What a guy

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I just want to take this moment to point out that I had nothing.......nothing.......to do with with the abrasive comments occurring......( it was a busy day for me elsewhere :p )
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Joe the meek

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And if you read the debate rules its simple.. If you cant take the heat, stay out of the kitchen

Per the rules

"Ok, For some reason - people are still reporting posts that they should not be. If you can not handle this area, dont post in it. Yall wanted LAX rules, and you got it. The ONLY way that someone will get an infraction in this area is if they NAME CALL.. MEANING- JOE, your an asshole. Or something like that. if they accuse you of being catholic, so the fuck what! That is NOT name calling. If you keep reporting stupid stuff, we will email you about it, then start infracting for not listening to us. Its really petty alot of the stuff that is reported. Hell, I know that I cant handle this area, so I stay away from it. "

I can take the heat, but letting one member call people names and not get an infraction while someone else can call someone a name AND get an infraction is total bullshit in my humble opinion.

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Well-Known Member
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EXACTLY! I didnt WANT that rule.. but its what the members wanted.. so i caved. If you are against what he says against you, REPORT IT.. Simple and I will handle it. :) And if you read the debate rules its simple.. If you cant take the heat, stay out of the kitchen
I like the way it is. I've been in places where the mod decided when things had gotten too heated, and she was far more sensitive than most of the other posters. Frustrating.
And the judgment calls on what is and is not name-calling. UGH!
"You're a dick!" -- name calling
"You're acting like a dick" -- not name calling
"Only a dick would write such a thing" -- well, not direct name-calling ...

It's just a pain in the ass. If the receiver is offended, the receiver can click the report thingie. The mod doesn't have to stress over making a judgment call & being the bad guy. Easy.

Joe the meek

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So ... did you report the post?


I've never reported a post in my life. I don't feel the need to go crying to a moderator if someone calls me a name. That said, if someone has an issue with what I say, they can tell me what they want "out in the open". However, I do expect rules and procedures in place, and I do expect the forum to to enforce those rules.

One of many problems with having people report posts for breaking rules is that you can end up running a popularity contest.

Joe the meek

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It's just a pain in the ass. If the receiver is offended, the receiver can click the report thingie. The mod doesn't have to stress over making a judgment call & being the bad guy. Easy.

It's simple. Call someone a name, get an infraction. Where is the judgement call if someone calls someone else a dumb ass? That's name calling, plain and simple.

Hell, it's even in the rules that I previously quoted. Then again, if it's only an infraction if someone is offended, is it really a rule? No.


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Some of you guys don't seem to realize how good we have it here in the debate forums.

Too many rules, rules strictly enforced can easily kill a forum...I know because I was a member of a once popular debate forum before being a member here.
That forum now consists of several copy and pasters with several arrogant moderators showcasing their 'intellect' with out opposition.
Censorship became a frequent tool and infractions handed out like candy.
It got so bad, there was even an unofficial 'hit list'.
I know because I was on it and warned by a mod that was a friend :D
And I was eventually banned :eek....:tooth.....even though I had already left. And it was not because of something I posted in public and what I posted in private was accurate as to why I was no longer going to participate at that web site.

So....the results of draconian rules and unique interpretations were that most of the people that made the debates interesting ......left.
And it takes conflicting opinions to make a debate forum interesting.

So...suck it up with the complaints, and police your own self, because if you don't....eventually rules and administration will, and that can lead to all of us losing something.

Want to call some one 'stupid'....better to prove it in debate than ruin the forum for everyone, imo.

Joe the meek

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But you clearly feel the need to go crying to the general public. Just click the report button, for chrissakes. :horse

Dude, I'm not crying to anybody.

If the rules state you can't call someone a name, why are people allowed to get away with it? Why have any rules to begin with?

Go bang your horse somewhere else dude.


Glorified Maniac
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I wouldn't know where to go to find the truth about current politics.
I listen to Micheal Savage but with an unbiased mind about it all.
"Knee Jerk" reactions are very possible by everyone.
You hear about something and go ballistic over it all then find out it was taken out of context or just plain not true.
I do it sometimes and so does everyone.

I will say this. I have never felt so threatened in our country as I do right now.

The Man

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EXACTLY! I didnt WANT that rule.. but its what the members wanted.. so i caved. If you are against what he says against you, REPORT IT.. Simple and I will handle it. :) And if you read the debate rules its simple.. If you cant take the heat, stay out of the kitchen

IMO alice ic has been punished enough with his very actions.
His display of "lack of reading comprehension" was apparent in his first post...and should be enough of an embarrassment to label as punishment IMO

IMO he is going through a personal conflict with himself,as evidenced by another thread where he states voting is a waste of gas for him...Perhaps being the wrong political leaning for his area has him under duress from fellow associates. Thus come to sound off in the forum ...rather than accept himself as being a misfit in his own state.

His messages are mixed....such out cries in regard to my first post...but voting isnt worth the gas in another thread...Perhaps he has a feeling of hopelessness and administrative punishment may only worsen the problem.

A dog may have something to do with it as well...in another thread he demands to know if you have a problem with pit bulls he wants to know why...Perhaps if he could vote in regard to "Pit Bulls" he would be willing to burn the gas and his frustrations would be over :eek

IMO we should find out what is bothering AIC and provide counseling rather than beat a man while he is already down. :p
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alice in chains

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Wow!! This thread is so entertaining and I don't even have to post in it anymore!

Forum rules are too tight and there are too many cry-baby pussies who want to abuse and ravage set forum privileges... like crying like a bitch and reporting very mild insults because there is a craving to get someone in trouble because you donnot like the post. If you donnot like the post, ignore the fucking user. How much crying can someone waste precious time on bugging a fucking moderator on the internet?

My intent is not to fight or to offend anyone, but sorry, when I see a person who habitually posts idiotic things it is frustrating. Sad we have to sugar coat a free-speech internet forum so noone's feelings will be hurt.

It gets so damn old being right all the time. It truly is not all what it's made up to be!


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Forum rules are too tight and there are too many cry-baby pussies who want to abuse and ravage set forum privileges...
Do you see, Joe? This doesn't strictly fit the definition of name-calling, but it is as inflaming a comment as the earlier one. A mod would have to let it pass under one policy, but here, one could report it exactly as if it were direct name-calling and the mod would handle it.

Correct me if I'm wrong, V or other mods.


La entrepierna de fuego
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Do you see, Joe? This doesn't strictly fit the definition of name-calling, but it is as inflaming a comment as the earlier one. A mod would have to let it pass under one policy, but here, one could report it exactly as if it were direct name-calling and the mod would handle it.

Correct me if I'm wrong, V or other mods.

Obviously, as I'm not a member of staff anymore, I'm not answering FOR the staff. HOWEVER, when I was a staff member, this comment:
You're a stupid dumbass

IS name-calling and, if reported by the party it was directed to, would result in a warning or infraction.

However, this comment:
there are too many cry-baby pussies who want to abuse and ravage set forum privileges

is NOT name-calling and, if reported by anybody, would not result in any action. It's not directed at anybody in particular.

The Man

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Wow!! This thread is so entertaining and I don't even have to post in it anymore!

Forum rules are too tight and there are too many cry-baby pussies who want to abuse and ravage set forum privileges... like crying like a bitch and reporting very mild insults because there is a craving to get someone in trouble because you donnot like the post. If you donnot like the post, ignore the fucking user. How much crying can someone waste precious time on bugging a fucking moderator on the internet?

My intent is not to fight or to offend anyone, but sorry, when I see a person who habitually posts idiotic things it is frustrating. Sad we have to sugar coat a free-speech internet forum so noone's feelings will be hurt.

It gets so damn old being right all the time. It truly is not all what it's made up to be!
Wow!! This thread is so entertaining and I don't even have to post in it anymore!
You defy your own logic.
Forum rules are too tight and there are too many cry-baby pussies who want to abuse and ravage set forum privileges
No one is begging your ass to stay...at the moment you appear to whining like a little bitch to be honest.
First whining the rules are to tight...then claim people want to abuse them...abuse them as you wish.
Makes you feel good then do it...but as soon as someone {not I} reports it ....your lack of reality may shift.
like crying like a bitch and reporting very mild insults because there is a craving to get someone in trouble because you donnot like the post

There you go with your lack of reading skills...no one here tried to get you in trouble...you now sound like one of those little bitch brats on the playground....again you need a dose of reality.

If you donnot like the post, ignore the fucking user

Not only do your reading skills suffer...so does your process of thought.
I will spell it out to you as I dont expect you to understand the obvious.
If you didnt like my post then why didnt you ignore... are you just a hypocrite...take your pick.
How much crying can someone waste precious time on bugging a fucking moderator on the internet?
With your lack of logical skills a new thread would be needed for a determination.
My intent is not to fight or to offend anyone
Good...as you failed at both...you do come out looking like a fool thought so not all has been lost.
but sorry, when I see a person who habitually posts idiotic things it is frustrating.
That explains your "inner" frustrations....as your own bait is shoved deep down your own throat causing humiliation upon yourself on the forum.
Sad we have to sugar coat a free-speech internet forum so noone's feelings will be hurt.
This I may actually agree with...As posting an accurate description of you may worsen the ill feelings you already have.

It gets so damn old being right all the time. It truly is not all what it's made up to be!

Keep telling yourself that..and you may actually start to believe it, Sucks being you with your one man fan club.
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alice in chains

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Why are direct insults so much worse than indirect insults? As if people cannot tell when insulted are INTENDED whether a dictionary curse word is used or not.

It's censorship. If you're offended, why the hell do people look it?

OHHH I forgot this post was meant to quote Natasha's last post!!


La entrepierna de fuego
Valued Contributor
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Why are direct insults so much worse than indirect insults? As if people cannot tell when insulted are INTENDED whether a dictionary curse word is used or not.

Don't ask me...it's not my job to give a fuck anymore, IJS :24:

What was the original topic of this thread again, anyway??? :24: