What is your attitude to gays and lesbians?

What is your attitude to gays and lesbians?

  • I don't care.

    Votes: 37 58.7%
  • I don't care only if they don't show up their feelings in the public places.

    Votes: 5 7.9%
  • I don't like them.

    Votes: 3 4.8%
  • I don't like only gays

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't like only lesbians

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I think it is normal. Why not?

    Votes: 14 22.2%
  • If they tolerate to other people when i don't mind

    Votes: 2 3.2%
  • I am a gay (a lesbian)

    Votes: 2 3.2%

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This is going to be a strange opinion, but here goes. I think of homosexuality as a disability around which a culture has formed, similar to deafness having a culture built around it, though obviously a different form. From what I understand it's caused by how the brain is structured, so it's not a choice. I only see it as natural in that it occurs in nature, and I don't think it's normal, or everyone would be that way, right? And then there would be no human race left.

That being said, I don't treat gays or lesbians any differently. I really don't want to know about their sex lives any more than I do heterosexual couples, but those I know really don't do that, and don't have a high opinion of flamers. Don't really see a problem with them marrying or raising kids. I know an openly gay minister who's been an incredible foster parent to a lot of kids. It annoys me that some folks equate homosexuality with perversion; there are infinitely more heterosexual perverts out there, just a matter of numbers there.

I will tell you that flamers weird me out, but so too do a lot of extreme personalities, gay or straight.


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gays as such dont bother me,what goes on behind closed doors and all that,but those 'flamers' are embarrassing to say the least

oh,and i detest those gay doggers who see fit to violate the wood 5 miles from me


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I think of homosexuality as a disability around which a culture has formed, similar to deafness having a culture built around it, though obviously a different form.

Homosexuality is not a disability. Homosexuals are disadvantaged in our society. But that is because of bigotry, not any kind of impairment on their part.


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Really? So if there are studies that show the brain of a homosexual man is structured more like that of a female (and it will take some time to locate them, but yes I can produce them), and that interferes with said person functioning as nature designed men to function sexually, that's not a disability? Seems to fit the definition to a T. If it was the norm then humans would never reproduce. There's nothing bigoted about that statement, nor does it take any religious stance. Take it for what it is worth. What you DO with that information determines bigotry or disadvantage.


Having way too much fun
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Really? So if there are studies that show the brain of a homosexual man is structured more like that of a female (and it will take some time to locate them, but yes I can produce them), and that interferes with said person functioning as nature designed men to function sexually, that's not a disability? Seems to fit the definition to a T. If it was the norm then humans would never reproduce. There's nothing bigoted about that statement, nor does it take any religious stance. Take it for what it is worth. What you DO with that information determines bigotry or disadvantage.

Homosexuality does not prevent a man from producing offspring. It does not fall under the category of a disability because their ability is not effected, just their preference.

It's like saying someone is disabled because even though they are perfectly capable of walking, they choose not to.


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Not really. It's like saying someone's brain is wired to like blue. Those whose brains are wired to prefer green are more likely to reproduce, yet in that set of people those who do reproduce will still produce a few wired to prefer blue. The blue preference is stigmatized, even though it's a matter of brain wiring, so a culture develops around it. And of course the ones who prefer green insist that those who prefer blue do so because it's a matter of choice.

How is homosexuality any less a disorder than being bipolar? If you operate under the misconception that being homosexual is a choice, I can see coming to the conclusion that it's not.


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How is homosexuality any less a disorder than being bipolar? If you operate under the misconception that being homosexual is a choice, I can see coming to the conclusion that it's not.

As someone that suffers from bipolar disorder, I say to go fuck yourself for that insinuation. Please tell me how homosexuality is debilitating or causes psychological problems, depression, manic episodes, or any similar problems. Homosexuality is something that's part of human sexuality, and it's people like you or the religious freaks that claim it's a choice that set their rights back.


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Yeah, I suffer from bipolar disorder myself, what of it? I'm perfectly aware of how debilitating it is, I've lived through it for over 20 years. Matter of fact, it pisses me off that government agencies discriminate against those who do the responsible thing and get treatment, then get discriminated against when going for licenses for commercial vehicles, firearms, etc. I suppose now you're going to jump on me because I say that culture being built around homosexuality is similar but not same to the culture built around deafness because you know someone who's deaf? I suppose you figure I'm prejudiced against them too, even though I speak ASL and have a family that's worked with the deaf?

I did not claim homosexuality was a choice, just the opposite, and it can be associated with other psychological problems. Exactly how does that set back anyone's rights? If you read back I stated that gays and lesbians should be allowed to marry and raise kids. Doesn't change the fact that in the pure logical sense I don't think it's normal. But hey, if you want to react half-cocked to one or two things I've said, it's a free country.

The Doc

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You can dislike who you want, none of my business. When you come on a public internet forum spewing hatred for people because of unchangable things about themselves you make yourself look stupid and also a bit of a pussy. I'd like to see you walking through the middle of San Francisco shouting your views on gay people as vocally as you do here. Somehow I think you would be too scared to.

Fund me a trip to sanfransisco, i would do it. I am not out to 'fight' everyone i dont like.. but for your sake i would do it. "God loves you but I dont" is what i would yell out ;)

According to The Doc, there's no such thing as lesbians; because deep down, all women actually want a man.

Every lesbian i have ever met mess with men on occasion. Every women i have met claiming to be a lesbian eventually re-classifies to bi-sexual then usually back to straight. Dont get me wrong, i bet there are true life long lesbians out there but i dont think very many. I think most young females all go through some sort of 'bisexual/lesbian phase'.

The Doc

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Lol the other thing that sort of bothers me is I think your making me out to be some bad guy. I really am a nice guy, I am easy to get along with. I got a lot of friends. Im in the Army, I like to drink beer, meet girls, play xbox, goto church, hang out with my family, play football, eat, cook, etc... im just a regular guy who happens to not like gay people.

Also, i dont hang around fat people much either. Especially fat girls. In most cases a person being overweight has a lack of personal discipline, detracts from a professional appearance and in some cases indicate a poor state of health, physical fitness and stamina. I have fat friends though, i would just hope for their own sake that they try and lose the weight. My father is actually overweight, when I come home we go jogging and I try and make him a plan to lose weight. Being fat is kind of a choice, i guess you choose to not exercise and choose not to watch your diet but then again its also not because you dont control your bodies metabolism. I eat pretty unhealthy but dont gain weight due to hyperthyroid.

Manish Man

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People Just think, Two men raising a kid from small, all the disadvantages, who would stand as mother (embarassment for the kid), who would stand the father (embarassment for the kid), who is gonna teach their young girl child how to deal with herself as her body take different stages (embarassment for the kid), when they are asked where is your mommy who would they point to (embarassment for the kid)?

God made adam for eve, no religion encourages this act, its a big sin and moreso an embarassment


In Memoriam - RIP
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People Just think, Two men raising a kid from small, all the disadvantages, who would stand as mother (embarassment for the kid), who would stand the father (embarassment for the kid), who is gonna teach their young girl child how to deal with herself as her body take different stages (embarassment for the kid), when they are asked where is your mommy who would they point to (embarassment for the kid)?

God made adam for eve, no religion encourages this act, its a big sin and moreso an embarassment
People like you make me want to convert to Atheism.


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Thankfully they are not the spokespeople for all people of faith, though since they are more vocal (or just louder) they are frequently misconstrued as such. Religious people worry about the letter of what some book tells 'em, and usually even then get it wrong, because they hyperfocus on this line or that.

At some point I'll post an essay I found by an openly gay minister who has a compelling theological argument defending homosexuality, but it's in the bookmarks on another comp.


Banned PER USER's Request
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People Just think, Two men raising a kid from small, all the disadvantages, who would stand as mother (embarassment for the kid), who would stand the father (embarassment for the kid), who is gonna teach their young girl child how to deal with herself as her body take different stages (embarassment for the kid), when they are asked where is your mommy who would they point to (embarassment for the kid)?

God made adam for eve, no religion encourages this act, its a big sin and moreso an embarassment

What about if the mother dies during after childbirth or when the kid is young? Surely you can argue it's the same thing in regards to influences and girls needing help and advice from a female?