Its hardly just "giving" it away is it? Unless you think the workers contribute nothing to the sucess and money making of the company.
Anything above and beyond the free market wage is "given" away, yes.
Let me ask you a few questions...
Do you have a job? If so, how many hours will you work this week?
Do you get paid holidays? Paid vacation?
How about benefits?
Corruption aside. Unions are a way for workers to collectively bargain with their employer. They are not a way to extort money.
If a group of workers form a union and lobby for a better work environment or better pay, the management has every right to refuse. Hell, nobody is holding a gun to their head. They could fire every last one of them and hire all new employees if they so wish. Union contracts are a two way street. Both management and union employees must agree on the terms before they can go forward and sign the contracts.
As to the above questions. You can thank the unions for 40 hour work weeks. Overtime for anything after 40 hours. Maternity and family leave. Paid holidays and vacation. Safer work environments, better lighting, safety equipment and safe work practices. Hell, you can even thank them for making what you are today, because it's the unions who have progressed the blue collar workers wage over the years. Without the union working towards equalizing pay between blue and white collar workers, you would be working for dollars less an hour.
None of these things could have ever happened if it were individual workers lobbying for change in the workplace. The companies would just fire that person and replace them. The only voice a worker has is through collective bargaining.
I suggest you read up on your history of unions. Learn the things they have done for all of us.
Then you can blast the corrupt unions with a clear conscious. You will understand that not all unions are thugs and extortionists and you have directly benefited from union influence.
Yes I have a job, work 40 hours a week, and get full benefits.
Regarding what you said about unions, I'm confused. Because last I heard, if union workers went on stirke because they want better pay, the companies who they were working for couldn't fire them. Is that not true?
Then I can also thank unions for sending millions of manufacturing jobs overseas. :thumbup (Being sarcastic here, I don't want manufacturing jobs in the US). I think it's funny how people complain about that. Either you pay way too much for American manufactured goods because American workers want all sorts of benefits, or you pay less and don't have the manufacturing done here in the US. You can't have both though. If you want $100 toy cars, by all means, bring the manufacturing to the US! Lol...
Anyway, I agree with you that unions have done some good things for the workforce here. I just don't think they are necessary (or fair) in today's day and age. If the people aren't happy with the wages or benefits they are getting, they should quit, and find a new job. If the manufacturers stop getting enough workers because they aren't paying enough, then they'll pay more. It's that simple, and it works (without screwing with the supply and demand in the free market).
That's right give management a pass.

Forcibly? I could tell you how a company can do a strategic bankruptcy (a bankruptcy that was not necessary for lack of money) for the express purpose of forcibly knocking down all the non-management employees earnings. Don't ask for more details because on second thought due to the sensitive nature, I don't want to give any more info than that.
Makes sense. All I'm saying is that we should let them return to non-unionized workers who do not distort the real value of the work that is being done. Not giving management a pass though, the board of directors should see that management needs to take a pay cut to help the company, and should direct the company accordingly.