You've got some serious attitude. Society is made up of millions of people. The government is made up of hundreds of thousands. You don't like the President so you're removing yourself from all aspects of the government as in overnight the government has been transformed from wholesome to evil, as in the country is no longer worth defending? What about the 40% of the American's who did not voted for him? In your mind they are no longer worth defending? I'm not saying you are but people who view things in terms of black and white are not realistic, not really able to compromise, and not all that good as part of a social group. It's my way or the highway.
Plus you've got the President painted as the Devil when you had no real issues (did you?) with a genuinely corrupt group of people who were leading the country. Was it better because they wrapped themselves in the flag? I'm just hoping your not a full blown right wing nut job... How many guns do you own?
I do have an attitude, always have and always will, Ive never been the quiet go to slaughter kind of fella- I fight.
It has nothing to do with liking him or not, he's purposefully taking us further away form the Constitutional government and more towards a social government, hes centralizing governemnet and manipulating State rights- it has everythign to do with his actions.
My first issue is that he's never been the transparent man he says he is. If he were, then when some gentleman asked in federal court for his original birth certificate he'd have produced it, not a certificate that says some one verified his live birth, but the original certificate. End of story, but he did not do that, he, like all the other presidents since Lincoln, lawyered up.
When he is truly transparent, and produces proof he was born in the US. I'll support him as CiC and go back into my businesses to produce taxes- but I will continue to fight his socialism under principle. But I refuse to recgonize him as the Constitutional president of the United States until he does.
As the old Army slogan goes- I am an army of 1- in this case I am the government, and I will excerise my individual right as the government to represent what I belive are my country's best interests. I realize I am 1 of millions, but I wont lay down and take this unamerican crap from anyone. I will excercise and do anythign legal to stop this bastard.
Is this country worth defending, you bet it is, but I cannot defend it form without, when the attack is comign from within, we are being destroyed by socialists in the government- we are being spoon fed globalism and losing our sovreighnty- the enemy is our government officials, and Obama is chiefest amongst them- but the democrat elite are right there with them- then on down the list to through the centrists republicans- all of them a bunch of idiots.
On the previous administration/s I think Bush did what was right for the military (including going into Iraq), I think what he did to fight terrorism was the right thing to do and it has kept us safer. I think many of the things Bush did domestically he could have done better, On a scale form 1-10 I give bush a 6 as president- on the same scale Obama doesnt even register a positive number. Clinton and his idiot wife was an ass from day 1 and I hold him personally responsible for the deaths of 8 of my best buds. He is a bafoon. Bush Sr. Good man, never go tthe chance to do anything worth while. I loved reagans principles and how he conducted himself but did not always agree with his decisions. Those are the presidents (I do not include Obama as a real president) I served under whil in the military.
So let me ask you a question- why is it I must compromise on what is right? Why should we? Why should we give up sound principles for some new idea? Compromise in politics and principles is nothign more than a prgoressive weakening of the moral standards we know to be true in the first place. No thanks I wont compromise my standard. I will find ways to live under right and not do wrong or I just wont participate- I'll make my stand and live with the consequences thereof.
It's called being a real man, and living on prinicple- If I let the world dictate my principles I'll be nothing but a wishy washy milk toast wuss. I've got a back bone and Im not afraid to use it.
I never said obama was the devil, but he along with his chronies will take another huge step towards conetral government control and thats an evil thing- the more power we give them the more intrusive on our lives they will be. And its that simple.