Lemon, you have no fucking clue what you are talking about. Your rationale about the world is horrible. You are the the same as the professor I have that thinks he know everything about the world, but really he is just feeding himself a line bullshit which makes him sound smart to himself (himself being the key word here). Grow the fuck up and realize your not the next Einstein. It's pathetic how hard you try sometimes to have this "unique" view, and be different than everyone else. Don't try so hard to sound smart and be different.
so i guess you are the one that is so smart that you would know that you are the next einstein?
i dont have this "unique" view. i never once claimed to have a "unique" view. you are the one that made that supposition. i only said that the way i would bring up my kids, and let me tell you this - if i decided to even have kids - that i would bring them up differently. but i guess you cannot see beyond your own beliefs in order to see that people are different. you want them all to be the same as you, in order for your perfect world to exist. that isnt going to happen, and if i am the last person on this world that makes your world not perfect, i will strive to make sure it never becomes your little perfect world.
i do not think you understand what i am saying. i said that i would raise my kids objectively. theres a big difference between neglect and objectively, but i guess my flawed logic transcends the words that are actually contributing to the conversation here.
kevin - are you trying to flaunt yourself, by using degrading words against me? i see past that all the time.
whether or not i am or am not the next einstein - i dont give a shit. if i am, so what; if not, so what.
if you think i need to grow up, quit playing high school, and walk outside in the real world for a change.