Virginia House vote states life starts at conception

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Glorified Maniac
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scientifically life starts at pre concieve
because your cells are alive
two cells get together to form a multitude of cells that become another form
and eventually a full mixed copy of the two originators of those first cells
so we take life and put the two living things together to make a new living thing
so it was alive before it became a newly formed living thing
so pre conception there is life
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The Man

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Are you dense or being obtuse? Partial birth and dismemberment (which I don't even know if they do the latter) are not the only types of abortions and you ARE disingenuous by trying to frame the discussion in those terms. You are focused on a technical procedure only a few doctors in the nation are qualified to perform, and already only performed in precisely the emergency circumstances under which it is still defensible to perform it. The vast majority of abortions are performed in the first trimester, but apparently you don't want anyone thinking or discussing that. Although you don't have to tell me. I all ready know your against abortions, period.

Are you dense or being obtuse? Partial birth and dismemberment (which I don't even know if they do the latter)
No but you obviously are .. go get educated if you want to have a constructive discussion..will help you from repeatably looking like a fool.

are not the only types of abortions and you ARE disingenuous by trying to frame the discussion in those terms.
You have already disqualified dont know one abortion procedure from another,
To further I am not framing are trying to frame my argument into a partial abortion argument...rather weak and something I would expect from a 6 th grader.

You are focused on a technical procedure only a few doctors in the nation are qualified to perform,
LOL...earlier you admitted your extreme lack of knowledge on are attempting to claim vast knowledge.

But who gives a shit no matter how you do the abortion..its a fucking abortion...Get it or are you that dense?

The vast majority of abortions are performed in the first trimester, but apparently you don't want anyone thinking or discussing that.
Let me spell it out for you ITS A GOD DAMN FUCKING doesnt matter how far along you are.

Then you post this below showing I have never concentrated on one method nor time frame.

I all ready know your against abortions, period.

What a need to re read the posts or bring your debating skills up from 4th grade level.

You conveniently dodge 90 percent of a post then harp like a little girl while using fallacious arguments.

Have some pride man geez
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Because NOTHING is 100% in contraception... For fuck sakes people who have been fixed still get pregnant.

Let me ask, would you be ok if your girlfriend had your baby killed inside her just because she didnt want it, even if you did ? why arent these fathers given a say thats my main problem with it not to mention that its a baby that didnt ask to be impregnated into someone that didnt have compassion for its future. This may not be the "popular" view but its my opinion and I stand by it just as you have a right to stand by yours. ok :)

Minor Axis

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No but you obviously are .. go get educated if you want to have a constructive discussion..will help you from repeatably looking like a fool.

But who gives a shit no matter how you do the fucking abortion...Get it or are you that dense?

Oh, I got it. If I want to have a constructive conversation, it won't be with you. Your version of constructive is bludgeoning readers over the head with a rarely conducted procedure as a representation of what abortion is all about. Your ability to distinguish the details of an argument are lacking. Instead, try arguing against abortion in the first trimester instead of equating all abortions to partial birth, something that only happens today for the health of the mother or for severely deformed children who don't have a chance. It's ironic and slightly stupid that you've chosen possibly the best case for abortion as your primary objection against it.
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Minor Axis

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Let me ask, would you be ok if your girlfriend had your baby killed inside her just because she didnt want it, even if you did ? why arent these fathers given a say thats my main problem with it not to mention that its a baby that didnt ask to be impregnated into someone that didnt have compassion for its future. This may not be the "popular" view but its my opinion and I stand by it just as you have a right to stand by yours. ok :)
The mother has always had dominion over the fetus. It is in her body, it depends completely on her to survive. No one is going to lock the mother up and make sure she treats her fetus properly. If the mother falls down the steps and loses her baby, she is not going to be tried for manslaughter. Until it is born, it has no rights except, after it gets past a threshold of development , past the first trimester, the only right it has is not to be aborted. That has historically been the essence of the argument.


An interesting read: In Defense of Abortion
In A Defense of Abortion, Thomson grants for the sake of argument that the fetus has a right to life, but defends the permissibility of abortion by appeal to a thought experiment: You wake up in the morning and find yourself back to back in bed with an unconscious violinist. A famous unconscious violinist. He has been found to have a fatal kidney ailment, and the Society of Music Lovers has canvassed all the available medical records and found that you alone have the right blood type to help. They have therefore kidnapped you, and last night the violinist's circulatory system was plugged into yours, so that your kidneys can be used to extract poisons from his blood as well as your own. [If he is unplugged from you now, he will die; but] in nine months he will have recovered from his ailment, and can safely be unplugged from you.[SUP][4][/SUP] Thomson takes it that you may now permissibly unplug yourself from the violinist even though this will cause his death: the right to life, Thomson says, does not entail the right to use another person's body, and so by unplugging the violinist you do not violate his right to life but merely deprive him of something—the use of your body—to which he has no right. "f you do allow him to go on using your kidneys, this is a kindness on your part, and not something he can claim from you as his due."[SUP][5][/SUP] For the same reason, Thomson says, abortion does not violate the fetus's right to life but merely deprives the fetus of something—the use of the pregnant woman's body—to which it has no right. Thus, it is not that by terminating her pregnancy a woman violates her moral obligations, but rather that a woman who carries the fetus to term is a 'Good Samaritan' who goes beyond her obligation.
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In Memoriam - RIP
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I never said it did, just like yours isn't fact either ;)
Which beliefs did I state that you are referring to? So far I think I've stated nothing but factoid but if you point me to such a comment I will gladly retract...
That's the risk you decide to take though when you have sex...........imo of course.

So everyone's supposed to be abstinent? Humanity would die off... Mistakes are made, with or without contraceptives. No single person has the right to tell anyone male or female what to do with their body.


In Memoriam - RIP
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scientifically life starts at pre concieve
because your cells are alive
two cells get together to form a multitude of cells that become another form
and eventually a full mixed copy of the two originators of those first cells
so we take life and put the two living things together to make a new living thing
so it was alive before it became a newly formed living thing
so pre conception there is life

So is it homicide when a woman swallows?


Glorified Maniac
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basically its kinda like this
if you let people have an out they will take it and abuse it
so dont let them have it to begin with to be abused (stop it now while it can be stopped)
if I tell my kid that he is grounded and then let him off just cause im trying to be nice
the next time he does something he will think well if I get grounded they will just let me off again like last time
if you consistantly stick with the plan my kid will say im not doing that cause I know what will happen

if you allow abortion for a good reason but yet leave the door open for it to be used for a bad reason like
sex anytime you feel like it at the wrong time with the wrong person and at the wrong age because the consequence is not that great
and abortions are considered ok and they are free
then whats going to to stop the mistakes


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basically its kinda like this
if you let people have an out they will take it and abuse it
so dont let them have it to begin with to be abused (stop it now while it can be stopped)
if I tell my kid that he is grounded and then let him off just cause im trying to be nice
the next time he does something he will think well if I get grounded they will just let me off again like last time
if you consistantly stick with the plan my kid will say im not doing that cause I know what will happen

if you allow abortion for a good reason but yet leave the door open for it to be used for a bad reason like
sex anytime you feel like it at the wrong time with the wrong person and at the wrong age because the consequence is not that great
and abortions are considered ok and they are free
then whats going to to stop the mistakes

This has a lot of truth to it ... but this is also how despotism comes to be. This is why I think proper balance should always be striven for.


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So your cool with the killing part, just not using taxpayer money to do it...

I'm really not cool with the killing either but taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay for it. Freedom of choice for the woman to make the decision would be ok if men were allowed the choice to opt out of being a father. Of course this isn't the case. Being a parent begins at conception for men. After that they have no choice what so ever. Unless you call being financially responsible for years or go to jail a choice.


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Also not true at all.

I'm not sure which portion of my statement you're claiming is false, but I know the first argument is true. Plenty of children are never adopted into families. If you mean to tell me bouncing around foster homes and huts in third world countries count as being taken in by a family, sure, go ahead and have that one.


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I'm not sure which portion of my statement you're claiming is false, but I know the first argument is true. Plenty of children are never adopted into families. If you mean to tell me bouncing around foster homes and huts in third world countries count as being taken in by a family, sure, go ahead and have that one.

Shitty argument for abortion.

Minor Axis

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I'm baffled by the implication that death is better.

How about the implication that you deserve to be born, but after that we don't give a damn? It's like upholding half a standard. It's been mentioned before, but if we as humans are so worried about the right of a fetus to be born, we should also be concerned they be given a more than a random chance in their lives. The forces that are most vocal about pro-life also tend to be against all social programs. It does not add up imo.


Banned, by user's request!
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The forces that are most vocal about pro-life also tend to be against all social programs. It does not add up imo.

What social programmes exactly ? and do you have facts and figures or is this just an assumption ? Im pro life but you dont know me or my views on everything.


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The only problem I have with abortion is taxpayers shouldn't have to pay up because some dumb broad doesn't know how to use birth control.

But the taxpayer should have to pay for the child for the next 18+ years that she is forced to have because people like you don't think taxpayers should pay for abortion?