This is Why the Occupy Wall Street Movement Keeps Growing

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The Man

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Fucking geez.

Another I camp out and trespass and will not leave when told to do such sympathy thread.
Lets recap.
Brats assemble for causes they dont even understand.
They camp..makes messes etc.
A point is reached..that they are more camping.
Brats say fuck you arent taking the tents down.
Brats form chain line
Brats are warned to disperse while tents are taken down.
Brats refuse
Brats know they are going to get sprayed for refusal to comply.
Brats gets they choose.
Public has sympathy for these brats
Why are people arguing with the supporters of these brats.
The brats had it coming...they werent shot..the least aggressive method was used for removal...simple.
These were university cops anyway..upholding university policy...nothing to debate here.
They dont have to allow shit...except a seat for the tuition.
The problem is...being nice to these fucks to start off with....then when you try to enforce policy then authority becomes labeled an asshole.
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Well-Known Member
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Fucking geez.

Another I camp out and trespass and will not leave when told to do such sympathy thread.
Lets recap.
Brats assemble for causes they dont even understand.
They camp..makes messes etc.
A point is reached..that they are more camping.
Brats say fuck you arent taking the tents down.
Brats form chain line
Brats are warned to disperse while tents are taken down.
Brats refuse
Brats know they are going to get sprayed for refusal to comply.
Brats gets they choose.
Public has sympathy for these brats
Why are people arguing with the supporters of these brats.
The brats had it coming...they werent shot..the least aggressive method was used for removal...simple.
These were university cops anyway..upholding university policy...nothing to debate here.
They dont have to allow shit...except a seat for the tuition.
The problem is...being nice to these fucks to start off with....then when you try to enforce policy then authority becomes labeled an asshole.

Trouble is....the incident started out as a non violent action of civil disobedience.
Peaceful, no, non violent, yes. Subtle distinction. It was obviously orchestrated for confrontation.
Probably an arrestable action in this case, but likely only a misdemeanor.
Resisting arrest could warrant a physical response from police, but there was little to no action on the part of the protesters that could be interpreted as threatening.
All I saw was an uncooperative response.
This was a moment the officers chose to to use a physical response that could have been physically harmful/damaging.
imo.....the response should have been arrests where the protesters were led/carried to transports and charged with disturbing the peace, without using physical harm as motivation.

Now, there's a dozen or so martyrs that have gained public sympathy for causes that are leftist oriented.

Laws need to be justly and equally applied to all......or there is no justice and the system needs serious correction. How that is accomplished is the issue and it's already been established large elements in the OWS movement aren't looking for reform, they're looking for revolution.


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These quotes could be food for thought for the present unrest in the US?
"Look at life through the windscreen, not through the rear view mirror"

10 years ago Americans woke up and had Steve Jobs, Johnny Cash and Bob Hope.

Today Americans wake up and find no Jobs, no Cash and no Hope.


Joe the meek

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Trouble is....the incident started out as a non violent action of civil disobedience.
Peaceful, no, non violent, yes. Subtle distinction. It was obviously orchestrated for confrontation.
Probably an arrestable action in this case, but likely only a misdemeanor.
Resisting arrest could warrant a physical response from police, but there was little to no action on the part of the protesters that could be interpreted as threatening.
All I saw was an uncooperative response.
This was a moment the officers chose to to use a physical response that could have been physically harmful/damaging.
imo.....the response should have been arrests where the protesters were led/carried to transports and charged with disturbing the peace, without using physical harm as motivation.

Now, there's a dozen or so martyrs that have gained public sympathy for causes that are leftist oriented.

Laws need to be justly and equally applied to all......or there is no justice and the system needs serious correction. How that is accomplished is the issue and it's already been established large elements in the OWS movement aren't looking for reform, they're looking for revolution.


The REAL problem is going to be when it's an organized group of men with guns who decide to make a stand. Oh, it's been done before and the government has dealt with it, but I can't help but think that something bigger and better organized may be on the horizon.

That said, I would never condone violence of any kind.


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This was a moment the officers chose to to use a physical response that could have been physically harmful/damaging.
imo.....the response should have been arrests where the protesters were led/carried to transports and charged with disturbing the peace, without using physical harm as motivation.

Now, there's a dozen or so martyrs that have gained public sympathy for causes that are leftist oriented.
This is true. Yes, the protesters might have hoped for some such action, but the police made the choice in how to respond. Had they taken the time to pull the chain apart one by and and put them in a van, it might not have made the news at all. But the dick had to make a show of it. That decision was the wrong one and crossed the line, imo.


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The REAL problem is going to be when it's an organized group of men with guns who decide to make a stand. Oh, it's been done before and the government has dealt with it, but I can't help but think that something bigger and better organized may be on the horizon.

That said, I would never condone violence of any kind.
When has this been done before?


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The root cause of financial/economic evils as explained by Keynes.....

Moral:: Strike at Wall Street

"By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and
unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens. There is no
subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to
debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law
on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a
million is able to diagnose."
-- John Maynard Keynes
(1883-1946) British economist
Source: "The Economic Consequences Of The Peace"

"If, however, a government refrains from regulations and allows matters to
take their course, essential commodities soon attain a level of price out of the
reach of all but the rich, the worthlessness of the money becomes apparent,
and the fraud upon the public can be concealed no longer."
-- John Maynard Keynes
(1883-1946) British economist
Source: The Economic Consequences of the Peace, 1920, page 240

"The few who understand the system, will either be so interested in
its profits, or so dependent on its favours that there will be no
opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body
of the people mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous
advantage that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens
without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system
is inimical to their interests."
-- John Sherman
Protege of the Rothschild banking family
June 25, 1863
Source: in a letter sent to New York bankers, Morton, and Gould, in support of the then proposed National Banking Act



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The REAL problem is going to be when it's an organized group of men with guns who decide to make a stand. Oh, it's been done before and the government has dealt with it, but I can't help but think that something bigger and better organized may be on the horizon.

That said, I would never condone violence of any kind.

The REAL problem is going to be when it's an organized group of men with guns who decide to make a stand.

At that point the argument for change no longer considers a democratic society. It's the will of the few imposed upon the many.

but I can't help but think that something bigger and better organized may be on the horizon.
Swings to the left usually occur during economic hardship and I see the OWS as a mechanism that's timely. While the OWS has the appearance of scattered appeal, there are strong socialist/communist activist elements working in the movement for the promotion of their own ideologies.
Those elements will likely be those concerns in the near future.


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The REAL problem is going to be when it's an organized group of men with guns who decide to make a stand.

At that point the argument for change no longer considers a democratic society. It's the will of the few imposed upon the many.
One group simply making a stand suddenly becomes all that? How so?

As I typed this I thought about how the small group of extremist Muslims caused a massive curtailment of liberty in our country. Is that what you're getting at?


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One group simply making a stand suddenly becomes all that? How so?

As I typed this I thought about how the small group of extremist Muslims caused a massive curtailment of liberty in our country. Is that what you're getting at?

One group simply making a stand suddenly becomes all that? How so?
Through seemingly inconspicuous organization and historical perseverance... and picking a timely moment to assault a status quo that does need reform.

As I typed this I thought about how the small group of extremist Muslims caused a massive curtailment of liberty in our country. Is that what you're getting at?
No.....I'm thinking more of those that attack from within the social/political infrastructure to bring change/revolution rather than an outside destructive force like terrorism.


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Saw these, thought I'd share.



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Through seemingly inconspicuous organization and historical perseverance... and picking a timely moment to assault a status quo that does need reform.

No.....I'm thinking more of those that attack from within the social/political infrastructure to bring change/revolution rather than an outside destructive force like terrorism.
You don't need an organized group of men with guns for that.

The Man

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Trouble is....the incident started out as a non violent action of civil disobedience.
Peaceful, no, non violent, yes. Subtle distinction. It was obviously orchestrated for confrontation.
Probably an arrestable action in this case, but likely only a misdemeanor.
Resisting arrest could warrant a physical response from police, but there was little to no action on the part of the protesters that could be interpreted as threatening.
All I saw was an uncooperative response.
This was a moment the officers chose to to use a physical response that could have been physically harmful/damaging.
imo.....the response should have been arrests where the protesters were led/carried to transports and charged with disturbing the peace, without using physical harm as motivation.

Now, there's a dozen or so martyrs that have gained public sympathy for causes that are leftist oriented.

Laws need to be justly and equally applied to all......or there is no justice and the system needs serious correction. How that is accomplished is the issue and it's already been established large elements in the OWS movement aren't looking for reform, they're looking for revolution.

Laws vary by states here for instance intentionally standing in someones was for the purpose of standing in their way is harrassment..class a misdemeanor.
While they were not threatening they were still harassing//plus interfering with the duty of an officer .
Here they would have got tazed...we dont use the spray much would have been much worse.
I would object to tasing the offenders in this case..but do approve of the spray...a fire hose would also have my approval for this instance.
I look at it like..its a shame they got sprayed yes...but they were being disobedient.failed to disperse
They should have been arrested as you say..would have looked better for the public.
Thing is it would have created more work...they were being nice by not arresting them..and it come back to haunt them
Just like being nice and allowing camping in the beginning when it should have been dealt with immediately.

A neighboring county here is doing just that with some voicing people.{lastnight}
They told them no camping and the location they picked is against the city ordinance they will have to find another location if they want to continue tomorrow.
They listened we will kick their asses and they know it.
I have no problems with the protests as long as they are not combative and follow the law.
These OWS movements are becoming a problem for some they have went from protests to intentionally becoming pests.
I agree..they are looking for a revolution..they need to be stopped.
I would actually have some respect for these people..if they narrowed their objective to a sensible cause and protested at the correct targets


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Occupy movement-the beginning of an end!

'Non-violent protest can lead to very violent counter-actions. If that happens to the Occupy movement, it will be seen around the world, and the world, once again, will see that what the U.S. claims about freedom and human rights is simply rhetorical fodder to cover up their real interests in power and control of people and resources'


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Occupy movement-the beginning of an end!

'Non-violent protest can lead to very violent counter-actions. If that happens to the Occupy movement, it will be seen around the world, and the world, once again, will see that what the U.S. claims about freedom and human rights is simply rhetorical fodder to cover up their real interests in power and control of people and resources'

As evidenced by this picture posted by Panacea


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Ron Paul gets "Mic Checked"