TSA = Total Sexual Assaut?

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Doddering Old Poop
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I've been seeing more and more of these complaints out there on the Interwebs.


She felt along my waistline, moved behind me, then proceeded to feel both of my buttocks. She reached from behind in the middle of my buttocks towards my vagina area.

She did not tell me that she was going to touch my buttocks, or reach forward to my vagina area.

She then moved in front of my and touched the top and underneath portions of both of my breasts.

She did not tell me that she was going to touch my breasts.

She then felt around my waist. She then moved to the bottoms of my legs.

She then felt my inner thighs and my vagina area, touching both of my labia.

She did not tell me that she was going to touch my vagina area or my labia.
What do you think?
How far is too far in the name of "security"?
Is this all just a shell game to make us think they are doing something to protect us while they squeeze our collective balls?
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Israeli airport gives rare glimpse into security

Nov. 2, 2010, 3:38 p.m. CDT
Associated Press
BEN-GURION AIRPORT, Israel (AP) — Airport security around the world isn't good enough, an Israeli airport official said Tuesday while showing international experts Israel's near-legendary methods as a possible solution.
Israel, which prides itself on airport and airplane security, showed off robots and procedures to keep passengers safe. One method has been condemned in other countries — profiling.
Nahum Liss of the Israeli Airports Authority said Israel's heavily fortified international airport is the most protected in the world, speaking as authorities on three continents were investigating cargo bombs intercepted at airports last week in Britain and Dubai.
A confident Liss told about 50 visiting security experts that security procedures at Ben-Gurion International Airport "are built in order to confront this kind of threat."
Israel is known for its stringent airport security, the result of a string of Palestinian attacks on Israeli planes in the 1970s.
Before approaching the ticket counter, passengers are thoroughly questioned by "selectors" who look for travelers who match a suspicious profile.
"In the U.S., profiling is a bad word," Liss said, but he defended the practice, saying it is done by "intelligent, motivated" university students who served in Israel's military and can identify passengers who could pose a potential risk.
Liss said that heightened screening of passengers and carry-on luggage in international airports has pushed terror organizations to look for other vulnerable areas to attack at airports. He said many of the world's airports do not properly secure their perimeters.
"We need to protect our back door as well," said Liss, offering a look at an advanced technique the Israelis are working on.
The visitors, including experts from the U.S. and Europe, watched as security officers staged a live simulation, stopping three armed "terrorists" who broke through a rear gate.
Then they observed an unmanned vehicle patrolling the airport perimeter by remote control — a technology soon to be introduced at the Israeli airport.
Routine security procedures start far away from the terminal.
Before even entering the airport, all cars are stopped for a security check by armed guards. Cameras scan license plates to match them with a database of suspicious vehicles. Security officials said it's one of the many security filters passengers pass before boarding flights, some of them unknown to the passengers and many others still kept secret.
The Israeli airport's spokesman's unit said the main terminal is equipped with 700 closed-circuit cameras and is fortified against explosions. The large glass wall at the front and even the trash cans inside are bombproof, they said.


Stickboy's Biznitch!!
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Probably going to start a mini war here but oh well...

I honestly do not see the problem in being searched at the airport... EVERY TIME I fly someone I get pulled to the side and patted down... And I mean every time.. Is it embarrassing to have some weird lady rub her hands up and down my legs, underneath my breasts and around my waist Yes it is but they do this for your own safety. Last time I flew to Florida I had damaged my thumb pretty bad and had a brace on it when I got pulled aside and asked to remove it I explained I would prefer not to due to the pain but if it was a necessity then I would gladly do it for you which I did. It was taken off to be swabbed and I stood there in pain for a good 10mins till they returned it to me and I was aloud to leave.

What makes me laugh about that blog is more the fact that the lady is insisting she was sexually assaulted by the TSA.... Was the TSA wrong in not explaining the procedure to the woman YES was the woman in the right to complain about the process being done without an explanation of what the woman was about to have done to her YES... But honestly I find it completely ignorant of the woman to be posting that she was Sexually assaulted by someone just doing there job.... I am pretty sure the TSA in question does not take joy in feel up woman all day either...

She had a right to complain of course to have your kids searched as well IMO is not a bad idea either, who says that someone would not plant something on there child to do harm to transport drugs ect they are not usually profiled and could easily get passed security with ease... Have airports gone a bit over board in there security yeah maybe a little but after certain events I for one do not blame them in the slightest.. Do I feel like I am profiled when I get checked, yeah slightly but wouldnt you be more at ease to know they are taking these matters into there own hands to PREVENT another catatonic event..

Just my 2 cents.


Toes in the water...
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Feel me up and the random person 54 and a half people back if it means I have a half a chance at being a little safer.

If you can see my cleavage, though, then there's no need to feel there. (Sour memories from the football stadium.)


Well-Known Member
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Feel me up and the random person 54 and a half people back ....

dont have to tell me twice :p


Well-Known Member
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Probably going to start a mini war here but oh well...

I honestly do not see the problem in being searched at the airport... EVERY TIME I fly someone I get pulled to the side and patted down... And I mean every time.. Is it embarrassing to have some weird lady rub her hands up and down my legs, underneath my breasts and around my waist Yes it is but they do this for your own safety. Last time I flew to Florida I had damaged my thumb pretty bad and had a brace on it when I got pulled aside and asked to remove it I explained I would prefer not to due to the pain but if it was a necessity then I would gladly do it for you which I did. It was taken off to be swabbed and I stood there in pain for a good 10mins till they returned it to me and I was aloud to leave.

What makes me laugh about that blog is more the fact that the lady is insisting she was sexually assaulted by the TSA.... Was the TSA wrong in not explaining the procedure to the woman YES was the woman in the right to complain about the process being done without an explanation of what the woman was about to have done to her YES... But honestly I find it completely ignorant of the woman to be posting that she was Sexually assaulted by someone just doing there job.... I am pretty sure the TSA in question does not take joy in feel up woman all day either...

She had a right to complain of course to have your kids searched as well IMO is not a bad idea either, who says that someone would not plant something on there child to do harm to transport drugs ect they are not usually profiled and could easily get passed security with ease... Have airports gone a bit over board in there security yeah maybe a little but after certain events I for one do not blame them in the slightest.. Do I feel like I am profiled when I get checked, yeah slightly but wouldnt you be more at ease to know they are taking these matters into there own hands to PREVENT another catatonic event..

Just my 2 cents.

you wouldnt get "searched" so much if you would stop dressing like you want to kill yourself along with a few hundred others :D..:24: :jk


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I just get myself scanned. You have the option of getting scanned or getting felt up. Don't get me wrong, I love a good "feel up" but only after dinner and drinks. Three drinks for me and EVERYBODY looks great.

Children under 12 are exempt from the feelie thing. It's the price we now have to pay to fly. And frankly, I'm more royally pissed at all of the extra surchages I'm getting for extra bags (Mia stuff) and seating, along with the rest of the stuff.

So, feel me up, but let me get my shit on for free. :D


La entrepierna de fuego
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I agree w/ what Roxi and Kim had to say. But I do want to address this...

What makes me laugh about that blog is more the fact that the lady is insisting she was sexually assaulted by the TSA.... Was the TSA wrong in not explaining the procedure to the woman YES was the woman in the right to complain about the process being done without an explanation of what the woman was about to have done to her YES... But honestly I find it completely ignorant of the woman to be posting that she was Sexually assaulted by someone just doing there job.... I am pretty sure the TSA in question does not take joy in feel up woman all day either...

She has the legal wording wrong, but TECHNICALLY under the letter of the law any unwelcome sexual contact is considering sexual battery. My nephew has a friend that just got probation b/c he thought it would be funny to slap the ass of a random stranger. Random stranger didn't find it funny...random stranger pressed charges for sexual battery. I seriously doubt any charges against the screeners would stick, though, since they ARE performing their job.

And I also wanted to address this:

If you can see my cleavage, though, then there's no need to feel there. (Sour memories from the football stadium.)

The cleavage area isn't what they're concerned about. Whenever I have to conduct a search, we're more concerned w/ the band around the bottom of the bra. We have to pull that out and shake so that anything hidden in the bra will fall out...same goes for the waistband of pants. And, for the record, I absolutely HATE doing searches!!!


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I just flew this year out of JFK Airport and just had to walk through the metal detector and get my feet felt up. I had no problems getting through security. I was pretty shocked at how Lax it was.


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It's the acceptance of ridiculous and totally unnecessary measures like this that has the world sleepwalking into a totalitarian dictatorship blindly. All over a practically non-existant threat. It certainly doesn't make me feel any safer giving govts this kind of power.

"Al Qaeda" tag up a victory every time measures like this are bought in.


Well-Known Member
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I think the lady just needs to understand that it's their job. She is supposed to already know that she may get searched. People do all sorts of weird shit. I mean it would feel weird to have a random touching you in between the legs, but people actually put stuff up there these days. Gross.


Well-Known Member
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I think the lady just needs to understand that it's their job. She is supposed to already know that she may get searched. People do all sorts of weird shit. I mean it would feel weird to have a random touching you in between the legs, but people actually put stuff up there these days. Gross.

no one has the right to touch you in your private regions without permission. It doesn't matter if it's their job or not, it's a total infringement of personal space, not to mention liberty. And it's not going to stop anyone doing anything bad.