The land of religious tolerance

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The Man

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Back peddle? Really?

I stand by every word I have said. I am not trying to back peddle anything. I can't help if you aren't bright enough to understand or follow along.

Atheism is not an article of faith, there is NO belief system. So atheism cannot be a belief.

Back peddle? Really?

That bicycle is getting pretty shaky tim as shown below
Atheism is not an article of faith, there is NO belief system. So atheism cannot be a belief
An article of faith is not required for a belief...and to further it is in regard to essentially Christianity

Article of faith definition

1. (Christianity / Ecclesiastical Terms) Christianity any of the clauses or propositions into which a creed or other statement of doctrine is divided

The problem tim is you did not single out Christianity you included all religions correct?...or is it now just Christianity?
You are merely tossing your self in yet another box if you choose that route.

An article of faith is not required for a belief.
Definition below

something believed; an opinion or conviction: a belief that the earth is flat.

But to go further...Evolution is a belief Tim{atheism}...unless you believe we came from somewhere else...which means you would believe in a supreme being/entity or object any fucking way

So have a belief...its just not religion/ its atheism

To say that atheism is not a belief is a moronic statement
I will refrain from calling you a moron as I have tolerance of those /that have intolerance of those do do not share your belief :
whilst making moronic posts in an effort to keep that bike up on its wheels.

Just for my perverted pleasure can you try to explain one more time how the following is not a display of intolerance

Ahhh, just imagine a world with no religion.

Someday mankind will outgrow this madness but until then we need to put up with crap like this

I just love swatting you around...
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But to go further...Evolution is a belief Tim{atheism}...unless you believe we came from somewhere else...which means you would believe in a supreme being/entity or object any fucking way

I just love swatting you around...

evolution is not a belief, it is a scientific fact supported with overwhelming evidence....lets pick at that scab for a while, shall we?

1. Human DNA and chimp DNA is 96% identical, shopwing that we infact at some point had a common ancestor

2. Evolution has been proven. By definition it is the change in a gene pool of a population over time. This has been witnessed by scientists for years in both the wild and in laboritories. look at the overwhelming evidence

Not all evolutional theories come from "the origen of life" theory where we all started as micr organisms and evolved into walking talking humans. There is micro evolution that takes place all around us on a regular basis. Look at all the species of finches alone that have evolved to adapt to their enviroment.

Evolution is not an attack on christianity either. Why would God put us on this ever changing earth with out the built in mechanisms to adapt?​

The Man

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evolution is not a belief, it is a scientific fact supported with overwhelming evidence....lets pick at that scab for a while, shall we?

1. Human DNA and chimp DNA is 96% identical, shopwing that we infact at some point had a common ancestor

2. Evolution has been proven. By definition it is the change in a gene pool of a population over time. This has been witnessed by scientists for years in both the wild and in laboritories. look at the overwhelming evidence

Not all evolutional theories come from "the origen of life" theory where we all started as micr organisms and evolved into walking talking humans. There is micro evolution that takes place all around us on a regular basis. Look at all the species of finches alone that have evolved to adapt to their enviroment.

Evolution is not an attack on christianity either. Why would God put us on this ever changing earth with out the built in mechanisms to adapt?​

evolution is not a belief

*I was hoping someone would try this*
Sure it is...while you may try to put parts of the puzzle together but one can not prove the big bang theory{thus why it is called theory}
Nor explain how the shit got there to go bang to begin with

Human DNA and chimp DNA is 96% identical, shopwing that we infact at some point had a common ancestor
It is your belief there was a common cant prove it.

Fact is you can find chimp fossils to its beginning ..and then you can find human remains etc going back about 5 thousand years...but no period why is it we can find monkey bones to way back when..but cant find the monkey bones during the "transformation period"...convenient.

Evolution has been proven.

Incorrect,,it is called the theory of evolution..its a belief..simple.

Not all evolutional theories come from "the origen of life" theory where we all started as micr organisms and evolved into walking talking humans. There is micro evolution that takes place all around us on a regular basis. Look at all the species of finches alone that have evolved to adapt to their enviroment.

here you just destroyed your own even the evolution theorists dont has one belief another has another belief.
More disagreement that those that believe in least they agree upon the creation.
Evolution is not an attack on christianity either.
Not in itself unless one is intolerant of the beliefs of others .

Why would God put us on this ever changing earth with out the built in mechanisms to adapt?
Atheists dont believe in god ..nor does the theory of evolutions

Your post started with "Evolution is not a belief" has been proven" or something to that effect
Then practically everything you post below that contradicts your own opening statement

Not that it really matters anyway.

Down to business
The fact remains regardless of ones beliefs or lack thereof is not a required "ingredient" to make intolerant posts regarding those of religion.

For instance if I said "Them darn Amish..crooked tightwad twitheads who care nothing about anything but themselves"
I am just using them as an example and I actually like the Amish...above is just for educational purposes

But anyway that post is a post of intolerance regardless of the belief or non belief of who would write it...Religious creed or lack of from the author is not a requirement to make an intolerant statement.Nor any beliefs or lack thereof

Anyway rob..I need to get to bed.
Will argue tomorrow :)
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The Man

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Besides I would much rather swat tim around:p as it was his post that was a show of intolerance


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*I was hoping someone would try this*
Sure it is...while you may try to put parts of the puzzle together but one can not prove the big bang theory{thus why it is called theory}

I made mention that I was not talking about cosmic or macro evolution, but provable micro evolution.

It is your belief there was a common cant prove it.
Fact is you can find chimp fossils to its beginning ..and then you can find human remains etc going back about 5 thousand years...but no period why is it we can find monkey bones to way back when..but cant find the monkey bones during the "transformation period"...convenient.

we do have evidence of earlier human hominoids related to apes in fossils and archeological evidence

Incorrect,,it is called the theory of evolution..its a belief..simple.

read this it explains the difference in the word theory in common english vs scientific theory.

[Quote/] Calling the theory of evolution "only a theory" is, strictly speaking, true, but the idea it tries to convey is completely wrong. There is a confusion between what "theory" means in informal usage, and in a scientific context. A theory, in the scientific sense, is "a coherent group of general propositions used as principles of explanation for a class of phenomena" [Random House American College Dictionary]. The term does not imply 'tentativeness' or 'lack of certainty'. Generally speaking, scientific theories differ from scientific laws only in that laws can be expressed more compactly. Being a theory implies self-consistency, agreement with observations, and usefulness. (Creationism fails to be a theory mainly because of the last point; it makes few or no specific claims about what we would expect to find, so it can't be used for predicting anything. When it does make predictions, they prove to be false.)[/QUOTE]

here you just destroyed your own even the evolutionist theorists dont has one belief another has another belief.
More disagreement that those that believe in least they agree upon the creation.

Again I am talking micro evolution in which all evolutionists agree on, not creationistic amoeba to man evolution. Has nothing to do with belief in God. If you truly read your Bible, before Adam and Eve existed there were humanoids, as there were tribes in the wilderness that Cain and Abel married into. Unless you go by the theory that they married there sisters...which is just gross...


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Wow.....this thread is officially off track :D

I'm going with Rob on this new direction. should have expected this from debates at another forum.

The event we call evolution is provable with evidence. The fossil records. The history of Earth's biosphere.
The Theory of Evolution is the scientific explanation for the process. There are no better scientific theories nor any theories of equivalent validity. But there are other theories.

The Theory of Evolution is a belief in the scientific sense and not comparable to a belief in the religious sense.
It's an issue of context and and differences in logic. The scientific method vs. theology.

It is called a theory and will always be a theory because any testing or attempts to derive proof statements require time lines that extend far past the lifetime of man and experimentation to prove it a scientific law is not practical. It remains a theory in name only, but is accepted as a given because of the overwhelming scientific logic and evidence behind it. However, the more that becomes known, does reshape the theory over time, but nothing found to date has undermined the concept. It's only brought more precision to the concept.

The big bang is a scientifically provable event. Evidence of the event exists and is measurable.
The big bang theory describes the event.
The big bang is not the creation event for all that exists, matter and's the expansion event we now realize as the Universe. An early period of it's formation.

These are issues of the reality we live in and why I argue science and religion are not comparable, nor can be used to study each other.
There is no way to empirically study religion and the scientific method becomes irrelevant if empirical study is corrupted with claimed facts not in evidence.

Minor Axis

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This was your quote, word for word:

Would you like to change that post? :D

Your obtuseness is showing... You are an expert at it. ;) You know what I was asking and it is not what you infer.

The event we call evolution is provable with evidence. The fossil records. The history of Earth's biosphere.

However, you have surprised me. :)

The Theory of Evolution is a belief in the scientific sense and not comparable to a belief in the religious sense.

These are issues of the reality we live in and why I argue science and religion are not comparable, nor can be used to study each other.
There is no way to empirically study religion and the scientific method becomes irrelevant if empirical study is corrupted with claimed facts not in evidence.

I believe that evolution could exist within the Christian framework, but you'd have to believe that evolution was controlled to produce the required end product. That is an unknown.

While you may have an enlightened view, for many people, it's one or the other. The Bible is the wrench in the works. The people who discount science for theology are saying the truth is found with their religion not with science. These ideas come from the Bible which is why prominent religious views are that evolution does not exist and the Earth is 6000 years old. For theology to have significant meaning while adhering to scientific belief, theology terms and conditions need to stay on the vague side. The Christians who hold these funny notions (no evolution, 6000 year old Earth), take literal meaning from it.

The next step of the argument is that if you discount words from the Bible, then how do you distinguish what you can believe? Let's say Jesus existed and he was the Son of God. On what basis can a Christian differentiate between that, the idea that man was created as he exists today? My point is that science is based on fact, while religion is based on untangibles. If the Bible can't be used as a factual-historical book, how can anything be determined about God and what God wants from us? What confidence do we have that Moses came down the mountain with God's Commandments? Might as well read some other Holy Books and get some cross perspective. :)

evolution is not a belief, it is a scientific fact supported with overwhelming evidence....lets pick at that scab for a while, shall we?

1. Human DNA and chimp DNA is 96% identical, shopwing that we infact at some point had a common ancestor

2. Evolution has been proven. By definition it is the change in a gene pool of a population over time. This has been witnessed by scientists for years in both the wild and in laboritories. look at the overwhelming evidence

Not all evolutional theories come from "the origen of life" theory where we all started as micr organisms and evolved into walking talking humans. There is micro evolution that takes place all around us on a regular basis. Look at all the species of finches alone that have evolved to adapt to their enviroment.

Evolution is not an attack on christianity either. Why would God put us on this ever changing earth with out the built in mechanisms to adapt?
Most wise people who do not allow their religion to become blinders will agree with you. :)
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However, you have surprised me. :)

I believe that evolution could exist within the Christian framework, but you'd have to believe that evolution was controlled to produce the required end product. That is an unknown......................

This depends upon the pov and Christianity has many.

But from a scientific standpoint.....evolution is controlled in the sense that it only conforms to the laws of nature ......that we commonly think of as scientific laws.
Just because we don't know all the details of these scientific laws does not mean reality does not conform to them.
Reality does conform to the laws of nature....reality is actually a reflection of those laws.

So evolution is a very controlled event as it must adhere to the laws of nature....the laws that that govern the universe....all matter and energy.

There are Christians that follow theistic evolution.....basically that evolution follows a scientifically logical course.....with the laws of nature being an element of creation.....granted by a creator.
So you see, two lines of opposing thought in religious terms, can come to the same conclusion regarding evolution, science and reality.
But of course, most fundamentalists don't agree because they can't distinguish reality from theology.
And most atheists seem to see all Christians as fundamentalists.

Minor Axis

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You are locked into your own words with that direct quote, slick.

Would you like to retract it or restate it for 'clarity'? ( backpedaling :D )

I think not. I was describing your response, nothing more. You appear obtuse when I ask for support of a single deity and you respond by accusing me of promoting multiple deities, a mediocre attempt at misdirection that goes hand in hand with your claims of attacks, rhetoric, and denigrating of your faith. :)

This depends upon the pov and Christianity has many.

But from a scientific standpoint.....evolution is controlled in the sense that it only conforms to the laws of nature ......that we commonly think of as scientific laws.
Just because we don't know all the details of these scientific laws does not mean reality does not conform to them.
Reality does conform to the laws of nature....reality is actually a reflection of those laws.

So evolution is a very controlled event as it must adhere to the laws of nature....the laws that that govern the universe....all matter and energy.

There are Christians that follow theistic evolution.....basically that evolution follows a scientifically logical course.....with the laws of nature being an element of creation.....granted by a creator.
So you see, two lines of opposing thought in religious terms, can come to the same conclusion regarding evolution, science and reality.
But of course, most fundamentalists don't agree because they can't distinguish reality from theology.
And most atheists seem to see all Christians as fundamentalists.

While I agree with tone of this response, you overlooked the crux of my post. I desire your view on the Bible- Real or not real? Fact or fiction? What to make of those stories? I refrain from mentioning them in fear of being accused of denigrating them. ;) If the stories can't be believed (or can they?) how can any of its substance be used as a reliable basis for faith, much less God's specific rules to avoid damnation?
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Having way too much fun
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And most atheists seem to see all Christians as fundamentalists.

Actually a lot of Atheists were fundamentalists before becoming atheists.

I was one...

For the first 18 years of my life I was a 100% fundamentalist Christian. (Baptist)
At that point there was zero doubt in my mind that the earth was 6000 years old and God created the earth in 7 days.

Then as I started to experience science and the wonderful world around me I had a lot of unanswered questions. Going to my pastor was of little help. Too many times I was presented with canned responses like, "You need to have faith", "Man cannot know the mind of God", "Satan planted the fossils", etc...

At this point I started to educate myself about other religions around the world and why they believed what they did.

And one of the most profound moments in my life was when I realized that I believed what I did NOT because it was correct, but because of the place and time I was born. A roll of the cosmic dice if it were.
If i was born in Turkey, I would have been Muslim.
If I was born 3000 years ago in Greece I would be worshiping Zeus.
And on and on and on...

So how can ANYONE claim to be right when their own belief is a product of where, when and whom they were born to?

Minor Axis

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So how can ANYONE claim to be right when their own belief is a product of where, when and whom they were born to?

Mostly they can't and don't, although a small minority of people through the course of their lived, do change their beliefs as you have.


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While you may have an enlightened view, for many people, it's one or the other. ...................

As general knowledge increases, so does enlightenment.
Many Christians do have trouble accepting the whole Holy Bible as the inerrant word of God when taken literally.

Most of these on-line arguments over evolution ....and essentially reality, involve a very vocal fundamentalist element that , imo, is much smaller in numbers than their vocal presence implies.
Acceptance is often seen by both camps as a loss of faith to support either their concerns, or their argument of being correct........where it's more likely 'faith' adjusting to reality.
We've seen it in history such as Galileo and the Catholic Church and later in recent history, the Catholic church acknowledging evolution.
This is the soft spot in religious theology......once a physical fact becomes known, it's no longer in the realm of the 'faith' concept.


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I think not. I was describing your response, nothing more. You appear obtuse when I ask for support of a single deity and you respond by accusing me of promoting multiple deities, a mediocre attempt at misdirection that goes hand in hand with your claims of attacks, rhetoric, and denigrating of your faith. :)

While I agree with tone of this response, you overlooked the crux of my post. I desire your view on the Bible- Real or not real? Fact or fiction? What to make of those stories? I refrain from mentioning them in fear of being accused of denigrating them. ;) If the stories can't be believed (or can they?) how can any of its substance be used as a reliable basis for faith, much less God's specific rules to avoid damnation?

I think not.
If you don't want to clarify, then you are stuck with the words you used and their meaning.

You appear obtuse when I ask for support of a single deity .....
Obtuse....I gave you the link to a group of passages collected at a Bible site referring to one God.
That's not being obtuse, that was a legitimate response and you're only whining from the shellacking I continue to give you :D

you respond by accusing me of promoting multiple deities,
But you did infer other than one God created your spirits in that Earth Simulator scenario with that question......and I even offered you the chance to clarify/restate/backpedal, which you have refused :D
Slick, you're stuck choking on your own words and too proud to stop looking foolish over them.

While I agree with tone of this response, you overlooked the crux of my post...

....What to make of those stories?
I already answered that......allegory and lessons on morality.......and I've already stated I often don't understand their importance, but they aren't part of my core beliefs.......I'm not a fundamentalist.
Why are you blind to those words?
Do you think my answer is going to change to allow a more favorable attack from you as if I'm a fundamentalist?
You are in for a world of disappointment just as GIA was :D

BTW....since I anticipate your asking me what my core beliefs are, that's not going to happen either as I have no intention of putting them out there for debate and taking a flogging as some narrow minded twit will continue intentionally swapping theology for empiricism.
I'm not a teacher, I'm here to debate the claims of people like you :eek....:p
I do applaud you for so graciously presenting your religious beliefs for debate.....I'm sure you feel it's unfair, but I've made no agreements with you on reciprocation.
If you remember, which you probably conveniently forgot, you presented your beliefs for debate, no one demanded them of you. You offered them up willingly and did seem pretty sketchy......:cool
I told you before, you want to debate Christianity, start a thread on it.........but I probably won't participate.....I don't feel the need to present my beliefs for debate. I know, you say not fair.....well, life can be cruel :D

While I agree with tone of this response, you overlooked the crux of my post. I desire your view on the Bible- Real or not real? Fact or fiction? What to make of those stories? I refrain from mentioning them in fear of being accused of denigrating them. ;) If the stories can't be believed (or can they?) how can any of its substance be used as a reliable basis for faith, much less God's specific rules to avoid damnation?
More rhetoric :D
Want good answers......go see a local minister. Wait a minute....I've recommended that before, several times actually.
Make it a fundamentalist so that we can all hear how you explicitly disparage other peoples beliefs.


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Actually a lot of Atheists were fundamentalists before becoming atheists.

I've seen that too, in my circle of friends.
This is one of the frailties of a rigid belief system.
It's actually self destructive.....intolerance from within drives out those that seek understandings, where reality and their faith collide and faith is broken rather than adjusting........issues of being a 'true believer'...all or nothing attitudes.


Having way too much fun
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I've seen that too, in my circle of friends.
This is one of the frailties of a rigid belief system.
It's actually self destructive.....intolerance from within drives out those that seek understandings, where reality and their faith collide and faith is broken rather than adjusting........issues of being a 'true believer'...all or nothing attitudes.

Not at all in my case.

I actually searched for years to make sense of it and it was definitely NOT an easy transition from fundamentalist to atheist. I tried to search through many other religions and beliefs until I could find something to believe in. Just because my faith in my religion was shaken, my belief in god was not. There were many years where I tried to validate my belief in god even though my religion wasn't cutting it imho.

From my "awakening" when i was 18-19 y/o to my belief today was a good 20 year search/transition. That's 20 years of trying to adjust.......

Minor Axis

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You really are insincere. Blurting "rhetoric" every time you hear something you don't like, will only carry you so far. And as far as my "beliefs, offered up", you are imaging them. During my presence in the OTZ forums, I've only acknowledged one standard, Agnostic. Free free to criticize that. Promoting philosophical positions I've taken on hypothetical premises, as my beliefs is your attempt at a misinformation program designed to undermine my positions. The Earth Sim is a premise, not a belief. Maybe one day you'll try real debate and stop stonewalling when someone asks for your beliefs. Keep trying. :)
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