Maybe I'll put it to you this way...
In your country, a very money-motivated country...
In 2007, the Department of Defence received $161.8 billion for a "war on terror", that kills 70 Americans each year apparently.
Whereas, in this same country, 450,000 people die from coronary heart disease each year. In 2007, the same year, only $3 billion was donated towards this disease.
So, your country spent 54 times the amount on preventing something that kills barely any people than spending it on a disease that kills 6600 times more people?
Before 1980, Afghanistan produced 0% of the world's heroin supply. Since the US/CIA backed Mujahideen, by 1986, it rose to 40% of the world's heroin supply.
By 1999, they were producing 80% of the total market supply.
The Taliban rose to power. By 2000, production dropped 94% (3000 tons to 185 tons).
But, then since September 11, now 90% of the world's supply is produced, breaking new production records yearly.
Seems like the US just used the September 11 attack as an excuse to try and take control over them.
One irrational way of thinking I have learnt about is the whole 'in-group out-group' bias thing. If somebody who is NOT in your 'group', and they do something socially unacceptable, then you are more likely to think that that is a part of their enduring character or personality. Hence, people are against Muslims, and they did one bad thing, and now people think this is "so natural of them", and they think that Muslims are all inclined to be terrorists.
Also, it is consistency bias to believe that people do not change since one event. For example, if I did something stupid two years ago, it is 'inconsistent' to believe that I would be stupid enough to do the same thing again.
It is only a very small minority of the Islamic religion/fundamentalists maybe?..who believe that the biggest sacrifice for Allah is to kill people. They get brainwashed with the wrong interpretation of the Qur'an.
Generalising this to the whole religious population of Islam is wrong.
We shouldn't just send troops into their countries, shooting at everybody, hoping to solve the problem, and trying to gain control over whatever. They're not incapable people and I'm sure they could set things straight for themselves if the West just left them alone.
A terrorist is someone who goes against the system you live in. I suppose this could include those 'bomber' peoples, I mean, they set up a bomb in your country and blow stuff up, yeah, they hate your system. Why? Because it so money-orientated and you just have to look at the damage that has been caused by your country's military action and irrational thinking (I guess this is the same for Australia too, not that I support this). You live in a country where the way you live or the people who run it don't give a shit about its own people, believe it, or not. People think "Oh, my Government, they are authority, I trust them not to do stupid stuff", people think just cause some big head honcho is running something that they are so right. Well that's not the case I'm afraid. You can't just accept everything you read in the newspaper, media, TV watching, etc. Hence why all this terrorism stuff is propaganda.
I admit I am no expert on this topic, but hopefully you get a little insight