The Super Committee Falls On Its Sword- Surprised?

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I concur with the "nanny" feds. The "Patriot Act" alone is enough to piss me off!!

One way to stop the pissing away of money is to just end the "War" on drugs, legalise marijuana and TAX it. Make it a "sin" (hahaha) tax like alcohol and cigarettes. We'd save a few billion dollars and have the ability to generate more income and jobs. That's a start...
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Minor Axis

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Rather than waiting for someone else to do the heavy lifting and voting against my own interests in favor of voting for who I think will win (an empty victory if you ask me) I tell others of who I am voting for and why, and try (futilely, in your case) to convince them that the real wasted vote is voting for evil. On rare occasion, I have sent money to aid a campaign, but I'm really picky about that.

Gosh, I do this every day. Should I be impressed with how devoted you are? :)

We appear to have a core philosophical difference in how we deal with choices. If you can be believed, you stand on your principles no matter what. My principles are framed in a more pragmatic manner. If I don't think I'm going to get my way, some results are better than no results. By your description, you appear to be the type of person who as a politician would get nothing accomplished in Congress, or maybe even working with other people as a rule? (a question, not an accusation, nor intended as an insult.) When working with a group of people, usually compromise is required.

This is why the current crop of GOPers are bad for the country. They have drawn their line in the sand, which accounts for no contrary views on any issues and are absolutely against compromise. I'm hoping they get a big fat surprise in some near election. As more and more people suffer, maybe they, the voters, will realize that GOP positions are only designed with one goal in mind, benefiting the 1%. This does not work for the majority.

Excellent line!

Thank you. :)


Well-Known Member
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Gosh, I do this every day. Should I be impressed with how devoted you are? :)

We appear to have a core philosophical difference in how we deal with choices. If you can be believed, you stand on your principles no matter what. My principles are framed in a more pragmatic manner. If I don't think I'm going to get my way, some results are better than no results. By your description, you appear to be the type of person who as a politician would get nothing accomplished in Congress, or maybe even working with other people as a rule?
Holy fuck. You read nothing. You see words and type your opinion. I'm going to try to give up on you, but no promises. You're fucking hopeless as a partner in communication, but still hard to resist ... sorta like rock climbing, I guess.

Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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Holy fuck. You read nothing. You see words and type your opinion. I'm going to try to give up on you, but no promises. You're fucking hopeless as a partner in communication, but still hard to resist ... sorta like rock climbing, I guess.

If it aggravates you so much, maybe you should. I read exactly what you write. You were telling me how much you do to change the world for the better in politics, but it only consists of telling other people how you feel. Come on. Those were your words. Do you expect pats on the back for that? I am frustrated dealing with someone who appears to me to live in their own little idealistic world. My goal is not to aggravate you, but to carry out meaningful exchange. You don't like my opinion, ok, I don't like yours. Might as well take a step back and wait for the next disagreement. Shouldn't have to wait too long. :)