''It is the work of William Cooper, author of that incredible book:
Behold_a_Pale_Horse, which I had read a while back, but now, based on
all that I have learnt over the years, I might read again. The PDF of
the book can be downloaded from that website as well. Behold a Pale
Horse had confirmed to me many things which earlier authors whom I
quote from often had written about, including Carroll Quigley, Bill
Clinton's professor at Georgetown whom the incoming President after
winning the elections in 1991, or was it after winnng the Democratic
Convention I forget, had credited as having influenced him greatly in
his political development, etc. Carroll Quigley, part of the
establishment and most respected teaher of generations of American
diplomats groomed at Georgetown's famous school of Foreign Service,
had blown the lid of the drive towards world government in his 1966
twelve hundred page book Tragedy and Hope, which I have read.
The disturbing thing here is that what some of us have discovered on
our own based on our own due diligence from source materials and our
own forensic analysis commonsensically putting it all together, is not
only substantiated to some extent, but what this article indicates is
that we have barely scratched the surface of how deep the rabbit hole
goes --- a lot of the stuff in here I have no idea is true or false.
The article covers a very vast canvass. If anything is known to be
false in it, please let me know. Note that it is always harder to
prove things true, but far easier to falsify. Basic fact-checks can
often reveal falsehoods easily, for instance. But truth is difficult
to "prove". So far, everything I have punched into Google, or
wikipedia from this article bears out that very point out.
For instance, on the CIA memo reproduced by Cooper which speaks of
using UFO/Aliens mantra for psychological warfare, a topic which I
have analyzed and written about and reached exactly the same
conclusions as independently reached by the article and confirmed by
that CIA memo, I wondered who this Walter B. Smith, Director of CIA
was. And O boy, wikipedia has a very intriguing bio such that the memo
signed by him is entirely believable. But did General Walter Bedell
Smith of the United States Army, as the Director of CIA between 1950
and 1953, indeed write such a memo which bears his name for secret
communication or for later public consumption? If the former, why on
earth was it ever declassified and released to the public? This memo
directly substantiates, for instance, all that I analyzed and
concluded here a few years ago:
Indeed, the long departed Director of CIA confirmed my analysis by
writing this memo and the United States government again confirmed it
by releasing it, as does this article by Cooper. But Cooper confirming
it is one thing. Why would that intelligence agency want to lend
confirmation to the world of what the skeptics have argued time and
again that a mind-fck is in progress and also identified exactly its
purpose, to cement world government? The fact that they are so full
of hubris, that even smart people putting 2+2=4 together cannot really
bother their cause, just like Carrol Quigley stated, that nothing can
derail the drive to world government because a lot of it is already in
place long before it was unveiled, but, when it can matter, they can
easily anyone to sleep with the fishes --- William Cooper was shot to
death by the cops in an "enoucnter"!
Similarly, the discussion of moon-landing in that article is
interesting in that same context, of enabling the story of Aliens can
land on earth .... It had not ever occured to me to think that way
that moon landing could be faked, and I used to dismiss all these
skeptics of "small step for man, giant leap for mankind bit" as fringe
lunatics --- but based on my meagre understanding of physics, which
isn't beyond college level taught in electrical engineering, even if I
could remember any of it, I cannot immediately see the flaw in the
presentation by William Cooper. Can you?
But what is more disturbing is that such a Big Lie, if it is so, like
9/11, can stand among the world's physicists!
So I am sure this explanation must be wrong --- please show me where
it is wrong... my mind stopped practicing physics beyond 9th-10th
grade level after 9/11 when "bad Muslims" broke all the laws of
physics with their terrorism of taking out the WTC towers.
Seriously though, what mistakes is Cooper making in his analysis of
why he thinks the lunar landing was faked? I mean this is totally off
scale and I am now sitting here feeling stupid, either because I can't
tell what's wrong with his accurate description of heat, vacuum, and
heat exchange which should have fried the astranauts in those suits to
a temperature higher than shish-kababs despite going to MIT, or, that
why did my mind not try to observe those same things myself and these
had to be pointed out to me by someone like Cooper who isn't even a
technician? I am embarrassed. Because, like everyone else, I had just
assumed that I was not watching a movie.... even though, I knew, for
instance, that Stanley Kubrick was shooting Arthur C. Clarke's book
2001: A Space Oddessy as a movie at the same time and there have been
long running rumors that some of the moon-landing images shown to the
world on worldwide television were shot on his film set.... I never
pay attention to rumors, but I thought I did pay attention to
science.... evidenty not!
Similarly, some of the embedded links Cooper's article leads to have
incredible information, as for instance, on ADL. I had never known
that history of the founding of B'nai B'rith, the parent of the Anti
Defamation League. And there is a lot more. How can one ever confirm
those facts?
What disturbs me the most at this moment is that I cannot find any
problem with Cooper's deconstruction of the astronaut suit and why
what has been shown to the world simply cannot be true. What am I
missing here? Why does it appear accurate analysis? Can you please
comment on that part as its driving me up the wall! Keep the
definition of the Big Lie given by Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf in mind.
It is reproduced here:
Enjoy the disturbing/fascinating read which will likely confirm your
own due diligence on at least some topics, but also send you off into
the rabbit hole without a paddle for others.''
got in an unknown
''It is the work of William Cooper, author of that incredible book:
Behold_a_Pale_Horse, which I had read a while back, but now, based on
all that I have learnt over the years, I might read again. The PDF of
the book can be downloaded from that website as well. Behold a Pale
Horse had confirmed to me many things which earlier authors whom I
quote from often had written about, including Carroll Quigley, Bill
Clinton's professor at Georgetown whom the incoming President after
winning the elections in 1991, or was it after winnng the Democratic
Convention I forget, had credited as having influenced him greatly in
his political development, etc. Carroll Quigley, part of the
establishment and most respected teaher of generations of American
diplomats groomed at Georgetown's famous school of Foreign Service,
had blown the lid of the drive towards world government in his 1966
twelve hundred page book Tragedy and Hope, which I have read.
The disturbing thing here is that what some of us have discovered on
our own based on our own due diligence from source materials and our
own forensic analysis commonsensically putting it all together, is not
only substantiated to some extent, but what this article indicates is
that we have barely scratched the surface of how deep the rabbit hole
goes --- a lot of the stuff in here I have no idea is true or false.
The article covers a very vast canvass. If anything is known to be
false in it, please let me know. Note that it is always harder to
prove things true, but far easier to falsify. Basic fact-checks can
often reveal falsehoods easily, for instance. But truth is difficult
to "prove". So far, everything I have punched into Google, or
wikipedia from this article bears out that very point out.
For instance, on the CIA memo reproduced by Cooper which speaks of
using UFO/Aliens mantra for psychological warfare, a topic which I
have analyzed and written about and reached exactly the same
conclusions as independently reached by the article and confirmed by
that CIA memo, I wondered who this Walter B. Smith, Director of CIA
was. And O boy, wikipedia has a very intriguing bio such that the memo
signed by him is entirely believable. But did General Walter Bedell
Smith of the United States Army, as the Director of CIA between 1950
and 1953, indeed write such a memo which bears his name for secret
communication or for later public consumption? If the former, why on
earth was it ever declassified and released to the public? This memo
directly substantiates, for instance, all that I analyzed and
concluded here a few years ago:
Indeed, the long departed Director of CIA confirmed my analysis by
writing this memo and the United States government again confirmed it
by releasing it, as does this article by Cooper. But Cooper confirming
it is one thing. Why would that intelligence agency want to lend
confirmation to the world of what the skeptics have argued time and
again that a mind-fck is in progress and also identified exactly its
purpose, to cement world government? The fact that they are so full
of hubris, that even smart people putting 2+2=4 together cannot really
bother their cause, just like Carrol Quigley stated, that nothing can
derail the drive to world government because a lot of it is already in
place long before it was unveiled, but, when it can matter, they can
easily anyone to sleep with the fishes --- William Cooper was shot to
death by the cops in an "enoucnter"!
Similarly, the discussion of moon-landing in that article is
interesting in that same context, of enabling the story of Aliens can
land on earth .... It had not ever occured to me to think that way
that moon landing could be faked, and I used to dismiss all these
skeptics of "small step for man, giant leap for mankind bit" as fringe
lunatics --- but based on my meagre understanding of physics, which
isn't beyond college level taught in electrical engineering, even if I
could remember any of it, I cannot immediately see the flaw in the
presentation by William Cooper. Can you?
But what is more disturbing is that such a Big Lie, if it is so, like
9/11, can stand among the world's physicists!
So I am sure this explanation must be wrong --- please show me where
it is wrong... my mind stopped practicing physics beyond 9th-10th
grade level after 9/11 when "bad Muslims" broke all the laws of
physics with their terrorism of taking out the WTC towers.
Seriously though, what mistakes is Cooper making in his analysis of
why he thinks the lunar landing was faked? I mean this is totally off
scale and I am now sitting here feeling stupid, either because I can't
tell what's wrong with his accurate description of heat, vacuum, and
heat exchange which should have fried the astranauts in those suits to
a temperature higher than shish-kababs despite going to MIT, or, that
why did my mind not try to observe those same things myself and these
had to be pointed out to me by someone like Cooper who isn't even a
technician? I am embarrassed. Because, like everyone else, I had just
assumed that I was not watching a movie.... even though, I knew, for
instance, that Stanley Kubrick was shooting Arthur C. Clarke's book
2001: A Space Oddessy as a movie at the same time and there have been
long running rumors that some of the moon-landing images shown to the
world on worldwide television were shot on his film set.... I never
pay attention to rumors, but I thought I did pay attention to
science.... evidenty not!
Similarly, some of the embedded links Cooper's article leads to have
incredible information, as for instance, on ADL. I had never known
that history of the founding of B'nai B'rith, the parent of the Anti
Defamation League. And there is a lot more. How can one ever confirm
those facts?
What disturbs me the most at this moment is that I cannot find any
problem with Cooper's deconstruction of the astronaut suit and why
what has been shown to the world simply cannot be true. What am I
missing here? Why does it appear accurate analysis? Can you please
comment on that part as its driving me up the wall! Keep the
definition of the Big Lie given by Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf in mind.
It is reproduced here:
Enjoy the disturbing/fascinating read which will likely confirm your
own due diligence on at least some topics, but also send you off into
the rabbit hole without a paddle for others.''
got in an unknown