Here you go Diggin Deep... I'll start off with some of my previous posts on the topic.
You can open your heart to Ra (the sun god) and believe with all your heart. And that will be as real as any other god out there. Do you not see that you believe in something because you want to believe. The only reason you believe in the God of Abraham and not Ra is because of where and when you were born. Doesn't that shake your faith at all? That your beliefs are subject to timing and placement on this little green planet.
I find it more disappointing that those who choose to believe in God don't truly understand that he CANNOT answer prayers.
You would need to fully understand that if you are omnipotent (all knowing) then everything that is going to happen throughout all of time is already known, God's plan. Every decision, every thought, every action, every atrocity that will happen is known until the end of time. And if that's the case then he cannot answer a prayer or change his plan for you because he already knows the outcome. You cannot change that outcome nor do you have free will. So if you are going to believe that there is an all knowing God, know that your path was set and there is nothing you can do to change it, no matter how much you pray.
The funny thing is, the word eternity is thrown around like people can even grasp the concept. Because just when you think you can wrap your mind around how long that actually is, you're not even close.... This is why it is perfectly clear that to tell someone they can burn in a lake of fire for all of eternity, for any reason, is nothing more than a form of control, not a reality.
Has anyone stopped to consider that if we were from another culture or from another time, we would be having the exact same argument, except we wouldn't be talking about God, we would be talking about whatever deity is from that place...
Something for you to ponder... You believe what you do because you were born and raised where you were. If you were born in another part of the world, or into a different family environment, then you could just as easily be arguing that Allah is the only way. Your beliefs and religion are the product of environment. So with the hundreds of religions throughout time, what makes you so sure you have it right? Because they ALL think they are right.
My whole life I was taught to believe in God, but why? If this was discussion about Zeus 500 years ago would you have the same feelings if I said Zeus did not exist vs I don't believe on lack of evidence? Do you see where I am coming from? I believe in God as much as I believe in Zeus, Allah, Unicorns, Leprechauns and fire breathing dragons. Why is it any different? Just because enough people carry on the myth of God it's true, or must be true? There are people that still believe the world is flat and that vampires really exist. That doesn't mean I need to make room for it to be a possibility.
I understand why there is religion, I understand the reason people had a need to believe in something greater than they are. This is exactly why there have been hundreds of different religions throughout the years. And why does it have to be God and not Allah or Buddha, etc? Well that's because of where we grew up... Here in the states, it's God. So how does that lead any credence to the argument when they would be swearing with every breath that it is Allah if were were born in Pakistan. Think about it.
I do not believe in a god or supreme being.
I was raised in a baptist church, up until the age of 18 I went to church 4-5 times a week. I have had the bible taught to me every which way you can imagine. But as I got older and were able to ask more probing questions that did not have answers to them, the more I turned to science. I was a absolute without doubt true believer for many years... But there is one thing that bothered me more than anything else. Something that no pastor could answer...
How can a just god condemn a soul for all of eternity for such a short lifetime on this planet? This may not seem like such a hard question to answer until you start to wrap your mind around what an eternity actually means. To say that I will burn in a lake of fire and suffer eternally for a what I did in my life which is not even a blink of an eye when you are talking about eternity, tells me that there is no god. There is no one that is that cruel, there can't be.