The Big Lie about 9/11 and More....

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Joe the meek

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This is all I know about 9/11 plus that one of my friend's son , Hamdani, a US=Pakistani got killed while rescuing people from the tower on that sad day!

On a sidenote, that is the one great thing about America, our melting pot of people.

People being people, sometimes the melting is slow and hard going, but it does melt over time.
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On a sidenote, that is the one great thing about America, our melting pot of people.

People being people, sometimes the melting is slow and hard going, but it does melt over time.

On a sidenote, that is the one great thing about America, our melting pot of people.


mazHur, on the other hand, is of a supremacist mentality and thinks we are racially inferior because of it.


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so mazHur was 9/11 based on religion or something else

Frankly I have No idea....I don't think religion had any thing to do with the attack but politics. Wouldn't it be reasonable for you to ponder as to what made those attackers so desparate and berserk that they 'sacrificed' their own lives to destroy America's nose??
Surely there MUST be something that provoked them to do such a drastic act....and what did America do to them that they went mad? It's for you to answer....


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On a sidenote, that is the one great thing about America, our melting pot of people.

People being people, sometimes the melting is slow and hard going, but it does melt over time.

somewhat true,....but some people won't melt in that pot! Guess who??

In fact America is a Land of Opportunity. Immigrants settle there to make dough...I agree America is well organized , well administrated country but by the stick of Law.,,,,loosen the law and see how people rip off each other. Remember, lights went off once in Los Angeles ? and citizens turned wild and started looting shops and markets??

As long as the strap around people is tied with the leash of strict laws and social security and med is made available people will behave..otherwise they will turn worse than third world countries.


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mazHur, on the other hand, is of a supremacist mentality and thinks we are racially inferior because of it.

I never said you are 'racially inferior'....that's your own assessment about you, a jerk suffering from inferiority complex ,
I only deduced from your snaky talk that you are a coward, a blackmailer and untrustworthy lout.


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that's no excuse for being vulnerable '''
1. Air travel in the US was very easy prior to 2001.
2. Apparently you've never taken flying lessons.
3. From Boston, the time to react to a threat to NYC and DC was MINIMAL at best, and at that point in time, NO ONE was ever expecting someone.

We got caught with our pants down.

Even with the TSA now in place, things are still pretty easy to fly as compared to say if you were flying in Israel.

that's No excuse or defense for being subject to vulnerability...

Joe the meek

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that's no excuse for being vulnerable '''

that's No excuse or defense for being subject to vulnerability...

Not an excuse, but fact.

That's the bitch about living in a free country. The rights of those who would want to harm you are usually protected until they commit their act.

That's one reason why people pass laws, to feel more protected.


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Yess...I saw that.
I guess homosexuality can also be added to his list of deviant sexual desires..

He has been quiet...I expect he is drinking that tea and watching dog videos...hopefully he will be calmer when he returns.

Oh, so you guys pulling my leg when i was away!!

I was watching stone heads being crashed to pieces and spread alongside street gutters.

Do you suffer from fits??


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Not an excuse, but fact.

That's the bitch about living in a free country. The rights of those who would want to harm you are usually protected until they commit their act.

That's one reason why people pass laws, to feel more protected.

there is NO one definition of a free country....all countries differ in their freedom as well as laws yet their citizens are not only protected by alive and kicking.

The essential point of being free is economic stability and justice..
Freedom doesn't rest on Laws only,,,there may be laws but no justice.

Joe the meek

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there is NO one definition of a free country....all countries differ in their freedom as well as laws yet their citizens are not only protected by alive and kicking.

The essential point of being free is economic stability and justice..
Freedom doesn't rest on Laws only,,,there may be laws but no justice.

You have the RIGHT to worship ANY religion you want in the United States from fear of persecution of either the law or your fellow citizens, and you have the protection of your government to do so. Can the same be said for all "free" countries?

Fact is, prior to 9/11, airline travel in the US was very lax per security, and a bunch of terrorists proved that point. The freedoms which people use to have via air travel in the US has now dwindled due to added security.

I've lived in two other countries outside the US as a civilian, have traveled abroad frequently when I was single, and for all of the issues facing the American people and our government due to our huge "melting pot" of different cultures, the United States is still one of the most "free" countries I know.

I now live in bum fuc* egypt in North Carolina. Had to go to the local small grocery store to pick up some hot dogs for a sick dog. Finally got talking with the shop owner and asked him where he was from and how the heck he got in NC. The guy is from Yeman, been here in the US for 8 years. THAT is why the US is a free country in my opinion.


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You have the RIGHT to worship ANY religion you want in the United States from fear of persecution of either the law or your fellow citizens, and you have the protection of your government to do so. Can the same be said for all "free" countries?

Fact is, prior to 9/11, airline travel in the US was very lax per security, and a bunch of terrorists proved that point. The freedoms which people use to have via air travel in the US has now dwindled due to added security.

I've lived in two other countries outside the US as a civilian, have traveled abroad frequently when I was single, and for all of the issues facing the American people and our government due to our huge "melting pot" of different cultures, the United States is still one of the most "free" countries I know.

I now live in bum fuc* egypt in North Carolina. Had to go to the local small grocery store to pick up some hot dogs for a sick dog. Finally got talking with the shop owner and asked him where he was from and how the heck he got in NC. The guy is from Yeman, been here in the US for 8 years. THAT is why the US is a free country in my opinion.

hehe!! Is that all you have to say about a free country?? Man, come to Pakistan and you will find it more freer than any other place in the world except lack of rule of law and justice.
Wanna make a deal, buddy??

Have had done some sojourns to America and Canada...I liked the countries and its people. Honestly speaking I had very good business friends there ...they were upright, friendly and supportive...

Just FYI i have traveled many countries of the world for more than a decade and have nothing to say bad about America or Americans ....or any other people. However, I do have reservations about ME countries where I would never like to travel or live.....eventhough those are Muslim majority countries.
This is very honest and I know how travel was before 9/11 in America or around the world...


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I never said you are 'racially inferior'....that's your own assessment about you, a jerk suffering from inferiority complex ,
I only deduced from your snaky talk that you are a coward, a blackmailer and untrustworthy lout.

You posted our 'mulatto culture' was a bad idea, explaining that by claiming our culture was inferior to the Pakistani culture.....

.And topping that, your comment eventually opened up dialogs where you posted you enjoyed watching videos of black dogs ass fucking white women. Specifically 'white' women.
I did ask you if you found the same enjoyment in watching a Muslim woman being ass fucked by a black dog and you declined to comment. An obvious bias fueled by a racist mentality.

You and your Chinese- Canadian girlfriend hate everyone in the US.


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that's no excuse for being vulnerable '''

that's No excuse or defense for being subject to vulnerability...

And yet you bitch about the success of US drones. Your civilians should be more prepared and avoid situations in close proximity to terrorists. There is a war going on.


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...................., come to Pakistan and you will find it more freer than any other place in the world except lack of rule of law and justice.

Free to beat and murder wives and female relatives, free to rape and murder children, free to murder on simple accusations, free sell women and children into slavery......yes, those are some of the freedoms of modern Pakistan you claim you so dearly love.

Joe the meek

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hehe!! Is that all you have to say about a free country?? Man, come to Pakistan and you will find it more freer than any other place in the world except lack of rule of law and justice.
Wanna make a deal, buddy??

There is the rub with freedom… "rule of law and justice"

The hard part about granting freedoms is ensuring that the freedom of others are not taken away.

All one has to do is sit on a zoning board to realize that the freedom of one can actually affect the freedoms of others LOL

On a sidenote, just 50 years ago a black man in the US could be hanged on very short notice without a trail due to the color of his skin. People in the early 1900's were persecuted because they wouldn't say the pledge of allegience. Even today, people who are Islamic may have a hard time trying to build a Mosque in the US due to only their religion. But… we are slowley but surely making progress to esnure those rights and freedoms of those who we may not understand OR agree with are protected under the law.

The real bitch is letting people do things that you wholeheartedly don't agree with. Thing is, ignorance plays a big part in people not wanting others to have the same "rights" as themselves. All one has to do is look towards the battle homosexuals are now fighting in the US to be granted the same rights and benefits as heterosexual couples. Do homosexuals have the same rights as heterosexuals in the US? No, but they are making progress.

Heck, you can worship the Devil in the US if you really want to.

What kind of progress are they making in Pakistan?:)

There is nothing with wrong with people practicing religion, but those people who practice religion should NOT affect the rights of those who do not want to practice religion. This is yet another real bitch with the seperation of church and state.

The Man

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Frankly I have No idea....I don't think religion had any thing to do with the attack but politics. Wouldn't it be reasonable for you to ponder as to what made those attackers so desparate and berserk that they 'sacrificed' their own lives to destroy America's nose??
Surely there MUST be something that provoked them to do such a drastic act....and what did America do to them that they went mad? It's for you to answer....
Such as...remember we invaded after 911...yeah it was radical islam maz


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There is the rub with freedom… "rule of law and justice"

The hard part about granting freedoms is ensuring that the freedom of others are not taken away.

All one has to do is sit on a zoning board to realize that the freedom of one can actually affect the freedoms of others LOL

On a sidenote, just 50 years ago a black man in the US could be hanged on very short notice without a trail due to the color of his skin. People in the early 1900's were persecuted because they wouldn't say the pledge of allegience. Even today, people who are Islamic may have a hard time trying to build a Mosque in the US due to only their religion. But… we are slowley but surely making progress to esnure those rights and freedoms of those who we may not understand OR agree with are protected under the law.

The real bitch is letting people do things that you wholeheartedly don't agree with. Thing is, ignorance plays a big part in people not wanting others to have the same "rights" as themselves. All one has to do is look towards the battle homosexuals are now fighting in the US to be granted the same rights and benefits as heterosexual couples. Do homosexuals have the same rights as heterosexuals in the US? No, but they are making progress.

Heck, you can worship the Devil in the US if you really want to.

What kind of progress are they making in Pakistan?:)

There is nothing with wrong with people practicing religion, but those people who practice religion should NOT affect the rights of those who do not want to practice religion. This is yet another real bitch with the seperation of church and state.

I liked your response...most of the things you stated relate to a multi-cultural or rather a secular country.whereas Pakistan is Not a secular country but home of Muslims...almost all of them!
Muslims have their own code of law as defined in the Sharia ...or for precise reasons as stated in the Quran. People want Quran to be their guide not American New Order...they don't accept way you could compel them to accept it. You cannot say they are 'ignorant' in the literal sense of the word...none of the attackers on 9/11 was, so to say, ignorant.all of them were educated Arabs who lived and got educated in America...You can't even say they were 'mad' to destroy their lives for minor reason.Nay, they did that for a reason...political reason against America.

As you might know Pakistan is an Islamic Republic governed by a Parliament of elected members...and it's they who make the laws. by majority vote. I agree there are corrupt elements having reached the parliament too but it must not be forgotten that even they and all are governed by the Islamic Constitution of Pakistan.
There is no way out for Muslim majority to waver from it..
and in fact majority wants to stick to their religion...
It's the same in Afghanistan too...Taliban are not Al Quada or some external factors to influence Afgh politics..they are Afghan nationals ...and they are in majority as well.
If one believed in democracy how could he object to their rule by majority vote??
This is the problem ...and America or anyone else trying to force its 'ideology' on these two countries. for example. is bound to fail...

Muslim minority and other minorities which live in America or elsewhere abroad adhere to the laws of the lands they live...if they don't you will surely kick them out ... ..In other words you are tied up in your own chain of 'commitment' and there is No escape from this concommital promise for you and you are bound to be lax with minorities accordingly ...sooner or later...


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Such as...remember we invaded after 911...yeah it was radical islam maz

don't be foolish...religion had nothing to do with 9/11 bombing..
it was purely political vendetta!
Supposing religion was the causative factor then why did the terrorists choose America only?? They could have also bombed, say for example, Britain, France and other EU countries or even China, Japan or other non Muslim countries. But this not being a religious 'ambition' the terrorists chose to attack America for some political reasons only can google for more about what politics were or are involved in the game.