Social Economical problems that stem from gangs

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Let me spell this out again...HERE is your post.
People who are in poverty CAN get themselves out... but most just choose the lazy way about doing it. I moved from a bad section in NJ about a year ago. I was affraid to walk my kids to the bus stop. A neighbor down the street was shot and killed. My neighbors acrossed the street from me were in gangs and sold drugs. I woke up at 2 AM to a flash grenade and a drug bust. I got jumped by the girl in the gang. I had to go to court because of it, but I dropped the charges because I was too affraid of what will happen if I went through with it. My husband worked 12 hours a day, traveling an hour and a half to and from work every day. WE got out... we just bought a brand new $200,000 house in a beautiful neighborhood. It wasnt easy...noone said it was going to. Im so sick and tired of hearing all the BS excuses about how they dont have the opportunities that we have. Get over it, and try another excuse. Stop dropping out of school, get REAL job, even if its at Mcdonalds or whatever it is. But get off your ass and do something about it and stop making excuses for it.

Here is my response to that post:
Ugh, really now. Some of you have posted about the troubles you were having and what not. Imagine having those emotional barriers 1,000 fold? Just because YOU have done what you've done in life, doesn't mean that other emotional distraught and blinded people can. The lack of compassion from some of you is disgusting.

I am not about babying someone, BUT again, some people just need another kind person to help them out. What if they never meet anyone like that? I certainly never did during my troubled childhood! Not one person! Everyone was out for themselves, or were just too chickenshit to speak up about anything. I also never knew of any resources to report the problems with my step dad to. Instead, someone, somehow found out about some things within my household, (maybe from all the screaming and yelling and police), and it soon got around school...I was ridiculed, even by TEACHERS. They'd make nasty, snide comments about MY HOME LIFE! And I didn't live in the ghetto. I can only imagine the shit kids deal with from peers and elders.

Again, NOT everyone knows/thinks about another life. They see their entire family amount to nothing, why should they? HOW could they?

Now, let's go over this AGAIN about I responded this way.


Which, to me was a generalization, to include ALL people living in poverty, NOT just gang members. You came in with this:

Im not going to sit here and tell you what I went through in my childhood. It wouldnt make a bit of difference to you. You are so shut on this that it is insane to try and communicate with you anymore about this. Dont sit here and try and compare my childhood or my adult life to those people that are still there in the mess that they are in.

Pretty much how I felt about your compassion about NON gang members...

sooo, then I came in and tried to explain why some of these people don't have the capacity to fulfill even simple life's tasks...

BLIND!? Apparentely some of you need to LEARN a lot more about this subject before you sit there and you use your perfect selves as examples, every single time someone mentions that "not everyone is emotional capable to thinking/knowing/seeing otherwise!"

Do you not have a CLUE as to how many debillatating PTSDs there are out there?? They are REAL, and they leave people handicapped and sick. Unable to see anything other than pain and distress, because your mind changes. You don't think about life, you just LIVE through it, any way you can, because that's all you know. SOME people live like this! Open your eyes to the people whose lives are heartbreaking, NOT the people who are fucking gang bangers. Have some compassion for OTHER people and stop thinking of yourselves and how perfect you are, and how much of an example you are to these people.

And you came back with this:

I think you are aware that we are not speaking of the handicapped people. Nope, as mentioned before, we are talking about the Cadillac, 22 inch riding around gang bangers. Dont sit here and say that I am perfect, I am not trying to say I am perfect. You dont know shit about my life except for the paragraph I typed out of my 29 years of life. Read the title of the thread next time. Gang bangers is the whole topic...NOT handicapped people. I cant remember the last time I saw a handicapped person riding around gang banging. Give me a fucking break.

ding, ding, ding!!!

Nope, DIDN'T know that your statement, "people living in poverty" meant to only include gang bangers!! (Deja vu? I think I explained this before....)

Ahh yes, I did...

Ok, cleared up. Let's keep that thought when going forward. I really read into all of this as you guys generalizing ALL of the ghetto, which is pretty damned shitty. No need to be so friggin defensive, I MADE this thread, I knwo what the stinking title says, and since when does a topic NOT get shifted around to include other relating subjects?

And handicapped, do you understand what I meant when I used that term? I thought I made it clear...but I meant severely emotionally handicapped.

There, explained! Cleared up. But, no, 2 hours later, you have to come back and tell me how you aren't budging on your views?

W.T.F. are you talking about, if we have revealed that we have the SAME VIEWS about gang bangers?

LMAO@ME being on something...??
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You were the one to bring up people with PTSD, when the title clearly says Economical Problems(poverty) that stems from Gangs.... no where did we mention anything about people with Emotional Issues, you did.... and as far as the people with these issues, it still gives them no right to commit crimes.

HOLY FUCKING SHIT. DID people NOT read what the fuck I said 893 times already?????????

Let's say it again: "PEOPLE LIVING IN POVERTY" to me, was a generalized statement, and I responded with my views on such! When it was explained, that it's only gang members, I responded with my understanding of it! GO BACK AND READ.


V.I.P User
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Let me spell this out again...HERE is your post.

Here is my response to that post:

Now, let's go over this AGAIN about I responded this way.


Which, to me was a generalization, to include ALL people living in poverty, NOT just gang members. You came in with this:

Pretty much how I felt about your compassion about NON gang members...

sooo, then I came in and tried to explain why some of these people don't have the capacity to fulfill even simple life's tasks...

And you came back with this:

ding, ding, ding!!!

Nope, DIDN'T know that your statement, "people living in poverty" meant to only include gang bangers!! (Deja vu? I think I explained this before....)

Ahh yes, I did...

There, explained! Cleared up. But, no, 2 hours later, you have to come back and tell me how you aren't budging on your views?

W.T.F. are you talking about, if we have revealed that we have the SAME VIEWS about gang bangers?

LMAO@ME being on something...??
Well I am so happy that after all the whole day of you sitting here and debating your "400" something posts, you can laugh about something. I have done my deed for the day. I hope you come off of the rag soon hon. ;)


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Well I am so happy that after all the whole day of you sitting here and debating your "400" something posts, you can laugh about something. I have done my deed for the day. I hope you come off of the rag soon hon. ;)

Says the hound with the tail between her legs. I was wrong about your statement, I admitted it, and yet, you're still a cunt and can't admit your part.

Yep, I said, cunt.

I was warned of this of you and your husband, shoulda kept my mouth shut. ;)

Johnny C

V.I.P User
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No need to be so friggin defensive, I MADE this thread, I knwo what the stinking title says,

If you knew what the title was, then why "generalize" about our terms when we say people in poverty? It clearly states FROM gangs... that's what we're talking about.


V.I.P User
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Says the hound with the tail between her legs. I was wrong about your statement, I admitted it, and yet, you're still a cunt and can't admit your part.

Yep, I said, cunt.

I was warned of this of you and your husband, shoulda kept my mouth shut. ;)
Yep you should have... maybe you will learn your lesson now. You really should learn how to control your anger. You seem like you have real issues. I think I can see why now. ;) I was also warned about you hun... and its no secret about that. :cool


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If you knew what the title was, then why "generalize" about our terms when we say people in poverty? It clearly states FROM gangs... that's what we're talking about. people are really brainless, like I was told. Holy crap...After all that explaining. You apparentely didn't read SHIT. It's right there, explained it FULL. I also mentioned how topics to go off to include other related areas.

I said that, too. But...guess you didn't read that, either.

Johnny C

V.I.P User
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Says the hound with the tail between her legs. I was wrong about your statement, I admitted it, and yet, you're still a cunt and can't admit your part.

Yep, I said, cunt.

I was warned of this of you and your husband, shoulda kept my mouth shut. ;)

God forbid if we agree on something.... it's not like I come in here EVERY time she debates on something, only when people are truly ignorant and have no clue about what they're talking about do I come in and help shed the light.


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Yep you should have... maybe you will learn your lesson now. You really should learn how to control your anger. You seem like you have real issues. I think I can see why now. ;) I was also warned about you hun... and its no secret about that. :cool

LMFAO. I believe I listed that it was you came back with such defensive language first.


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God forbid if we agree on something.... it's not like I come in here EVERY time she debates on something, only when people are truly ignorant and have no clue about what they're talking about do I come in and help shed the light.

Look, when I'm made out to be some sort of idiot, "going around in circles" when it's simply you two who cannot/will not read what I said about WHY...then yes, there is no agreeing. Can't agree with people who can't fucking take the time to read a debate thread thoroughly!


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Can you point out to me where I resorted to calling you names?

OMG. Yep, I called you name, you brainless twit. I took the time to help you understasnd that it was a missunderstanding, went through the posts to explain it, POSTED them...and it was all clear as day that it was a missunderstanding.

Your shitty response? "get off your rag."

Fuck yourself.

Johnny C

V.I.P User
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Look, when I'm made out to be some sort of idiot, "going around in circle" when it's simply you two who cannot/will not read what I said about WHY...then yes, there is no agreeing. Can't agree on people who can't fucking take the time to read a debate thread thoroughly!

Can you point me to where we disagreed about people with PTSD having issues with this sort of stuff? Yes, you stated you generalized, out of ignorance to the topic title, but nonetheless, still admitted.... congratulations. People in poverty, who DON'T have PTSD still are in the wrong.... they should still get up off their asses and do something about it themselves instead of feeling sorry for themselves and whining about it.


V.I.P User
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OMG. Yep, I called you name, you brainless twit. I took the time to help you understasnd that it was a missunderstanding, went through the posts to explain it, POSTED them...and it was all clear as day that it was a missunderstanding.

Your shitty response? "get off your rag."

Fuck yourself.
I'll let the admin take care of this one. Thanks. ;)


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I'll let the admin take care of this one. Thanks. ;)

lol, get off your infinite rag. :smiley24::smiley24::smiley24: You antagonized it.

God forbid someone in real life disagrees with you/missunderstands you and they apologize, explain themselves...what do you do with them, beat their asses? Wack.
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