"Hell" is a man made/church concept to frighten the masses into going to church and giving to the collection plate on Sundays.
There is no such thing as either "heaven" or "hell" as a "place" as such....its (in my opinion dont forget

) more of a "mind" thing.
eg.. A pious church leader who looks down at those below him, finds himself in "hell" (for him) after death because he ISNT sitting on "The Lords right hand side" when he gets there. He finds he has lessons to learn in humility and charity or whatever and has to come back here to learn again. THATS his "hell". He was wrong all that time.
I find it hard to explain in writing sometimes..
I think there is only one place we go after death.....and how we have lived now and in previous lives determines what "hell or heaven" we find over there