I have no doubt that the Bible is full of "If you do this and that" then death is the only way to be punished, but that is for people without sin or wrong doing, therefore you have come up with your own conclusions. It may not of said that in the Old Testament, but if you read the new testament, in particularly this,
http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+8:3-11&version=NIV, also, please note that this came from a man who is WITHOUT SIN
The verses in Romans where it says those who sin will be punished for their wrongs doings, i.e. go to hell means that those who don't repent from their sins will go to hell. It is littered in the New Testament to "Repent" and "It is easier for a prostitute to go to heaven than it is for a rich man to pass through the eye of a needle", assuming that the prostitute and other sinners have repented, so it nullifies your claim that the Bible or God is violent