White Terrorism

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Egyptian Muslims Throng in Thousands to Protect Christians

Posted on 01/08/2011 by Juan
Thousands of Muslims honored a promise made by their leaders and showed up at Christmas Mass or at candlelight vigils outside Egyptian churches on Friday, offering their bodies as human shields against any acts of terrorists. The observances were tense, in view of the New Year’s Day bombing of a cathedral in Alexandria, which killed 21. The Egyptian Coptic Orthodox Church celebrates Christmas on January 7. Among those Muslims making this statement was beloved comedian Adil Imam. Since the 1990s Imam has been active in combating radicalism, memorably in his film “Kebab and Terrorism” (Kebab wa Irhab).
Father Marqus, the Bishop of Alexandria, said that in his entire life he had never seen the degree of solidarity of Muslims with Coptic Christians that he has witnessed in recent days. He said that Muslims attending the funeral of the Christian victims of the New Year’s Day bombing had treated them like Muslim martyrs, pronouncing ‘God is Great!’ in mourning, and had erupted in applause at the condemnation of the terrorists. He said that the bombing was like an aqua regia solution that would assay the metal of the Egyptian people and reveal their golden nature. The act of terror, he said, will have the opposite effect of the one intended, and will instead increase the love of Christians and Muslims for one another.
This report from Aljazeera English also shows the solidarity demonstrations and the extensive security protection offered the Christians by the Egyptian police and security forces:
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What is the point of this thread? I love how people jump on a single, crazy white guy when he snaps and the media shouts "SEE!? Whites are dangerous too!" when like, 99.9% of all serious terrorism is committed by Muslims.

I hope you'll understand his plain words!!:)
''The decision to murder innocent people is seldom one made by well men. If we're going to argue that there's something fundamental about Islam itself that causes it, when Muslims do it, it's bald bigotry not to make the same argument when a non-Muslim commits a similarly incomprehensible crime.
If we define terrorism as violence committed by non-state actors aimed at achieving political goals, a case could be reasonably made for either, both, or neither or these men as terrorists. But when you start from the position that the Muslim is the "Terrorist" and the white guy is the "lone nut," you're have to work backwards to come up with a much more convoluted definition.''


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I hope you'll understand his plain words!!:)
''The decision to murder innocent people is seldom one made by well men. If we're going to argue that there's something fundamental about Islam itself that causes it, when Muslims do it, it's bald bigotry not to make the same argument when a non-Muslim commits a similarly incomprehensible crime.
If we define terrorism as violence committed by non-state actors aimed at achieving political goals, a case could be reasonably made for either, both, or neither or these men as terrorists. But when you start from the position that the Muslim is the "Terrorist" and the white guy is the "lone nut," you're have to work backwards to come up with a much more convoluted definition.''

Completely different. This guy wasn't brainwashed by his Imam that he was at war with the evil west and that he would get 40 virgins when he blows himself up while killing innocent people to incite fear into an entire population who don't even know they are at "war".

Yeah, that would be strictly reserved for the peace loving muslims.


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Extremist Killing Is As American As Apple Pie

By Stephan Salisbury


Murders grow on the far right rour decades after Martin Luther King

White Men Are Never Labeled Terrorists
That leads to a common thread among these murderous incidents. None has been labeled the work of terrorists by authorities or the media. All involved white men, most of whom -- like Jared Loughner in Tucson -- have been deemed troubled or disturbed by authorities and various media outlets. Even Jim David Adkisson, the unemployed truck driver who attacked the Knoxville church because he believed it was “a cult” and a haven for Democrats and secular liberals, has not been characterized as a political terrorist. Adkisson was a fan of the writings and shows of right-wing media personalities Bill O'Reilly, Michael Savage, and Sean Hannity, according to authorities who searched his residence after the 2008 shootings. However, his primary motivation, according to those same authorities, was the imminent loss of food stamps and inability to find a job.
Joseph Stack, who flew his plane into the Austin IRS building in an eerie echo of the 9/11 attacks, is also not a terrorist -- just a plain old suicide. The Maine dirty-bomb maker, who amassed quantities of hydrogen peroxide, uranium, thorium, lithium metal, thermite, aluminum powder, beryllium, boron, black iron oxide, and magnesium ribbon, a terrorist? No, just a “disturbed individual.”
Arizona, of course, has seen a lot of extremist political activity in recent years. In fact, even as Jared Loughner was gunning down 20 people inside the Safeway on North Oracle Road on January 8th, the murder trial of Shawna Forde, head of the anti-immigrant Minutemen American Defense group, was getting underway in nearby Pima County Superior Court. Forde and two associates have been charged with the shooting death of a man, the wounding of his wife, and the killing of the couple’s nine-year-old daughter during a June 2009 robbery aimed at funding her extremist political activities.
These are America’s killing fields, coast to coast, yet the commentary and debate in the wake of the Gabrielle Giffords shooting revolves around political rhetoric in Washington. Both sides need to tone it down, we’re told. There have been endless discussions on television and radio, newspaper commentary and Internet postings all focused on the issue of overheated political talk -- as if Jared Loughner somehow leaped full-grown from the forehead of Glenn Beck.
Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck did not send Jared Loughner out to kill, even if their extreme lock-and-load rhetoric -- Beck, brandishing a baseball bat, has warned his viewers to watch out during the next “killing spree” -- has helped legitimate such talk. What they have certainly done is help create an inspirational environment where it is perfectly normal for Tea Party extremists to attend political rallies while packing pistols. Indeed, packing pistols is the point, isn’t it?
That said, conservative columnist David Brooks, in an astonishingly superficial argument, wrote in the New York Times that those who drag politics into public debate over the killing of political figures and government officials are leveling “vicious charges” and lack empathy for the mentally ill. Brooks gravely wagged his finger at those -- he singled out MSNBC commentator Keith Olberman, former Senator Gary Hart, and Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas -- who have argued that violent rhetoric from the Tea Party and Sarah Palin set the table for the Tucson shootings. (Of course Congresswoman Giffords herself chastised Palin for putting her district in the now-infamous gun-sight crosshairs. Does Brooks include her, too, in excoriating “vicious charges made by people who claimed to be criticizing viciousness”?)
How sugary is Brooks’ argument? Compare it to what he wrote following the shooting rampage that took place at Fort Hood in November 2009. In that murderous incident, Major Nidal Malik Hasan was ultimately charged with killing 13 and wounding over 30. Hasan, a Muslim psychiatrist, was clearly disturbed by the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (he was about to be deployed to the latter) and his deteriorating mental state had been a concern to officials at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences.


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Now you pose a somewhat sensible question:)

If it is a so-called war on terror which it apparently doesn't seem to be judging by Occupation forces flopped agenda in Iraq (NO WMD's recovered!!) and now in Afghanistan. The term war on terror appears to be a stunt
as read by other countries not a party to it and those countries which have conflict of interest with the US and its allies. Your think tanks have been continuously telling the world at large that the US is creating havoc in war-ridden places mainly to forcibly capture resources.

Muslims do not call it a war against a religion unless you called it so.....and tried to hurt them everywhere.
Just keep to your own territory, defend it and if you KNOW an enemy get and give him his due but puleeeze don't blame others you are trying to vanquish and on whose homes you trample with your big armory!

so are you going to tell me that america wasn't attacked on 9/11 by a fanatical muslim group resulting in the loss of thousands of innocent civilian lives,an act which caused this big mess we're in by the way....and 9/11 was moreso a holocaust than the one you mentioned


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so are you going to tell me that america wasn't attacked on 9/11 by a fanatical muslim group resulting in the loss of thousands of innocent civilian lives,an act which caused this big mess we're in by the way....and 9/11 was moreso a holocaust than the one you mentioned

It was attacked by Saudi Arabs and their associates-bad .....but you never bother to budge WHY!!

Long 10 years and nothing has come out of it except more and more chaos and turmoil in the world, leaving every American indebted with $45000 each!! It all really saddens me, I wished you had nabbed and killed the
hoax of Osama by now,,,but you need help from your allies but are yet unthankful to them for their continued support!!

YOur rulers say they are not fighting against Muslims but you unashamedly defeat their word and violate their national policy by attributing the vile act to all Muslims! Shame on you! People like you are infact spreading hatred and making things worse for yourself and others!


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It was attacked by Saudi Arabs and their associates-bad .....but you never bother to budge WHY!!

Long 10 years and nothing has come out of it except more and more chaos and turmoil in the world, leaving every American indebted with $45000 each!! It all really saddens me, I wished you had nabbed and killed the
hoax of Osama by now,,,but you need help from your allies but are yet unthankful to them for their continued support!!

YOur rulers say they are not fighting against Muslims but you unashamedly defeat their word and violate their national policy by attributing the vile act to all Muslims! Shame on you! People like you are infact spreading hatred and making things worse for yourself and others!

i've stated before in other threads that i dont hate muslims and that i have many muslims as friends so dont tell me what i think,and i'm british so i'm one of america's allies...and tell me,where america is concerned has there ever been a more vile act than flying planes into crowded skyscrapers full of innocent civilians....i tell you maz,its about time that the powers that be in islam realise that they are reaping what they have sown...and we are not at war with muslims,we're at war with brainwashed extremists who think they'll get 70 virgins for killing innocent people,no god i know rewards for killing...and do they know what sex the virgins are that they'll get?


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i've stated before in other threads that i dont hate muslims and that i have many muslims as friends so dont tell me what i think,and i'm british so i'm one of america's allies...and tell me,where america is concerned has there ever been a more vile act than flying planes into crowded skyscrapers full of innocent civilians....i tell you maz,its about time that the powers that be in islam realise that they are reaping what they have sown...and we are not at war with muslims,we're at war with brainwashed extremists who think they'll get 70 virgins for killing innocent people,no god i know rewards for killing...and do they know what sex the virgins are that they'll get?

I've severally stated that i condemn the 9/11 attackers and If i got them I would send them to hell.
But my point is different which you folks just smoke out. When comparing cultures I do not wish to call any bad or good without trying to understand its positive and negative aspects. A handful Muslims are bad but it doesn't mean you treat them as your enemies. Britain and some Western powers are allies and so is Pakistan which is fighting the war which is NOT controllable by you all together! More of our soldiers have died and thousands of innocent people perished because of YOU....Without Pakistan's support there is NO way for the US and its co-alition to win the war!! Pakistan is the only land route for routing supplies to the NATO forces in Afghanistan.
Except for Pakistan the Coalition is surrounded by some bitter enemies around, such as Iran. Then you have China , Korea and the Russian block there who doesn't feel inclined to support you....

It occurs to me that the coalition can only win the war by stirring a WWIII or just quit as they did from Vietnam. I may be wrong but sitting right at the war front I can observe better than you all! These are harsh realities of time and we ought to lend them a good ear and consideration rather than bicker on the forum and try to show down each other.


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I've severally stated that i condemn the 9/11 attackers and If i got them I would send them to hell.
But my point is different which you folks just smoke out. When comparing cultures I do not wish to call any bad or good without trying to understand its positive and negative aspects. A handful Muslims are bad but it doesn't mean you treat them as your enemies. Britain and some Western powers are allies and so is Pakistan which is fighting the war which is NOT controllable by you all together! More of our soldiers have died and thousands of innocent people perished because of YOU....Without Pakistan's support there is NO way for the US and its co-alition to win the war!! Pakistan is the only land route for routing supplies to the NATO forces in Afghanistan.
Except for Pakistan the Coalition is surrounded by some bitter enemies around, such as Iran. Then you have China , Korea and the Russian block there who doesn't feel inclined to support you....

It occurs to me that the coalition can only win the war by stirring a WWIII or just quit as they did from Vietnam. I may be wrong but sitting right at the war front I can observe better than you all! These are harsh realities of time and we ought to lend them a good ear and consideration rather than bicker on the forum and try to show down each other.

bush said,'with us or against us'....if pakistan had said against that would have been the first port of call....the problem here is that the coalition are trying to be whiter than white,commit as few 'crimes' as possible.....if they simply let the pakistani army do its work its own way this could be over in months