Doom, open mindedness does not mean accepting every hare-brained idea that comes down the pike.
The bible is fiction. Simply mentioning some middleeastern geography and a couple of caesars does not make it a non- fiction literary work. The best fiction writers weave some historical accuracy into their imaginary work. Think Michael Chriton, Tom Clancey and John Grisham.
Not true. Ask any reasonable individual to prove a negative and you will then need to overcome your own evidence of absence. The burden of proof of anyone claiming the existence of anything is always on the claimer to produce that which is claimed to exist.
I'm Agnostic in my religious thought process. When Jesus comes to my house and explains why he and his daddy fucked up this planet with all these idiotic humans whose goal it seems is to screw over their fellow humans for personal gain, then I'll believe.
You have not proved me wrong or proved anything else as yet.
Sorry doom - but I never claimed Abraham sacrificed Issac - I said the Abraham was WILLING to sacrifice his own son, as the fictional account was told in the bible.
This is why I put up the facepalm pics doom. You've convinced yourself, and only yourself of an imagined victory here. are a bible scholar are you? So I take it you have actually read the bible completely through several times, right?
Don't lie now - your god will punish you for lying, just like the FSM did to Adam.![]()
If you are Agnostic, why the heck are you bothered about these threads?
And you have said you have read the bible on only two occasions, that is really hardly enough to "study" the bible