There is the rub with freedom… "rule of law and justice"
The hard part about granting freedoms is ensuring that the freedom of others are not taken away.
All one has to do is sit on a zoning board to realize that the freedom of one can actually affect the freedoms of others LOL
On a sidenote, just 50 years ago a black man in the US could be hanged on very short notice without a trail due to the color of his skin. People in the early 1900's were persecuted because they wouldn't say the pledge of allegience. Even today, people who are Islamic may have a hard time trying to build a Mosque in the US due to only their religion. But… we are slowley but surely making progress to esnure those rights and freedoms of those who we may not understand OR agree with are protected under the law.
The real bitch is letting people do things that you wholeheartedly don't agree with. Thing is, ignorance plays a big part in people not wanting others to have the same "rights" as themselves. All one has to do is look towards the battle homosexuals are now fighting in the US to be granted the same rights and benefits as heterosexual couples. Do homosexuals have the same rights as heterosexuals in the US? No, but they are making progress.
Heck, you can worship the Devil in the US if you really want to.
What kind of progress are they making in Pakistan?
There is nothing with wrong with people practicing religion, but those people who practice religion should NOT affect the rights of those who do not want to practice religion. This is yet another real bitch with the seperation of church and state.