty. That's good for you as a Canadian and bad if you are an American.

economy?....maybe....maybe not.....seems more an issue of reasonable regulation, enforced, than any political party, frankly

but soverignty?....oh please....the word itself is arguable, if you look at who owns what in america.....
what i believe you're cloaking as soverignty is domination on the world stage....the 20th century notion of america the super power, which rules the world through its business interests, supported by a governement that manipulates self-determination as it feels is necessary.....

with all due respect, fox....it is the idea that american soverignty can only exist if we are at the top of the pyramid that lends credence to the far left's opinion that captialism is evil....and it's that idea, as well, imo, that is standing in the way of america's leadership potential in this century......

The problem is that many people from outside the US don't understand the importance of US soveriegnty or the reason we sought independence in the first place. People were tired of a strong central government (i.e., King Geroge) dictacting their lives and freedoms--that's why their was a revolution. The idea was to create a country with a de-centralized federal government that put a lot more control in the state and local government. Over the years, that concept has been slowly eviscerated to the point now where we have a federal government that's no different than it was when we left England 200 plus years ago.
this notion of soverignty isn't about america....it's about personal responsibility....the idea that each of us is (and should be) responsible for our actions IN america....it is the individualism that IS, without arguement, one of the cornerstones of our society.....(it is also, i feel, what makes you a social liberal)
politically, however, it is closer to the libertarian pov than anything....neither the current version of the GOP or the democrats really want much to do with a smaller government.


Active Member
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I voted for Obama today and I loved it. I never knew you get such a rush from it. I felt really proud to do it.

But they didn't give out "I voted" stickers where I voted and they do at other polling spots. How disappointing.

Fox Mulder

Active Member
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I voted for Obama today and I loved it. I never knew you get such a rush from it. I felt really proud to do it.

But they didn't give out "I voted" stickers where I voted and they do at other polling spots. How disappointing.

Well don't hold your breath waiting for your "free" healthcare, tax breaks and other things he's promised you.

Fox Mulder

Active Member
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but soverignty?....oh please....the word itself is arguable, if you look at who owns what in america.....
what i believe you're cloaking as soverignty is domination on the world stage....the 20th century notion of america the super power, which rules the world through its business interests, supported by a governement that manipulates self-determination as it feels is necessary.....

with all due respect, fox....it is the idea that american soverignty can only exist if we are at the top of the pyramid that lends credence to the far left's opinion that captialism is evil....and it's that idea, as well, imo, that is standing in the way of america's leadership potential in this century......

That's because you buy into the liberal media crap about evil America like most of the other drones with no brains. You need to actually look at real history (not an OP ED) and understand both international law and the foundation of the Constitution to understand and grasp my point about soveriegnty.

And yes--of course the most powerful nations are guaranteed soveriegnty because the only way you get it like any freedom is you need to fight for it lest someone else takes it away. But that doesn't mean there are not hundreds of nations out there that enjoy soveriegnty many of them because of US and/or UN military power (the two are actually synonymous for the most part). You're niave if you believe in this notion that the whole world will get along fine with no conflicts if the free nations with economic and military power simply subjugate themselves to the will of the collective world--what a crock of shit. If we did that, half our politicians would be executed or in jail.