Historians will look back and see that our feeling of entitlement to instant gratification was the death of our society.
Kids grow into adults. Kid criminals grow into adult criminals unless someone steps in and breaks the cycle. Jailing them all together so they can compare notes and improve their criminal behavior skills doesn't break the cycle. Criminals cost tons of taxpayer money. I recommend taking some of the money that we know with statistical certainty we will be spending on them when they're adults and using it to break that cycle now.
The SEED Foundation
http://www.seedfoundation.com/ has shown that taking kids out of their regular environment and providing structure creates successful adults. I'm sure that if a few brainiacs got together they could figure out a way to do that with the entire family. Yank the child offender
and family out of the neighborhood and move them temporarily to a different area where structure and training are provided to give them a better chance at producing productive adult citizens. Of course it would have to be completely open to the media to prevent it from becoming some kind of indoctrination camp, but isn't turning young thugs into trustworthy people more important than the feeling of satisfaction from punishing that young thug and producing a highly skilled older thug?