Whats Wrong With Harry ???

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Lemon, you have no fucking clue what you are talking about. Your rationale about the world is horrible. You are the the same as the professor I have that thinks he know everything about the world, but really he is just feeding himself a line bullshit which makes him sound smart to himself (himself being the key word here). Grow the fuck up and realize your not the next Einstein. It's pathetic how hard you try sometimes to have this "unique" view, and be different than everyone else. Don't try so hard to sound smart and be different.

so i guess you are the one that is so smart that you would know that you are the next einstein?

i dont have this "unique" view. i never once claimed to have a "unique" view. you are the one that made that supposition. i only said that the way i would bring up my kids, and let me tell you this - if i decided to even have kids - that i would bring them up differently. but i guess you cannot see beyond your own beliefs in order to see that people are different. you want them all to be the same as you, in order for your perfect world to exist. that isnt going to happen, and if i am the last person on this world that makes your world not perfect, i will strive to make sure it never becomes your little perfect world.

i do not think you understand what i am saying. i said that i would raise my kids objectively. theres a big difference between neglect and objectively, but i guess my flawed logic transcends the words that are actually contributing to the conversation here.

kevin - are you trying to flaunt yourself, by using degrading words against me? i see past that all the time.

whether or not i am or am not the next einstein - i dont give a shit. if i am, so what; if not, so what.

if you think i need to grow up, quit playing high school, and walk outside in the real world for a change.
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Thanks. I'm sure if you turn on your TV and look at your local paper, or even on the internet you'll find many kids fucking up and being put away in jail. These are the kinds of kids that weren't brought up with morals or values. Just because your parents made mistakes with you, doesn't mean that you should pass it on to your kids...and the only reason I'm saying that is because of your perception.

oh, so you are the one with all the knowledge, just like ouz over there...

i would like to know how you know my parents, considering one is dead.
i would also like to know how you know my perception.


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Okay, stop what youre doing...go outside and the first person that you see shoot them point blank between the eyes. That isn't wrong right? I mean I don't think I learned that from my parents? So that makes it right? After you're done shooting that person, why do you go into a school and kill some innocent kids while youre at it, i mean that's not wrong either, right? If parents don't teach kids the difference between right and wrong then where are they supposed to learn it? You do not learn the difference on your own.

What if the time comes and you decide to have kids, let's give an example...you have a six year old and a new born...well little kids will get jealous of new additions of the family. What if your six year old decides to go into the baby's room and hold a pillow over the baby's head and kills him? What are you going to say? "Well that's alright, at least you learned you're lesson and not to do it again...don't worry about it, mommy and I will try and have another baby...but just don't hurt that one?"

my question to your almighty knowingness is this: who gets to define what is right, and what is wrong?

until you answer that, shut up.


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There's a very big difference between teaching children proper morals and values, and "shoving it down their throats".

Growing up I was one of those children who had his parent's beliefs shoved down his throat. It certainly caused a lot of problems. I'm positive I would have been better off had I been allowed more choices. But I do believe that I would be even worse off had I been given every single choice presented to me. Essentially, what you are saying, Lemon, is that you would abandon your child. Not physically, but it would still be a form of child abandonment. You would not be providing a child with the boundaries he or she needs to learn and grow and develop healthily.

The thing is, while children should certainly be allowed free rein to learn and grow and develop, it is also important to provide boundaries, so that they can do so safely, and without jeapordizing their futures. Children are not mature enough to just be set loose. My godson is turning six soon, and he is in no way mature enough to be making serious decisions about anything, really. Hell, he can't even decide what he wants for lunch, let alone anything marginally important to his future development.

lets see, i guess you are another one who decided to not read the word "objectively" in my posts.


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Lemon, you have no fucking clue what you are talking about. Your rationale about the world is horrible. You are the the same as the professor I have that thinks he know everything about the world, but really he is just feeding himself a line bullshit which makes him sound smart to himself (himself being the key word here). Grow the fuck up and realize your not the next Einstein. It's pathetic how hard you try sometimes to have this "unique" view, and be different than everyone else. Don't try so hard to sound smart and be different.

also kev, tell me what my rationale is, as you claim it is horrible, you must know what it is.


Accidental Bastard
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Wow such venom over Harry Potter, this sucks.

I don't believe theres anything wrong with Potter books and I've let my kids (12 and 8) watch the movies. I think you could take most peoples complaints about Potter and apply them to Star Wars...maybe reaching a bit there but there are common elements.


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Actually Lemon, I see you spew all this bullshit day after day in your posts that indicates you feel you have this "superior knowledge" over everyone else. You pretend to have all the answers. It's like you try really hard to sound smart, but most of the time you come off as a complete ass, or just plain ignorant. The reason why I never respond to your posts is simply because I dont have the time of day to waste. So the other night I came home from the bars and read another ignorant post of yours and decided I did indeed have time to to riddle you with a reply.

An no, I don't claim to be the next Einstein, but most importantly I don't pretend to be. However, I am smart enough to read through all your crap post. So please lemon, heed your own advice and grow the fuck up.