Trayvon Martin Video Shows No Blood or Bruises on George Zimmerman

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Could Zimmerman have LIED? New evidence emerging.

Check out the video - No blood on face or head. His clothes are clean and dry.


A police surveillance video taken the night that Trayvon Martin was shot dead shows no blood or bruises on George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch captain who says he shot Martin after he was punched in the nose, knocked down and had his head slammed into the ground.

The surveillance video, which was obtained exclusively by ABC News, shows Zimmerman arriving in a police cruiser. As he exits the car, his hands are cuffed behind his back. Zimmerman is frisked and then led down a series of hallways, still cuffed.

Zimmerman, 28, is wearing a red and black fleece and his face and head are cleanly shaven. He appears well built, hardly the portly young man depicted in a 2005 mug shot that until a two days ago was the single image the media had of Zimmerman.

Police Video Surveillance of George Zimmerman

The initial police report noted that Zimmerman was bleeding from the back of the head and nose, and after medical attention it was decided that he was in good enough condition to travel in a police cruiser to the Sanford, Fla., police station for questioning.

His lawyer later insisted that Zimmerman's nose had been broken in his scuffle with 17-year-old Martin.

In the video an officer is seen pausing to look at the back of Zimmerman's head, but no abrasions or blood can be seen in the video and he did not check into the emergency room following the police questioning.

Zimmerman was not arrested although ABC News has learned that the lead homicide investigator filed an affidavit urging Zimmerman be charged with manslaughter. The prosecutor, however, told the officer to not file the charge because there was not enough evidence for conviction.

Zimmerman said he was heading back to his car when Martin attacked him. His lawyer, Craig Sonner, said his client felt "one of them was going to die that night," when he pulled the trigger.

Martin's girlfriend, who was on the phone with him in his final moments, told ABC News in an exclusive interview that she has not been interviewed by police, despite Martin telling her he was being followed.

The 16-year-old girl, who is only being identified as DeeDee, recounted the final moments of her conversation with Martin before the line went dead.

"When he saw the man behind him again he said this man is going to do something to him. And then he said this man is still behind him and I said run," she said.

Phone records obtained by ABC News show that the girl called Martin at 7:12 p.m., five minutes before police arrived, and remained on the phone with Martin until moments before he was shot.

DeeDee said Martin turned around and asked Zimmerman why he was following him.
"The man said what are you doing around here?" DeeDee recalled Zimmerman saying.
She said she heard someone pushed into the grass before the call was dropped.

Zimmerman, who had called 911, was asked by the dispatcher if he was following the teen. When Zimmerman replied that he was, the dispatcher said,

"We don't need you to do that."
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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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The police report and EMT both indicate his head wounds

Must be a big conspiracy John

If so then the truth will come out.

I asked earlier elsewhere if the had any friends on the force.

Also has anybody indicated what time of the evening that video took place?

And if you want to cast doubt then why did ABC put that log where they did? Seems abnormally high on the screen

Also when will the person who leaked this leak the interrogation? Along with photos taken on the scene?

Joe the meek

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Other than the fact that Zimmerman should not of gotten out of his vehicle and perhaps Martin should not of approached Zimmerman, EVERYTHING is nothing but sideline internet quarterbacking.

I suggest everyone just wait until the investigation is over with and what findings are released.

Crap, people are now making money off this on hoodies. Wonderful country we live in to make a buck.


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Two more interesting facts:

1. Zimmerman's Father is a magistrate with the Virginia Supreme Court.

2. Sanford police chief, state attorney made Zimmerman 'no charge' call in person. Is that SOP for some schmuck nobody?

State officials like AG's, judges and other officers of the court all have national association meetings - here an example of one:

Much stinks about this Zimmerman case. Total speculation, but could a favor have been called in from Virginia to Florida? Wouldn't THAT be an interesting turn of events?

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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it is gonna be a stretch to show Zimmerman was not in a battle

unless you want to put the witness who stated Martin was on top hitting Zimmerman into the conspiracy

So let us add up who needed to be in the conspiracy

Police.......... who also wanted to press manslaughter charges

DA............. who asked for the state AG to press charges

AG............ who said there was not enough evidence

Witness..... who said Martin was on top

Police........ who said Zimmermans back was grassy and he had blood on his face and back of the head

EMT......... who stated Zimmerman had blood on his face and head

Damn .... That is some conspiracy

Face it John. The story is nothing like originally indicated in the press where it was insinuated a racist white man executed as black kid. This same alleged racist who is reported to tutor kids, including blacks.

The only thing that is sure is that Zimmerman shot the kid. The events leading up to it are up for dispute. The fact Zimmerman got out of his car is irrelevant. If I was to guess one of the two started lipping off. Then the kid got the best of Zimmerman and Zimmerman got free and panicked and shot out of a sense of fear. Certainly not a cold blooded execution which is what some nuts have indicated. Including some idiot people in congress along with the likes of Spike Lee and the New Black Panthers. The rhetoric is sickening


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Wow Allen - Nice incensed white conservative rant. You'll defend Zimmerman no matter what won't you?

You, and so many other angry white conservatives completely ignore the fact that Zimmerman caused this whole incident by following Martin in the first place. Makes no difference to you and your ilk whatsoever. It drives you insane because Al sharpton, Jesse Jackson and the Black Panthers are involved - you mention them frequently, so it is obvious it is on your mind as well as all the other bigots out there who cannot discuss the issue without invoking their names. I see the latent bigotry plain as day - and not just here, but all over the internet. That rhetoric is just as sickening from angry conservative whites as you accuse blacks. But you just cannot see it can you Allen?

More info to suggest Zimmerman may be lying:

Martin funeral director: No signs of fight on body

CBS News) SANFORD, Florida - The defense of George Zimmerman rests on a violent fight that he said occurred before he fired the shot that killed Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman is neighborhood watch volunteer at the center of the case. It was almost five weeks that Martin, the unarmed 17-year-old, was killed after Zimmerman found him suspicious. We don't know what happened immediately immediately before the shot was fired. CBS News correspondent Mark Strassman has new evidence in the case.

Trayvon Martin was buried in Miami with a gunshot wound to his chest. But otherwise, according to Richard Kurtz, the funeral director who prepared Martin for burial, his body showed no injuries.

"We could see no physical signs like there had been a scuffle [or] there had been a fight," he said. "The hands -- I didn't see any knuckles, bruises or what have you. And that is something we would have covered up if it would have been there."

Video shows Zimmerman with cops; Dad speaks out
Complete coverage: The shooting of Trayvon Martin

And as a surveillance tape shows, George Zimmerman in handcuffs, 40 minutes after he killed Trayvon Martin. He seemed to show no apparent injuries, either.

Yet Zimmerman claims Martin beat him and threatened his life, so he shot the teenager in self-defense.

But Ben Crump, the lawyer for Martin's parents, said the video shows a murderer.

"Look at that video," he said. "Do you see any blood on his head? He said he broke his nose. Look at that video. And look at how easy he walks out of the car."

Zimmerman, a crime watch volunteer, thought Martin looked suspicious, called police, and followed Martin along a street and around a corner.

Robert Zimmerman, the gunman's father, told WOFL-TV in Orlando that Martin suddenly confronted his son.

"At that point he was punched in the nose," he said. "His nose was broken. and he was knocked to the concrete. Trayvon Martin got on top of him and just started beating him in the face and in the nose, hitting his head on the concrete."

Police reports noted Zimmerman was "bleeding from the nose and the back of the head." But a closer look at Zimmerman shows no obvious head or face injuries. At one point, an officer does check the back of his head.

Martin's family contends this video proves police never wanted to arrest Zimmerman.
And Cheryl Brown said a widespread perception is wrong: Sanford police wanted to charge Zimmerman. She identified Chris Serino as the lead investigator who questioned people in the neighborhood.

"Detective Serino -- did you have the sense when he interviewed you that he thought it was a killing in self-defense?" Strassmann asked Brown.

"No, because he actually stated to me in my family room that 'we do not believe it was self-defense and we need to prove it,'" said Brown.

A special prosecutor will now decide whether Zimmerman deserves to be charged. Zimmerman's father insists his son is also a victim here.

"...They are just making up stuff that are not true about George. How he is being portrayed is an absolute lie."

Robert Zimmerman said Martin beat his son for more than one minute. And when his son fired his .9-mm, Robert Zimmerman said it was because he had no choice.

So if Martin beat Zimmerman as badly as Zimmerman claimed, wouldn't Zimmerman have shown marks on his face? Ever seen a broken nose that did not bleed profusely? I didn't see any blood on the front of Zimmermans shirt, did you?

And if Zimmerman had as severe a head wound as he and his supporters claim - why no bandages to stop the bleeding? Why no stitches?

If Martin beat Zimmerman as profusely as Zimmerman claimed, why no marks on Martin's fists or body - other than a 9mm bullet hole in his chest.

Tell me allen - if it was YOUR son killed in that fashion - what would you do if the state AG dropped the charges against YOUR sons killer?

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Looks like if anybody is ranting it is you John

You forgot to call me a racist by the way

Exactly what fashion are you alleging he was killed?

Or did you mean execute? After all you appear to have all the answers and know exactly what transpired. So tell us exactly how this all played out.

Lets see your anti police bias show its true face. And don't forget to lay out the details on the conspiracy please.


Having way too much fun
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Here's my problem with the whole thing.

So far from all of the accounts, it looks like Martin wasn't guilty of doing anything illegal, he only "looked" suspicious to Zimmerman.
Zimmerman was the one who pursued Martin and that was the cause of the confrontation. (if someone was pursuing me, damn straight there would be a confrontation and that would be in MY self defense.)
You CANNOT be the cause of a confrontation and then claim self defense...
Zimmerman had no business chasing someone down who only looked suspicious and creating a situation where an innocent man was shot and killed.

This doesn't make Zimmerman a murderer, but it is a pretty clear case for manslaughter.

You are responsible for your actions. Martin was only guilty of looking suspicious... Zimmerman was guilty of chasing down Martin and initiating a confrontation that lead to Martins death...


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Looks like if anybody is ranting it is you John

Just making points. That bothers you doesn't it?

You forgot to call me a racist by the way

Well, are you a racist? I'd suggest your comments are clearly bigoted because you mention all the conservative bigot code words like "race pimping" and you cannot help invoking Sharpton and Jacksons names and mentioning the Black Panthers.

Exactly what fashion are you alleging he was killed?

Still waiting for your answer to what you would do if it was your son gunned down by a neighborhood watchman that was told to leave your son alone in the first place? Well, what would Allen do?

Lets see your anti police bias show its true face. And don't forget to lay out the details on the conspiracy please.

You're the one talking conspiracy. I simply suggested it is possible influence could have been used by Zimmermans magistrate father to influence the Florida AG. Are you implying things like that have never happened?


Having way too much fun
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Notice how race was never mentioned in my previous post... it isn't needed to describe the story.

The fact that Zimmerman thought this black kid looked suspicious is an entirely different topic.


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Great article by a CONSERVATIVE on how the nut-job wing of the Republican party is WRONG for getting involved and defending Zimmerman.

Count Me Out On Trayvon Martin

Personally, I can't wait until Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum get offstage so we can start running a presidential campaign that isn't based on trying to alienate the vast majority of Americans over irrelevant issues.

I'm referring of course to the Trayvon Martin case, where Newt and several other conservative loudmouths have managed to take a case that had absolutely nothing at all to do with Republicans and turn it into another brouhaha where the GOP are the bad guys.

Let's go over the facts. A 17-year-old black kid who's visiting in an Orlando suburb goes to the corner for a snack at halftime of an NBA All-Star Game. On his way back he is spotted by one George Zimmerman, a 28-year-old self-appointed neighborhood crime watcher who decides Martin looks suspicious, apparently because he's never seen the kid before.

Zimmerman calls 911, says he's following someone he thinks may be a burglar, and is specifically told by the operator not to pursue the kid any further. He ignores this instruction, gets out of his truck and starts following Martin on foot. Zimmerman is inept enough so that the kid soon realizes he is being pursued. He calls his father's home and tells them some strange guy is shadowing him. What happened next is under dispute. Zimmerman says he decided to go back to his truck and Martin jumped him. Maybe it happened, maybe it didn't. In any case, the two end up fighting with Martin beating Zimmerman's head into the sidewalk. At this point, Zimmerman pulls a gun and shoots Martin dead.

Not the kind of situation the shooter is likely to walk away from without some kind of investigation, right? But no, the Sanford police choose to take Zimmerman's story at face value. Moreover, like 30 other states, Florida has a "Stand Your Ground" law, written mainly to protect homeowners but containing a clause saying a person can use deadly force if he fears for his life or from suffering "great bodily harm." It's an ambiguous situation where it would be nice to have a judge and jury decide. But the police decide to accept Zimmerman's story and he walks. It doesn't seem very logical. If Martin had wrested the gun away from Zimmerman and shot him, would he have gotten off so easily? He'd have a better case, since Zimmerman was obviously intending to use the gun on him. Well, I'll let you decide that one.

So as anyone could have predicted, the case quickly becomes a cause célèbre. "No black teenager is safe," "This is Emmett Till." "It's just like Mississippi in 1935." Not quite true, but this is what happens when the police make dubious decisions like this one. So now we're back to the situation where the federal government has to intervene against Southern racists and all this will probably stretch out into November.

The point is this. Republicans have no reason to intervene in this fight. Seventy-five percent of the public thinks Zimmerman should be charged with something. Second-degree manslaughter certainly sounds pretty good to me. This wouldn't be "scapegoating," as conservative talk show hosts are already nattering, it's just common sense. Zimmerman wouldn't be guilty of anything until tried by a jury, but it's better than being tried in the newspapers. In any case, the idea you can gun somebody down in the middle of the street and just walk away doesn't appeal to me and probably not to the vast majority, either.

I spent several years going out with a neighborhood crime watch in Brooklyn, a much tougher neighborhood than Sanford, Florida. One thing I can tell you is that every one of these patrols has at least one wannabe cop. This guy lives by the police radio, knows every officer by name, and is just itching to get out there and show he can collar a perp as well. Reining these people in is a principal tasks of the police advisors. "You never confront a criminal yourself. You never try to make an arrest. You never intervene in a situation. You are not a police officer. You are only there to observe. If you see something, call us and we'll handle it." That's the mantra.

Zimmerman had pestered the station for months with reports of "suspicious 12-year-olds" walking through the neighborhood. He was an overenthusiastic pest at best. He was definitely headed out of bounds. That he would get out of his truck and shadow Martin after specific instructions of the 911officer is bad enough in itself. That he was doing this while carrying a gun in his pocket says to me he was definitely courting trouble.

And "Stand Your Ground" -- what the hell is that supposed to mean? Once a fight begins, can't Martin stand his ground as well? And if both can stand their ground, doesn't it just become a contest of who is better armed? It sounds to me like the guy who brings the deadliest weapon wins.

In any case, why do Republicans have to get involved in this mess? Wouldn't it be better to utter a few words of regret and move on to something more political? But no, good old Newt can't miss the chance to alienate three-quarters of the American population. What sets him off is President Obama's comment, "If I had a son, he would look just like Trayvon Martin." What's wrong with that? When President Obama went to Israel he said, "If somebody shot rockets at my house where my two daughters were sleeping at night, I'd do everything in my power to stop them." Was that introducing sex and religion into international relations? No, he was just empathizing. That's what Presidents are supposed to do.

But old Newt can't let that pass. Like a big, lazy trout he jumps for the bait. Obama's comment is "disgraceful" and "appalling," "trying to turn this into a racial issue." Good old Rick Santorum isn't far behind, accusing Obama of "introducing divisive rhetoric." So all of a sudden, it's Obama versus the Republicans with three-quarters of the population on Obama's side.

Look, just because President Obama says something doesn't mean it's wrong. Let's not be naïve. George Zimmerman introduced race into the incident at the beginning when he decided to follow Martin because of the way he looked. If Martin had been a white preppie in a suit and tie, he never would have given him a second glance. Zimmerman is now trying to play this game himself, arguing that he couldn't have done anything wrong because he's half Hispanic. Let's just forget all this pedigree stuff and concentrate on what happened.

But sure enough, once Newt has served up the ball, conservative commentators are rushing to Zimmerman's side, trying to defend him from "scapegoating." Rush Limbaugh says Obama is just using the case as a "political opportunity" and wonders why everyone is so excited about something that happened a month ago. Dennis Prager says Obama has "disgraced the Presidency" and compares Zimmerman to the falsely accused Duke rapists. Geraldo Rivera even suggests Martin brought it all on himself by wearing a hood. Glenn Beck discovers the kid was suspended from school for traces of marijuana. (Twenty percent of the youth population could be nailed on that one.) Then there are rumors that he was caught with some jewelry, that he entered an unauthorized school area and even wrote "W.T.F." on a door. (The Sanford police have been good at leaking all this.) And all this is supposed to suggest he deserved to be shot?

And so the noble effort to unseat President Obama and save the country from economic ruin ends up stranded on the beach in a crusade to defend a Florida wannabe cop. There are two presidential candidates who have sensibly kept their noses out of this one. I won't mention them by name but they are to be commended.

I spent five years writing a book about crime in the 1980s. Much of my research consisted of listening to liberals blather about how "Criminals are impulsive," "They can't be deterred," "Punishment doesn't work," "They don't think about what they do," plus "Better a hundred guilty people go free than one innocent person be convicted." And on and on. Liberals were wrong then, just as conservatives are wrong now for trying to keep Zimmerman from being charged with anything.

The justice system is a pageant. Each criminal trial is public theater from which people gather moral lessons. It matters whether people who commit offensive acts are arrested, tried, convicted or acquitted. Each case sets a standard for public behavior. When the public sees justice done, it reinforces everyone's sense of morality. When people see others getting away with things, they become uneasy, demoralized and finally angry.

So what's the example to be drawn so far from this particular episode? Well, ask yourself this. Suppose black people decided to absorb the lesson and start patrolling their own neighborhoods with guns, challenging every "suspicious" white person who comes along and relying on "Stand Your Ground" in case anything goes wrong? Would that bode well for the tranquility of the republic?

Cops want people to help them in preventing crime, make no mistake. They want tips, they want neighborhood watch groups and above all, they want people brave enough to stand up and testify in court -- not an easy thing when you live in a neighborhood controlled by criminals. What they don't want is eager-beaver vigilantes running around with guns trying to do their jobs for them.

That's one lesson worth driving home in the Trayvon Martin case.

Mr. Tucker is author of Vigilante: The Backlash Against Crime in America.

The Man

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If this Zimmerman was out to slay the first black guy he saw...why did it take him this long to do it?
It seems like alot of work to me...why not just hide in the bushes somewhere cap a guy and run..simple enough.
Rather that be a watchman for months on end until that perfect time arrives.

Then everyone is in on it to cover it up......:24:

I suppose if he was arrested and found innocent the jury would be in on it too.:(

Let the riots begin.

Good job many more get hurt.
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If this Zimmerman was out to slay the first black guy he saw...why did it take him this long to do it?
It seems like alot of work to me...why not just hide in the bushes somewhere cap a guy and run..simple enough.
Rather that be a watchman for months on end until that perfect time arrives.

Then everyone is in on it to cover it up......:24:

I suppose if he was arrested and found innocent the jury would be in on it too.:(

Let the riots begin.

Good job many more get hurt.

I'm pretty sure most sane people are not trying to turn this into a race issue. But the inability of the few to drop it is what is making it into a bigger issue than it needs to be.