Think about it like this. If you where to kill yourself tomorow you would never get to eat your favorite food again, you would never get to watch your favorite tv show again, You will never get that great feeling that comes over you when you have acomplished something dificult. Shure life can be a bitch at times but if it was never tough we would never know when we had it good. The more you suffer the more you apreciate the good times. If a girl you thought you loved hurt you it makes it that mutch beter when you find that special someone. If you failed a class it makes it that mutch better when you pass a class. Life would be boring without failure. If we never failed we could never apreciate our acomplishments. comiting suicide is just robing yourself and all the people who care about you all of the good times to come. Trust me, its not the end. I whent through 4 years of verry serious depression, 2 of witch I had to be heavily medicated because I was scared to death to sleep even. I thought I had it bad, and trust me the thing that got me down so mutch still bothers me but life is beter. I said fuck it, I will do it on my own and whent on with it. Seriously man I thought about suicide a time or two but I gave it up quickly because pain is only temporary. It hurts now but in the end it is what makes us who we are. Do you think Thomas Edison had days, weeks, months or years that nothing whent right...yes he did.
in short yes life can be tough but when you pull out of those tough times its just that mutch better.
in short yes life can be tough but when you pull out of those tough times its just that mutch better.