I agree with Evan on this one. Somewhere along the line the illusion of the family unit was tossed to the road side. Our system of values has taken a turn and pointed us in the direction of greed and want. I'm not sure that it can be attributed to anyone or any group of individuals. I think it's a natural progression of society, we moved from a agricultural to industrial to a technology based society. We have gone from a middle class that was accustomed to physical labor to one that tries to avoid it...
If living the lifestyle of the 50's and 60's is appealing to you, then that is something you need to create for yourself. Taking the path that Scott chose is a matter of personal preference. I for one am heading in the same direction....
Answer Intruder's posts. I also posted a NY Times Article establishing this typical liberal mantra as bullshit. People (in all levels) have it better today then they ever did and that is FACT.
You my friend are the epitome of class envy--angry as hell that other people in your company (management) make more money than you and angry as hell that your salary has been slashed back to what it should be
The only way this country's middle class will vanish is if liberals are able to spread their socialist bullshit. If the entire country were unionized we'd have an entire country of people suffering in mediocrity with no hope for anything better.
Don't blame politics, gasoline, McCain, Palin, Obama, Biden me or anyone else for the middle class spending themselves into the poorhouse.
It's not a fact. As our manufacturing base has eroded, millions of good paying jobs have evaporated. Nothing has replaced those jobs for people who used to be able to find work right out of high school. Now they can go work at McDonalds. It's been going on for at least the last 30 years.
Guess you forgot about those millions of service jobs that replaced the manufacturing ones. And, btw, many of the lost manufacturing jobs was the result of increased efficiency from modernizations of factories and to getting rid of the union slug sucking the life blood out of the corporation.
(The last part is not true but I just threw it in there because I know it will cause you to go into one of your liberal hissy fits. )
That's one thing the Republican Party never wants to talk about- quality employment. They talk numbers but they don't care if you have a sustainable job or you have a job that requires you to live with 10 other people to survive. And those service jobs as a rule SUCK and you know it. In fact at one point in this President's term they were trying to count McDonald's fast food type jobs as manufacturing! Slick Willie does not hold a candle to these guys.
Did you say unions?? :lala:
The stats don't bear you out.
You can prove that if you'd like. And you know that manufacturing provides more strength to the economy while service jobs produce nothing.
How in the hell can you post that crap? Add more strength?
Think about the next time we get into a conflict and literally everything we use is made in China and there is a possibility that the war will be with China. You don't have a problem with that?
I'm only addressing this part of your post because the remainder isn't worthy of a response. BTW, the part that I'm not addressing, would cause a first year econ major to giggle at the complete lack of knowledge that you have on the subject matter
Now addressing the rest of the idiocy..........so we can't go to war with China because they produce the crappola found at Wal-Mart? When did we start buying our heavy cruisers, F-18s, Bradley Fighting Vehicles, M-1 tanks etc etc from China? The ability to produce a cheap plastic trash can doesn't make China anything other than a cheap trash can maker.
I think Strauss got ya Minor. We have had a lot of manufacturing leave but there is plenty left. Where I live there was a major change in tooling to manufacture planes during the war at Willow Run. We would do it again if push came to shove.
If I have to spell it out for you, in a war, all of the items we would normally rely upon to make our economy work, not just military vehicles, would suddenly disappear.
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