Minor Axis
Well-Known Member
It is not possible for a company to treat its employees fairly because it is not human. When a company grows beyond its owner then the relationship has to change. An owner, an employer, is expected to treat his employees fairly because its the right thing to do, and because it's just good business.
As a company grows, duties and responsibilities are dispersed among more people, and accountability is diluted. At some point it reaches critical mass, in which employees cease to be individual people and become simply resources. It's at that point that employee/employer relationships have to change.
There are still people in that company making those decisions like shutting down a factory putting hundreds out of work and moving the factory to a third world country where salary is paid in pennies per hour. No problem, great pro-business, anti-employee decision.
I admit the problem with companies is that once one company resorts to this tactic, all the others feel the pressure to follow suit to "remain competitive". This is where you need government looking out for it's citizens. Corporations are not going to do it.