What is the purpose of an everlasting punishment in hell?

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I don't see anything wrong with not believing or claiming undecided. It is the nonsense created by Agnostics and Atheists to make themselves feel better about however they have chosen to think that is ridiculous. Look no further than this forum and you can see it.
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Minor Axis

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GIA show how you came to your conclusion or be seen as a liar.

Huh? What do you think is GIA's conclusion? His original post asks a bunch of questions about the purpose of Hell. More importantly what is your conclusion about the purpose of Hell?

Here if you are lazy:

What is the purpose of an everlasting punishment in hell?

My premise is that God would not create anything that is purposeless.
If God’s everlasting hell is not serving a purpose, God would not create it since scripture says that God created all things for his pleasure and for himself.

Punishment is usually given to change ideas, attitudes and actions of a sinner.
If punishment is given for any other reason, then it is being given without an altruistic purpose and would be given out of a sense of cruelty.

Is there an altruistic purpose for God creating hell?

If no good result is to be gained from everlasting punishment, is it just for God to give it?



To ascertain if hell would be a moral construct or not, all you need do is answer these
simple questions for yourself.

1. Is it good justice for a soul to be able to sin for only 120 years and then have to suffer torture for 12000000000000000000000000 + years?

2. Is it good justice for small or mediocre sinners to have to bear the same sentence as Hitler, Stalin and other genocidal maniacs?

3. Is it good justice to continue to torture a soul in hell if no change in attitude or actions is to result?

4. If you answered yes to these questions, then would killing the soul not be a better form of justice than to torture it for no possible good result or purpose?

Is hell a moral construct or not?

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Minor Axis

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I didn't ask WHAT GIA's conclusion is I want to know how he arrived at it. What is it based on?

I don't remember him concluding anything, just asking a bunch of questions asking why would God use something called Hell to punish errant human beings? His questions were framed in such a manner that you can see it is readily apparent where his doubts are coming from.

It's aggressive in any forum to state, answer me or be branded a liar, don't you think?


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I don't remember him concluding anything, just asking a bunch of questions asking why would God use something called Hell to punish errant human beings? His questions were framed in such a manner that you can see it is readily apparent where his doubts are coming from.

It's aggressive in any forum to state, answer me or be branded a liar, don't you think?

GIA has stated more than what you say here. You are cherry picking to back yourself up.

It is no more aggressive to be branded something you are not, as you and GIA have done.

Minor Axis

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lol He's talking about how you keep trying to convince him he's a Christian. Similar to the way I keep trying to convince you you're an atheist. ;)

There are two choices here 1)Christian (Christian in Spirit) 2)Troll. There is no other choice.
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cam elle toe

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"Hell" is a man made/church concept to frighten the masses into going to church and giving to the collection plate on Sundays.

There is no such thing as either "heaven" or "hell" as a "place" as such....its (in my opinion dont forget;)) more of a "mind" thing.
eg.. A pious church leader who looks down at those below him, finds himself in "hell" (for him) after death because he ISNT sitting on "The Lords right hand side" when he gets there. He finds he has lessons to learn in humility and charity or whatever and has to come back here to learn again. THATS his "hell". He was wrong all that time.
I find it hard to explain in writing sometimes..
I think there is only one place we go after death.....and how we have lived now and in previous lives determines what "hell or heaven" we find over there:)


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I don't remember him concluding anything, just asking a bunch of questions asking why would God use something called Hell to punish errant human beings?

Then you don't remember well do you? GIA made this STATEMENT soon after he started the thread:
+ 1
If they are blind enough to follow a genocidal maniac then it is doubtful that they will recognize sadism.


He gave a "+1" to those who agreed with him. The terms "genocidal maniac" was what he refers to God as and the term "sadism" is what GIA is trying to reveal as one of God's characteristics. GIA made these accusations clearly by his statement that I have quoted and by claiming God created a place to torture human souls forever. If he meant something different then let him speak for himself.

His questions were framed in such a manner that you can see it is readily apparent where his doubts are coming from.

But his later statements show his intent to show God as a sadist.

It's aggressive in any forum to state, answer me or be branded a liar, don't you think?

Ask GIA he does this outright:

Prove your point or be seen as a liar.

GIA does this and you say nothing. Why do you only look for fault in those who don't agree with you?

So you want me to "explain"? Here are a couple of statements YOU made about me that are completely false:

You are consistently defending Christianity as "truth" or having issues with those who don't view Christianity as truth. Just admit you are a hopeless* non-questioning Christian.
*Hopeless in that you've all ready been assimilated and not really open to other possibilities. And yes there are lots of possibilities that don't include a Christian God. ;)

Mr Open Minded, you really, really don't like it when your Bible and faith are questioned.

You made outright false statements about me here. I have never claimed to be a Christian yet you so desperately want to brand me as one. Don't you think the spreading of such false claims is being aggressive?

Here is where GIA made the claim I was being stupid and foolish:

Now you are just being stupid.

Now I just pity your foolishness.


So stop with the accusations of anyone being "aggressive". As you can see everyone exhibits some level of aggression on this forum so stop your belly aching.