He married a prostitute
Cursed god at his death
Smashed tables in a market
There's a lot more.
Doesn't sound so sinless to me.
When you are making a claim show evidence to back your argument.
He married a prostitute
Cursed god at his death
Smashed tables in a market
There's a lot more.
Doesn't sound so sinless to me.
What you mean is he is made into what ever fits the bill at the time.Jesus had two natures. He was both divine and human. Could you quote the scriptures to back your argument, Failed?
When you are making a claim show evidence to back your argument.
Which book...
there are over 50 different versions of the Bible in English alone
How the heck can you make ANY claims of knowledge about a guy who died over 2000 years ago? Things get distorted over time even when there was written documentation done at the time of an event. Let alone with this stuff.
He lived a sinless life.
Impossible. Everybody sins. It's just that not all of us are idiots that believe we have to wash them away. Atheists sin and they don't care that they sinned. Such as me...
How the heck can you make ANY claims of knowledge about a guy who died over 2000 years ago? Things get distorted over time even when there was written documentation done at the time of an event. Let alone with this stuff.
The bible has been preserved for centuries, and this i can provided scientific evidence for.Copies of the Bible dating to the 14th century A.D. are nearly identical in content to copies from the 3rd century A.D. Scholars have concluded the similarity of the bible to other ancient copies of the Old Testament.
There is absolutely no evidence that the Bible has been revised, edited, or tampered with in any systematic manner. The sheer volume of Biblical manuscripts makes it simple to recognize any attempts to distort God’s Word. There is no major doctrine of the Bible that is put in doubt as a result of the minor differences that exist between manuscripts.
The bible has been preserved for centuries, and this i can provided scientific evidence for.Copies of the Bible dating to the 14th century A.D. are nearly identical in content to copies from the 3rd century A.D. Scholars have concluded the similarity of the bible to other ancient copies of the Old Testament.
There is absolutely no evidence that the Bible has been revised, edited, or tampered with in any systematic manner. The sheer volume of Biblical manuscripts makes it simple to recognize any attempts to distort God’s Word. There is no major doctrine of the Bible that is put in doubt as a result of the minor differences that exist between manuscripts.
All except Jesus. I have seen where someone quoted a scripture from the bible saying that"all have sinned and fall short of the glory of god." But Jesus was born of a women by the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit thus Jesus did not inherit original sin like all mankind does...why? because His origin is from the Father God....not two humans ....so Jesus was SINLESS....but He was manifested in the flesh of a man and was tempted every part like we are but He never willfully sinned...because of this fact Jesus could offer Himself as a spotless lamb to pay for the sinfulness of sin and thus open the way for a cleansing of our conscience
When Jesus was before the High Priest, He asked if anyone was there who could bring even one fault against Him and there was none because He was perfect. Not only was Christ physically a man, but He was also God and God can not sin. 1 John 1:5 tells us that "God is light and in Him is no darkness". Could a light give off darkness? Can God sin? yes, Christ was sinless.
I don't have to quote scripture, is commonly accepted that Jesus was a human being with supposed "divine" powers. That does not take away from his human element, which is inherently flawed.Jesus had two natures. He was both divine and human. Could you quote the scriptures to back your argument, Failed?
Um are you aware of the Council of Nicene? lol you don't even know your biblical history.And how do we know that the bible was edited, fabricated or distorted? Because something in the bible doesn't make sense?
Oh really.....
You don't believe the theory that the Catholic church has held captive technically all the scrolls that they didn't destroy that might or might not dis-prove what was in the book they used to form a religion that is the foundation for all Christian religions:eek
You ever heard the phrase "History is written by the victor"
If you hold firmly to your beliefs, then you have to know about the Crusades....If you understand the hisroty behind the Crusades, then you have to know that the Catholic church, on the dawn of its creation, hunted and murdered groups of pilgrims, and embattled soldiers that possessed scrolls claimed to be the holy word.
So you say that it's not possible that there has been no distortion....
I don't have to quote scripture, is commonly accepted that Jesus was a human being with supposed "divine" powers. That does not take away from his human element, which is inherently flawed.
If Jesus was god, then he became imperfect while his son (also himself) Jesus was part human. God literally NEEDED things like food and water to survive. An all powerful god NEEDING and WANTING things? hmmm....
Um are you aware of the Council of Nicene? lol you don't even know your biblical history.
Hey, i have only been a christian over a year now. I can not gather so much information in so little time. But believe this, i will read up on everything that you throw at me that if in the future i have this conversation i will be able to stand my ground.
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