White Terrorism

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Maulds' Angel
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That's not really true, anyone who uses violence or the threat of violence to get what they want is a terrorist, when most people hear the word "terrorist" they picture someone with dynamite strapped to their chest and setting off car bombs and shit, but really it doesn't have to be like THAT to be terrorism. Honestly I consider Most goverments to be terrorists.

PETA is considered a terrorist organization. So would the bikers at the local bar down the street. So, the shooter might have been a terrorist in this sense. But I'd be willing to bet he was just an unstable guy.


One of the originals
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PETA is considered a terrorist organization. So would the bikers at the local bar down the street. So, the shooter might have been a terrorist in this sense. But I'd be willing to bet he was just an unstable guy.
They just showed a Alter in his parents backyard that had a skull and some other wierd shit. Candles and crap like that.

All Else Failed

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Most people agree that terrorism is any action, violent or non-violet that is used to coerce others for a cause, usually political. This was simply an assassination done by a emotionally deranged youth.


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Most people agree that terrorism is any action, violent or non-violet that is used to coerce others for a cause, usually political. This was simply an assassination done by a emotionally deranged youth.

Wrong! The underworld people are also known for 'terrorism'', they don't have a political cause.
Remember Al-Capone??


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Arizona Assassination Spree Tied To Political Right
By Bill Van Auken


Mounting evidence has linked the 22-year-old gunman who severely wounded Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, killed a federal judge and killed or wounded 18 others in Tucson, Arizona to the political right

Palin Put A Gun Target On Giffords' District;
Now A Colleague Says:
'Palin Needs To Look At Her Own Behavior'

By John Nichols


After Sarah Palin targeted her district with a gunsight on a map identifying Democrats Palin was urging her followers to "reload" and defeat, Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords said: "We are on Sarah Palin's targeted list. The way that she has it depicted has the crosshairs of the gunsight over our district. When people do that, they have got to realize there are consequences to that action."

No To Political Assassinations!
Let’s Make A Democratic Revolution!

By Andrea Pason & Billy Wharton


A fitting tribute to the innocent victims from the Tucson shooting would be to end the US occupation of Iraq, Afghanistan and to end the bombings in Pakistan


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Terrorism can be defined in a few ways.


Allow me to ''enlightenment' some folks here about ''Terrorism'':)


Also found in: Dictionary/thesaurus, Legal, Wikipedia, Hutchinson 0.04 sec. div.Ov { width: 600px; }

terrorism, the threat or use of violence, often against the civilian population, to achieve political or social ends, to intimidate opponents, or to publicize grievances. The term dates from the Reign of Terror Reign of Terror, 1793–94, period of the French Revolution characterized by a wave of executions of presumed enemies of the state. Directed by the Committee of Public Safety, the Revolutionary government's Terror was essentially a war dictatorship, instituted to
..... Click the link for more information. (1793–94) in the French Revolution but has taken on additional meaning in the 20th cent. Terrorism involves activities such as assassinations, bombings, random killings, and hijackings. Used for political, not military, purposes, and most typically by groups too weak to mount open assaults, it is a modern tool of the alienated, and its psychological impact on the public has increased because of extensive coverage by the media. Political terrorism also may be part of a government campaign to eliminate the opposition, as under Hitler Hitler, Adolf , 1889–1945, founder and leader of National Socialism (Nazism), and German dictator, b. Braunau in Upper Austria. Early Life

..... Click the link for more information. , Mussolini Mussolini, Benito , 1883–1945, Italian dictator and leader of the Fascist movement. Early Career

His father, an ardent Socialist, was a blacksmith; his mother was a teacher.
..... Click the link for more information. , Stalin Stalin, Joseph Vissarionovich , 1879–1953, Soviet Communist leader and head of the USSR from the death of V. I. Lenin (1924) until his own death, b. Gori, Georgia.
..... Click the link for more information. , and others, or may be part of a revolutionary effort to overthrow a regime. Terrorist attacks also are now a common tactic in guerrilla warfare guerrilla warfare [Span.,=little war], fighting by groups of irregular troops (guerrillas) within areas occupied by the enemy. When guerrillas obey the laws of conventional warfare they are entitled, if captured, to be treated as ordinary prisoners of war; however,
..... Click the link for more information. . Governments find attacks by terrorist groups difficult to prevent; international agreements to tighten borders or return terrorists for trial may offer some deterrence. Terrorism reaches back to ancient Greece and has occurred throughout history. Terrorism by radicals (of both the left and right) and by nationalists became widespread after World War II. Since the late 20th cent. acts of terrorism have been associated with the Italian Red Brigades, the Irish Republican Army Irish Republican Army (IRA), nationalist organization devoted to the integration of Ireland as a complete and independent unit. Organized by Michael Collins from remnants of rebel units dispersed after the Easter Rebellion in 1916 (see Ireland), it was composed of
..... Click the link for more information. , the Palestine Liberation Organization Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), coordinating council for Palestinian organizations, founded (1964) by Egypt and the Arab League and initially controlled by Egypt.
..... Click the link for more information. , Peru's Shining Path Shining Path, Span. Sendero Luminoso, Peruvian Communist guerrilla force, officially the Communist party of Peru. Founded in 1970 by Abimael Guzmán Reynoso as an orthodox Marxist-Leninist offshoot of the Peruvian Communist party, the Shining Path turned
..... Click the link for more information. , Sri Lanka's Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, the Weathermen and some members of U.S. "militia militia , military organization composed of citizens enrolled and trained for service in times of national emergency. Its ranks may be filled either by enlistment or conscription. An early prototype was the national militia developed by Philip of Macedon.
..... Click the link for more information. " organizations, among many groups. Religiously inspired terrrorism has also occurred, such as that of extremist Christian opponents of abortion in the United States; of extremist Muslims associated with Hamas Hamas [Arab., = zeal], Arabic acronym for the

Islamic Resistance Movement, a Palestinian Islamic fundamentalist organization that was founded in 1987 during the Intifada; it seeks to establish an Islamic state in Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza
..... Click the link for more information. , Osama bin Laden bin Laden, Osama or Usama , 1957?–, Saudi-born leader of Al Qaeda [Arab.,=the base], a terrorist organization devoted to uniting all Muslims and establishing a transnational, strict-fundamentalist
..... Click the link for more information. 's Al Qaeda, and other organizations; of extremist Sikhs in India; and of Japan's Aum Shinrikyo, who released nerve gas in Tokyo's subway system (1995).

All Else Failed

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No, you put together weird combination of words.

What is the point of this thread? I love how people jump on a single, crazy white guy when he snaps and the media shouts "SEE!? Whites are dangerous too!" when like, 99.9% of all serious terrorism is committed by Muslims.
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Well-Known Member
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No, you put together weird combination of words.

What is the point of this thread? I love how people jump on a single, crazy white guy when he snaps and the media shouts "SEE!? Whites are dangerous too!" when like, 99.9% of all serious terrorism is committed by Muslims.

Come on, check out for stats and history on Google or Brittanica!!


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More on White Terrorism/ Extremism exclusively by Whites

Obama Should Fight Fringe Extremism Like Clinton Did
ARI BERMAN | Without politicizing the tragic shootings in Arizona, Obama should be clear about the dangers this country faces if the climate of right-wing hate remains unchallenged.
<img alt="" border="0">

Government vs. the People Ideology
KAI WRIGHT | The violence in Arizona is about more than Sarah Palin's semantics. It's an indictment of decades' worth of right-wing enemy-in-our-midst politics and governance.


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what i dont get is.....this is a war on terror,it doesn't matter what faith or colour you are...if you promote hate and death you get stomped on,then why do certain muslim groups call it a war against a religion?


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Interesting read!!

The Tucson shooter was (pick your verb) provoked, triggered, unhinged by today's (pick your noun) rhetoric, vitriol, extremism, "climate of hate." Demystification of the world opened the way for real science, including the social sciences. And for a modern characteristic. And for charlatans.
A characteristic of many contemporary minds is susceptibility to the superstition that all behavior can be traced to some diagnosable frame of mind that is a product of promptings from the social environment. From which flows a political doctrine: Given clever social engineering, society and people can be perfected. This supposedly is the path to progress. It actually is the crux of progressivism. And it is why there is a reflex to blame conservatives first.
Instead, imagine a continuum from the rampages at Columbine and Virginia Tech - the results of individuals' insanities - to the assassinations of Lincoln and the Kennedy brothers, which were clearly connected to the politics of John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald and Sirhan Sirhan, respectively. The two other presidential assassinations also had political colorations.

read complete story here.........


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what i dont get is.....this is a war on terror,it doesn't matter what faith or colour you are...if you promote hate and death you get stomped on,then why do certain muslim groups call it a war against a religion?

Now you pose a somewhat sensible question:)

If it is a so-called war on terror which it apparently doesn't seem to be judging by Occupation forces flopped agenda in Iraq (NO WMD's recovered!!) and now in Afghanistan. The term war on terror appears to be a stunt
as read by other countries not a party to it and those countries which have conflict of interest with the US and its allies. Your think tanks have been continuously telling the world at large that the US is creating havoc in war-ridden places mainly to forcibly capture resources.

Muslims do not call it a war against a religion unless you called it so.....and tried to hurt them everywhere.
Just keep to your own territory, defend it and if you KNOW an enemy get and give him his due but puleeeze don't blame others you are trying to vanquish and on whose homes you trample with your big armory!