I've been hearing about this a lot on BBC radio. Just curious, how much is tuition expected to rise to with these new cuts?
£9000 a year, up from £3600 or thereabouts.
Up to £9,000 a year. Still not to bad considering you get a degree at the end of it. Apparently students seem to think that they should be the only ones immune from the cuts neccessary due to the credit crunch.
Wait, so you would pay approximately $18,000 USD a year for an education provided by the state?
I get a public education and only pay $1500 a year. Where are your taxes going to?
I'm all in favour of something which will sort out the students after a serious education from the ones wanting to do pointless and stupid degrees while sitting around getting pissed and partying for a few years.
Some degrees available are pointless and stupid. I remember a few years ago there was even a degree in the Spice Girls for Christ sake!:willy_nilly:
It is not always the case, I would believe that media outlets hire agitators before the gov't , and you're education was not totally free.
they were attacked by police first, as is ALWAYS the case with public protest. It's long been known that governments employ trouble makers they label as "anarchists" to stir shit up so protestors lose public support. Don't believe the shit the media feeds you. This happens at every major protest. All it takes is a few agitators, a reaction from the police and mob mentality takes over. The students are just ordinary people for fucks sake. Large crowds are so damn easy to rile, as the authorities well know, that you could turn an OAP procession into a riot with little effort.
My education was totally free. I don't see why kids nowadays should have to pay. If we can afford to fight pointless wars overseas we can damn well afford to educate our kids. End of.
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