Smoking Bans??

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As for smoking around children...this makes my blood boil so badly. If i ever saw someone smoking in a car with children id "give da wedz evils"..those kids dont get a choice.
I have always gone outside to smoke,...its my habit...not everyone elses.

Smoking in cars with children under 16 is going to be banned over here soon. Many smokers are kicking up a stink, claiming 'they are my kids, I will do what I like' but when you are in your car, smoking, with the windows wound up and the interior full of smoke, that, to me, is child abuse. Those poor children - especially the babies.

the irony is is that when smoking was banned in britain it was decided that it would still be allowed in the bars in the houses of parliament.....2 different and them.....big brother

Smoking is still allowed in the major casinos, as well. Seems one is unable to play the pokies without a fag in one hand and change in the other...
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OTz Original
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Do you think it should be allowed to be up to drivers to decide whether to run red lights and speed?

Same sort of thinking here... smoking harms other people (and can even kill people from second-hand smoke), so it should not be allowed in any public place. You could say, "Well, people CHOOSE to go into a bar, etc." In the same way, people CHOOSE to drive on the road. But that doesn't make it ok for people to do whatever they want on the road and make it unsafe, just the same as people aren't allowed to do whatever they want in any other public place to make it unsasfe.

So does Exhaust fumes.

so whats next? No more Parking Garages?? No more Starting/Idling your car in not so open area?
Once you're at a red light you must turn off your car??

According to you we dont have to use a car. So if that person doesnt like the smell of a Mustang with an Off road exhaust, a Diesel truck, a real shitty car that reeks like exhaust and and gas.

that person can CHOOSE to walk or CHOOSE to take public transportation for the rest of their life.

but they CHOOSE to drive. just like they CHOOSE to go into a bar,pub or Club that has smoking. and then they complain.

but if you do CHOOSE to walk your still gonna get those fumes from a car/truck in your face too. and also if you walk down the street and you go to walk in a now non smoking bar/pub or what ever you will be walking into the smoke of the Smokers that are now forced to smoke out side.

You'll never get away from the Car/truck fumes just like you'll never get away from the Smoke.


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Exhaust fumes can harm a persons health, yes, but can we compare the chemicals in car fumes to the cancer causing chemicals in cigarettes? Which is more harmful to ones health? Do car fumes have the potential to cause cancer? Do they have the potential to cause the same illness's as one is exposed to via cigarette smoke?

I don't have the answers, but I'll try to find out - Haus, you should have a look, too. Two hands make light work, after all.:)


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I have something: Chemicals Produced By Cars

The above website details the chemicals found in exhaust fumes, and the effects they may have when exposed to them. Note that the effects mentioned are almost all long term - meaning prolonged exposure, same with smoking.
The site also details a man who worked in a automotive shop and regulary exposed to fumes. He became ill.

A person walking down the street will not be affected by car fumes nor smoke, unless they are an asthmatic. However, prolonged exposure, such as working with cars, or in a smoke filled bar, will likely have an affect.

The people dining out likely suffer short term reactions - sore throat, gritty eyes, coughing, possible trouble breathing, the same as someone exposed to car fumes on a short term basis.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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I have something: Chemicals Produced By Cars

The above website details the chemicals found in exhaust fumes, and the effects they may have when exposed to them. Note that the effects mentioned are almost all long term - meaning prolonged exposure, same with smoking.
The site also details a man who worked in a automotive shop and regulary exposed to fumes. He became ill.

A person walking down the street will not be affected by car fumes nor smoke, unless they are an asthmatic. However, prolonged exposure, such as working with cars, or in a smoke filled bar, will likely have an affect.

The people dining out likely suffer short term reactions - sore throat, gritty eyes, coughing, possible trouble breathing, the same as someone exposed to car fumes on a short term basis.
The key is prolonged exposure.

The would effect only workers in a bar

They can work elsewhere if they don't want to take the risk

Where are the masses of bartenders and waitresses lined up in cancer wards???

2nd hand smoke concern is bull shit if a place is reasonably vented. it fits right up there with global warming


New Member
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They have recently announce third-hand smoke. This "smoke" consists of the residue left behind on your clothes, wall, ceiling(if you smoke in your house) etc. They are urging smokers to smoke out side to smoke and to change your shirt when you come back inside.
This is getting ridiculous.


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It is absolutely vital that you smoke indoors? I mean, is it 100% necessary that you have a smoke and a cup of coffee?

Jesus christ... um, no. The world continues to turn when I have to smoke outside. I'm just looking for a little balance here.

Folks have the right to breate air that's not smoke filled. I get that. But let's turn the tables...

Let's say folks can smoke in bars where I live. And someone complains, "hey, I don't want to breathe this stuff in here." Oh, that's fine, we'll serve you outside. The air is nice and fresh out there. Never mind what the weather is doing... Same same.

Everyone enjoys different things. Some things are potentially harmful, and other things not so much. Some people, doing what they enjoy, aren't forced to sit outside in inclement weather and others are.

Like I said, I just want a little balance. I want you to have your smoke free place and I want to have my smoking place too. What's wrong with that?


OTz Original
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Exhaust fumes can harm a persons health, yes, but can we compare the chemicals in car fumes to the cancer causing chemicals in cigarettes? Which is more harmful to ones health? Do car fumes have the potential to cause cancer? Do they have the potential to cause the same illness's as one is exposed to via cigarette smoke?

I don't have the answers, but I'll try to find out - Haus, you should have a look, too. Two hands make light work, after all.:)

this is prob. stupid to compare this but im stupid so i feel i can lol

yes we all know the health factors with smoking and 2nd hand smoke. we all know the health factors with car fumes. they are both bad.

a prolonged exposure to Cig smoke is bad in the long term but a Prolonged exposure to Exhaust fumes is worse in a shorter amount of time IMO. Exhaust fumes are so much stronger then Cig smoke.

I dont hear to often people having as really bad life where they feel its over and sit in their car with a bunch of cig smoke and just breath it in for a prolong amount of time and wait to die.

but what i do hear is people breathing in Exhaust fumes to end there life.

i know it's comparing apples to oranges but what im saying is that Exhaust fumes in a prolonged amount of time is Worse IMO.


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this is prob. stupid to compare this but im stupid so i feel i can lol

yes we all know the health factors with smoking and 2nd hand smoke. we all know the health factors with car fumes. they are both bad.

a prolonged exposure to Cig smoke is bad in the long term but a Prolonged exposure to Exhaust fumes is worse in a shorter amount of time IMO. Exhaust fumes are so much stronger then Cig smoke.

I dont hear to often people having as really bad life where they feel its over and sit in their car with a bunch of cig smoke and just breath it in for a prolong amount of time and wait to die.

but what i do hear is people breathing in Exhaust fumes to end there life.

i know it's comparing apples to oranges but what im saying is that Exhaust fumes in a prolonged amount of time is Worse IMO.
We're not talking about the most efficient way to commit suicide. And the argument that exhaust fumes are more powerful than cigarette fumes in an enclosed space may be valid, but then again, we don't use many cars inside a bar, do we? :)

I still do not see a problem with banning smoking in all public areas. No one is going to develop health problems due to walking down a busy road, (not to mention that the only way to control auto emissions further than they already have is to have people stop driving), but people can develop health problms from second-hand smoke. That is why it shouldn't be allowed in a public place. You are imposing health risks onto other people who do not necessarily want to take those risks.

Yes, people can CHOOSE to go to these places or not, but I still argue that we should not allow a public place to be more unsafe than it has to be. To me, it's the same as say, letting health regulations for food preparation lax, thus exposing people to possibly life-threatening cases of sickness through bacteria or something. We don't allow that, even though people could still CHOOSE where to go, so why should we allow something else that is a health risk?


Well-Known Member
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They have recently announce third-hand smoke. This "smoke" consists of the residue left behind on your clothes, wall, ceiling(if you smoke in your house) etc. They are urging smokers to smoke out side to smoke and to change your shirt when you come back inside.
This is getting ridiculous.
Damn! Just when I was ready to patent my new drink: " NicoTitty"
  • Find the heaviest smoker in the house.
  • Dip his shirt tail into a shot of your favorite liquor
  • Suck the fabric dry
Fuck! Back to the drawing board. :(


Active Member
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They have recently announce third-hand smoke. This "smoke" consists of the residue left behind on your clothes, wall, ceiling(if you smoke in your house) etc. They are urging smokers to smoke out side to smoke and to change your shirt when you come back inside.
This is getting ridiculous.

I believe this is ridiculous, too. People should smoke outside their homes, to prevent the smoke smell settling in and staining the walls and ceiling. The smell is almost impossible to get rid of, and if you are thinking of selling your property, no one will buy it if comes smelling like an ashtray. At the same time, it's your home, and you can smoke inside if you please.


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Like I said, I just want a little balance. I want you to have your smoke free place and I want to have my smoking place too. What's wrong with that?

You can have that. Many bars and pubs have enclosed outdoor areas in which smoking is allowed. It's outside but not outside, if you get my meaning. Smokers can still smoke, the only thing that has changed is the actual location of where they are permitted to smoke.


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but what i do hear is people breathing in Exhaust fumes to end there life.

Technically, people who smoke cigarettes are ending their lives, also, albeit a lot slower. The reson people can kill themselves with exhaust fumes is because of the high levels of carbon monoxide, which is also present in cigarettes, but on a much lower level.

Peter Parka

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Do you think it should be up to the Business and the owners if there should be smoking allowed or not in their place of business and not up to the local/state government.

in Pa if you own a bar and if you sell more booze then food it's up to you i believe cause i still see smoking in Bars.

so what are your takes on this. You're either a smoker or non smoker.

as a smoker do you care if your state has a ban on smoking in public places and if your a non smoker do you really care or are you happy that this ban is in effect??

Smoke doesnt bother me at all. in fact i like the smell of it. but i can see peoples point of views if they dont like to breathe in the smoke cause they just dont like it or theyre asthmatic or other breahting problems.

I was actually kind of in favour of the smoking ban before it came in and I'm a smoker. In reality though it's a pile of shit and is impractical though the Police will probably disagree, sure the've managed to get some quick confessions because the person, innocent or guilty, is so desperate to get the fuck out of the Police station so they can have a smoke. Small thing I know, but one of many. Take people in mental hospitals too. For many of them, having a smoke calms them down. Those who are smokers end up getting in a worse state because of having this which they rely on taken away.
I think smokers need to be considerate of others but acting like big brother about it isn't the answer.
The no smoking in bars thing has backfired too. Once they used to smell of smoke, now many smell of stale beer and whatever smells are coming from the loos. Know what I'd rather have! Lets face it, 90% of people who go in pubs smoke. It's also not like anyone HAS to go in a pub if they dont want to so I dont see why they should force this on others.