He is a racist and about to encounter the wrath from society's reaction to it.
As far as my conduct and thoughts go, I have only displayed actual facts about the abuses of women and children in your culture. It is appalling the way your culture treats women and children.
Racism is an attack upon peoples of different ethnicity because of their 'racial' identities.
It's not your genome that I criticize, it's the abuses you commit that are strongly tied to what you consider an acceptable culture.
Where you instill racism with comments of my society being inferior as mulattoes, I criticize your culture for the monstrous acts it finds acceptable.
Telling you that your Pakistani culture lives in a terrorist shit hole isn't racism, it's what you do.
Go ahead, deny it.
But your comment on my country was a racist attack with the direct intent to demean the ethnicity of my culture, it's what you do. You are a racist. In that brief mulatto comment, you exposed yourself as a true believer and supporter of a monolithic racial society.
Just as Sterling is a racist, so are you.