I may be wrong, but I believe Johns point is that multiple times in our countries history there have been deaths overseas that may smell of a cover up IF someone dug into our governments actions or lack of actions. However, it seems this incident is being investigated "harder" than many of the other past incidents under previous presidents.
I didn't vote for Obama, and I don't think he's that great of a president.
That said, the fact is, what happened in Bengazi was tragic. Do I think that the US may not of been prepared for it as well as they should of been? Yes. However, hindsight is a perfect science.
People tend to forget that it was the butthole in the US expressing his freedom of speech who decided to go making a film about Islam, with undoubtedly the intent to stir up a hornets nest (which he did, and is now in jail due to a probation violation I believe) that started this ruckus.
Some guys with some large than normal firepower decided to take advantage of the situation, and they did.
How the incident fell is what makes it smell.
First it was over a video...then it wasnt.
When it was known the entire time it was terrorists...and orders were given to stand down.
If the fact wasnt hidden that they were terrorists and we had at least offered air support during the incident...there would be no reason to 'dig"