Glad to.

Compare what the WHO say about the USA and the UK health statistics. I'm not saying our national health service iis perfect but it sure is better than the USA's, statistically speaking, of course.
WHO | World Health Organization Assesses the World's Health Systems
Oh yes, I love that wonderful little WHO report.
Funny thing, if you dig down in their methodology, a big part, no the major part, of their rating metric is how "fair" a health care system is. Their definition of "fair" is how socialized the system is.
The other metrics which are weighted much less than "fairness" are availability of care and outcomes of care.
IIRC the US ranks in the top 5 for both availability of care and outcome of care and yet ranks down in the 30s overall, behind such healthcare power houses as Camaroon and Cuba, because our health care system just isn' socialized enough for the fine folks at the WHO.
Now I hope I'm not the only person in the room who can see the problem with using a study that uses socialization as a major ranking metric to push for a socialized system. Its inherently biased...
Lets go for an absurd example just to make it clear...
I think all forum posters nicknames should be some variant of Nova. To prove that thats the way to go, I'm going to use the OTZ Forum Poster Awesomeness Study.
In this study, quality of posting is worth up to 100 points, at a weight of .1.
Peter Parkas posts are pretty good so I'm going to give him 90 points. Overal points 9.
I'm a newb so I'm gonna give myself 10 points. Overall point 1.
Nicknames are worth up to 100 points, at a weight of 0.9.
Nova and variants theroff are worth 100 points, all other nicknames are worth 10.
So lets add up the results.
Peter Parka: 9 points for quality posts + 9 points for name = 18 points overall.
nova: 1 point for quality posts + 90 points for name = 91 points overal.
I rank #1 on the OTZ Forum Poster Awesomeness Study and therefore all poster nicknames should be named after me.
Is it obvious how ridiculous such a study is?
I'm just proud I live in a part of the world where healthcare is considered a fundamental human right .
So you're proud of the fact that you infringe on the natural liberty rights of others to provide you with goods and services?
150 years ago we had a group of people that were proud of the fact they
thought they had the fundamental human right to make other people work for them too. It wasn't right then and it isn't right now. In fact its so wrong that we amended our founding documents to explicitly prohibit it.