It depends on the couple.
I'm an ethnic minority myself even though I was born in the States and have dated white guys in the past. Unfortunately there's still a lot of people who don't really see beyond race. (Their families.) My ex-boyfriends I came to learn over the years were racist, not blatantly so, but they still were racist. It took a while for me to realize it and when I did, it changed my views drastically. I guess now that I'm older I can understand why my mother was so adamant about me being in a relationship with another Asian. However, the thing is that most of the Asian boys are really into their Asian culture and I'm not. I know the good points and the bad points of both sides of the fence and honestly I don't fit with any of them. A couple who can overcome the emotional and cultural baggage that comes from the uphill battle of racism, are people to admire. However racism isn't something that will go away anytime soon and both sides can be equally racist against the other.