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Think about it like this. If you where to kill yourself tomorow you would never get to eat your favorite food again, you would never get to watch your favorite tv show again, You will never get that great feeling that comes over you when you have acomplished something dificult. Shure life can be a bitch at times but if it was never tough we would never know when we had it good. The more you suffer the more you apreciate the good times. If a girl you thought you loved hurt you it makes it that mutch beter when you find that special someone. If you failed a class it makes it that mutch better when you pass a class. Life would be boring without failure. If we never failed we could never apreciate our acomplishments. comiting suicide is just robing yourself and all the people who care about you all of the good times to come. Trust me, its not the end. I whent through 4 years of verry serious depression, 2 of witch I had to be heavily medicated because I was scared to death to sleep even. I thought I had it bad, and trust me the thing that got me down so mutch still bothers me but life is beter. I said fuck it, I will do it on my own and whent on with it. Seriously man I thought about suicide a time or two but I gave it up quickly because pain is only temporary. It hurts now but in the end it is what makes us who we are. Do you think Thomas Edison had days, weeks, months or years that nothing whent right...yes he did.

in short yes life can be tough but when you pull out of those tough times its just that mutch better.
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I know there are good things as well as bad things, successes as well as failures. It's life, and I want no part of it.


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I know you are feeling terrible, I honestly can't begin to imagine what you feel since I have no grasp of your situation. I believe I've said all I can, I just want you to know that there are people out there who care about you. Obviously all of us do, or we wouldn't be trying to help you see your way through this situation you are facing. I think that's all I can possibly offer you... my support.

If you need to talk about anything, PM me, anytime.


V.I.P User
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Because you must not want to do it deep down. Thats what you need to keep holding on to. Think of that reason why your having that will power. You know its not the right thing to do.


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So, what hapened, did your girl friend dump you, did you fail a class. Did you catch someone sleeping with your lover. I bet there is nothing that you can say that hapend to you that someone on here hasnt experienced at one point. It may feel like the worst thing right now but its not. Death is not a solution, its just avoiding your problems.

This is why I think pot should be legal, you need to go smoke a bowl and chill out for a little while. Man if life was easy it wouldnt be worth living.


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So, what hapened, did your girl friend dump you, did you fail a class. Did you catch someone sleeping with your lover. I bet there is nothing that you can say that hapend to you that someone on here hasnt experienced at one point. It may feel like the worst thing right now but its not. Death is not a solution, its just avoiding your problems.

I must admit I'm curious as well

This is why I think pot should be legal, you need to go smoke a bowl and chill out for a little while. Man if life was easy it wouldnt be worth living.

Couldn't have said it better myself.


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There's always going to be someone else with worse problems than I have. But I'm not them, it doesn't make me want to live my life more.


V.I.P User
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I seriously dont even feel like I can give you the answer to that. Your not going to listen to me right now because your mind cant even be in the same state I am in. You need to call a hotline... go to the hospital. I cant feel good about myself if I said something to your question that you didnt like. Nobody (that I am aware of) on this forum is a professional... and that is what you need right now. Friends... there are plenty on here that will do that for you. I can be your friend, I can talk to you about your day, weather, whatever... but I cant sit here and act like I know the right things to say to someone that is going thru this right now... please please PLEASE pick up the phone right now, get in your car, or walk to the hospital. NOW


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So, what hapened, did your girl friend dump you, did you fail a class. Did you catch someone sleeping with your lover. I bet there is nothing that you can say that hapend to you that someone on here hasnt experienced at one point. It may feel like the worst thing right now but its not. Death is not a solution, its just avoiding your problems.

This is why I think pot should be legal, you need to go smoke a bowl and chill out for a little while. Man if life was easy it wouldnt be worth living.

My woman cheated on me and my job sucks. I'm sleeping with other women now, but relationships just aren't the same.

With my life aside, is there anyone else that thinks people should have the right to kill themselves?


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people do have the right to kill themselfs, its called free will. The fact that you can dosnt mean you should.

I have had my girlfriend cheat on me before and I have had countless shitty jobs and shit that isnt the worst that has hapened to me.


Well-Known Member
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ok ok..

Yes People have the Right to Kill themselves, And its true For many people, Its simply just living day to day, And there really is not much to keep them here, A mundane existance.

Something Bad does not have to be in your life to feel like its pointless, And often it is easy to think and feel that why not be dead, because being alive aint Shit.

And why it is true that I can agree with this sense of thinking and understand that feeling. to lie in bed everynight and say.. Why the hell Shouldnt I.

Then there is also this.. Tomorrow may never be better then today, But If you dont see tomorrow then you will never know, And if everyday proves to be the same as before, There is still tomorrow to see.
It may not be what we see and need and hope, but it may be the person we unknowinly touch in our paths, The smile that was needed that we offered without thought. It may be the person who took a 2nd glance, because you reminded them of something, at it was a thought they needed to have. It may be anything, and mostly its everything we will never know.

How does that make it better, *shrug* I dont know that it does, Its not meant to be better, It is just reason, We all exist for reasons beyond our understanding.. No matter why we exist. And though we could so easily just say, yep.. there is no more point and end everything today, That in itself would be pointless. Life is a challenge, that challenge is not how you live, but simply to live. To get through everyday and say.. fuck it, At least Im still here to see tomorrow.

Agree or not, Its simply my opinion, Its simply what takes me from one day into the next, Hopes and wants and expectations are always going to kick me in the ass, but at least Im here to see what tomorrow will bring, Even if I fail to see the reason for it, maybe tomorrow will show me.


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If you have the will power to not kill yourself .. then why do you want to kill yourself?

Just because you are irritated with life, why end it?

People change their lives everyday. Sometimes it takes effort. It's usually worth it.

Why would you want to put your family through that? Why would you want to do that to your family, because some stupid person did you wrong? Do you not love your family? I'm sure they love you. I'm sure they'd never understand why you would do such a thing over a girl cheating on you or you having a sucky job. They would think it was something else and it would drive them nuts. Do you want that?

Why would you want to leave your parents wondering the rest of their lives if there was something they didn't see or say to stop you? It would probably ruin their lives, it usually does that to families.

If you have will power .. do you have no empathy? We are not alone in this world. We didn't come about because of ourselves .. so yes, we do owe things to others. Our parents especially.

Life sucks sometimes. If everyone who had a sucky time during theri life killed themselves .. the world would just about be empty. Then those people might be depressed because they were lonely .. and kill themselves .. then there would be no people.

What would that solve? Nothing.

Go talk to someone .. people go to school for years to learn to help people talk through this sort of thing. Usually people who feel the way you do .. just need someone to really listen to them.

Good Luck.


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ok ok..

Yes People have the Right to Kill themselves, And its true For many people, Its simply just living day to day, And there really is not much to keep them here, A mundane existance.

Something Bad does not have to be in your life to feel like its pointless, And often it is easy to think and feel that why not be dead, because being alive aint Shit.

And why it is true that I can agree with this sense of thinking and understand that feeling. to lie in bed everynight and say.. Why the hell Shouldnt I.

Then there is also this.. Tomorrow may never be better then today, But If you dont see tomorrow then you will never know, And if everyday proves to be the same as before, There is still tomorrow to see.
It may not be what we see and need and hope, but it may be the person we unknowinly touch in our paths, The smile that was needed that we offered without thought. It may be the person who took a 2nd glance, because you reminded them of something, at it was a thought they needed to have. It may be anything, and mostly its everything we will never know.

How does that make it better, *shrug* I dont know that it does, Its not meant to be better, It is just reason, We all exist for reasons beyond our understanding.. No matter why we exist. And though we could so easily just say, yep.. there is no more point and end everything today, That in itself would be pointless. Life is a challenge, that challenge is not how you live, but simply to live. To get through everyday and say.. fuck it, At least Im still here to see tomorrow.

Agree or not, Its simply my opinion, Its simply what takes me from one day into the next, Hopes and wants and expectations are always going to kick me in the ass, but at least Im here to see what tomorrow will bring, Even if I fail to see the reason for it, maybe tomorrow will show me.

this is very good. you do not know what is in store tomorrow. your presense on the street may be needed by someone who is about to be hit by a car, and without you, there may not be anyone there to help. True love, someone that would do you no wrong could be right around the corner. give no more worry to someone that treats you wrong in such ways for three big reasons....

(1) If you've been cheated on, then it is not the love you thought, so to grieve over the love would be almost pointless, being that it was not that kind of love in the first place.

(2) What love we give to others is out of our possesion, and in the reciepiants. It is not up to us to judge what is done with that love, because it was the act of giving that love which takes the biggest reward. the act of giving love is the most beautiful, if it is not recieved well, then fear not, for love still lives within u

(3) This one is my favorite, but most difficult to bear. We live not perfectly, in or out of a relationship. I have to lay square blame on myself, "perhaps this is warrented, perhaps I do deserve this". It can be so easy to overlook our own "minor" mistakes when angered by the other person. But this is no way to overcome things, first you have to find out what you can do to be better for the next person, and do it. Unless a person can have a lustless eye, an honest heart, and complete devotion at all times within a relationship, then they should understand that the ship is not built as strong as it could be, thus creating a risk of sinking.

The last one is my favorite, but it is a double edged sword. You can feel bad about yourself and want to end it because you feel that nasty. Or you can see what could have been done better, when you couldnt see it before. I prefer the latter, take the knowledge, and make a better world for yourself

Synon Zelra

New Member
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Ok I think
yes, you've got the right to live or die
it all depends on yourself
But , in me here
we don't recommand to do this
it is because you can do this , absolutely
but you should think about more than yourself
if you choose to die
what will your relatives and friends think ?
I wonder whether you've thought about this ?


Well-Known Member
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I don't think people have the right to kill themselves.

We didn't decide to be born .. I don't think it is up to us to die. It is up to the creator of life .. whatever you believe that to be. Life comes from somewhere ... so does death. And it is not from the hand of man.
